
I betrayed my body

ZenaJones · 现代言情
3 Chs

The Encounter

" I like You!" I spluttered while staring at the man who stood in front of me.

'He is a fine work of human art,' I thought to myself as I took in the majestic stature of the hunk of human flesh who had me on choke-hold.

I wasn't surprise by the frigidness he exuded when he turned to face me holding my gaze. His dark chocolate eyes burned with so much flame and I just wanted to get burned up in them.

"Was that for me miss?" He queried. All my senses were suddenly alerted. Jolting me back from my world of reverie. My senses beaconed me to walk away… but to where? This is something I had been searching for; for so long and I couldn't find it.

He composedly accessed the beautiful looking belle in front of him. She exuded confidence and authority without any effort. She was beautiful in all ramifications, she looked liked something that was carved out of the movies or a model magazine. He wasn't surprised because only a woman of that magnitude would have taken him off guard the way she had.

He was used to women drooling over him in whatever gathering he stepped into; however none had the courage to walk up to him…in as much as he was the most sought after bachelor in the city. after all, He had his life together, and was the CEO of the largest leading oil and gas firm in the city; Which made him arrogant and proud. That explains why he was taken aback when this strange but beautiful creature had outrightly shot at him without agitation.

She seemed to know what she wanted and went for it. She held his gaze and looked him right in the eyes; her stares pierced right through him and he could swear that she could see deep into his soul; she had planted a seed in him, he had no idea whatever this was. However he loved the feeling of whatever fruit this was about to yield.

"Hello again"! He fired back.this time with his gaze more relaxed this time extending a hand at the figure who stood across from him. You could see the sides of his lips break into a light smile.


"Well hi there!" I retorted taking his outstretched arm in a shake and putting on the best smile I had.

"Sorry if that sort of took you by surprise; I promise I don't know where that came from myself." I said still holding his hands in mine. The feel of his palms in mine sent shivers down my spine. And I knew there was no going back from this. This is it! this is what I want; and I was ready to damn the consequences and go for it. For the longest time I had been held back by culture From an early age, I had felt disconnected from my physical form, trapped within a fragile shell. I yearned to break free from the confines of societal expectations, to escape the suffocating norms that chained me down. Yet, my body, ever faithful to its purpose, demanded conformity, pushing me further into a spiral of self-doubt and confusion. As years passed, I sought solace in darkness, where promises of freedom bekconed desperate to find my true self even if meant betraying the only body I have ever known.

My name is Emma Thompson and this is my story…