
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · 漫画同人
33 Chs

Chapter 10-Grimoire(I need to correct)

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.


*Time skip 3 years*

(Satoru's current age 15 years old)

Currently we are in the village, it is a small village but it is very united, all the people know each other, they help each other and are happy, we see several children running from one side to another, some young people talking to each other, several adults doing their work, whether it is agriculture, blacksmith, merchant or carpenter, everyone is happy with their life, but then we see a young man on a roof looking at the sky, he has white hair like snow, he has dark gashes on his face, he is wearing a black shirt, dark pants and boots, this young man is lying on the roof while biting an apple and looking at the sky, this young man is our dear Satoru.

Currently the whole village knows him, a cheerful young man, funny, somewhat proud, good sense of humor, someone handsome, but above all someone strong, the whole village knows that Satoru is too strong, because one day came a stampede of monsters, the whole village was scared because these monsters can destroy the village but can also kill people, children ran to their parents, young people froze with fear and adults tried to cope with the monsters even if they were afraid.

The monsters came to the village and started to destroy, little by little they started to reach the people, all the people were afraid and they knew that very few were going to survive, so they all waited in silence for their death, but they heard something that surprised them and gave them hope again.

[Cursed Ritual:Red Reverse].

All the people heard these words and then saw a red flash, after the light disappeared they could see a lot of monsters dead and away from the village, then they saw a figure that had a black blindfold in his eyes, while he had a white shirt and gray pants, besides his white hair, this person was Satoru and he was the one who drove the monsters away from the people, all the people were happy and hopeful, but afraid that Satoru would be hurt.

Satoru began to walk towards the monsters, all the fear were afraid, but soon they saw that nothing happened, each monster that launched its attack towards Satoru stopped inches away from his body or returned to the monster, Satoru walked quite calmly and the monsters gradually began to feel fear, Satoru stopped for a moment and then raised his hand and say

[Magic creation: blue amplifier]

And a sphere of blue color manifested and began to attract each monster that was in the town or near the town, after each monster was attracted by auzl, Satoru took the position of a baisball player and threw the blue sphere far enough along with the monsters and after a moment the technique disappeared and the monsters fell to a fairly high altitude and died, after this event all the people had respect for Satoru, although sometimes he did some mischief, but they always left him alone.


[Satoru pov]

Satoru: "Mmhh it's been 15 years since I came to this world, the truth is that time goes fast, I even remember that 3 years ago I almost died because I was testing my strength against a demon, well I also faced him with a body of a 12 year old boy" he says while taking a bite of his apple.

Satoru: "And I'm 15 years old and in a few more months I will receive my grimoire, I'm kind of excited but at the same time nervous, this world is full of mana but also full of cursed energy, all people use mana so no one lends to cursed nergy, and I'm one of those people, before I mainly focused on mana and I didn't see cursed energy" he says while sighing and biting his apple

Satoru: "The fight against that demon helped me a lot, it showed me what cursed energy is like and now I have cursed energy too" he says and then sits on the ceiling and lowers his head to look at his chest-"With the six eyes I can see the energy and in my body I see two sources of power the mana which circulates throughout my body and has a pure white color, the other energy is the cursed energy which also circulates throughout my body and has a black color, if I put these two sources together and compress them they would be the size of a yoga ball, yes I have enough of mana and cursed energy".

Satoru: "But well sometimes I use the mana and other times I use the cursed energy, well the difference is clear with the cursed energy I can do all the techniques of Gojo Satoru while with the mana I can only use infinite, blue and teleportation, something confusing but well this world is already confusing" he says while lying back on the ceiling.

Satoru: "I wonder why this is happening, but who cares I have too much cursed energy, plus my energy expenditure is equal to 0% but I also have a fairly high energy regeneration, so I can say that I have unlimited energy" he says while smiling at the latter.

Satoru: "MMMMhhh" he says while he stretches his whole body and throws his apple towards a trash can that was over there in the village-"I think I will continue training and having fun with my family, while the months pass to receive my grimoire" he says while he gets up from the roof and disappears from there.


*Several months later*.

During this lapse of time to be able to have a grimoire, Satoru spent time training his mana and cursed energy, besides exercising to stay healthy, he reached a height of 1.80 m, he was quite tall for his age, besides having a good physique, in total Satoru was quite healthy, but besides training and taking care of his body, he also spent time with his family and friends.

She would go to the village to chat with the people or have fun with the children of the village, she would spend time with her family, she would help them with their homework and have fun with her sister, they would play, talk and Satoru would train her how to train her magic power, at the beginning her sister had no control and little mana, but since Satoru has been training her she has a good amount of mana and her mana control is quite good, she can create some small defense spells and a few offensive spells, so she can take care of herself, her sister was thankful for the progress she made.

Time passed quickly and came the day where the grimoires are collected, Satoru woke up early and went to take a shower, put on his clothes and went downstairs to prepare breakfast, a few minutes later his whole family was awake by the rich aroma of the food, and all the family had breakfast, After being in this beautiful family moment, Satoru's parents and his sister gave him the best of luck, because today is when he receives his grimoire, Satoru said goodbye to his family and went to the village, because near there is a grimoire tower.


[Satoru pov]

Satoru: "Ugh the most awaited day is here" he says while walking towards the grimoire tower-"MMmhh I wonder what grimoire I will have, maybe it will be of 3 leaves, or 4 leaves, can you imagine if I get one of 5 leaves hehehe" he says with a surprised face for the last thing but he starts laughing for that idea.

He was walking for a while until he saw many people outside the grimoire tower, all these people were children who had just turned 15 years old and some were accompanied by their parents, besides that there were several children with somewhat exaggerated clothing, these children were noble, we were all anxious to enter and have our grimoire.

Satoru stayed a little away while he leaned on a tree that was there to cover himself from the sun, a few minutes passed and the door of the tower opened, everyone was excited and began to enter, Satoru who saw this let out a laugh and began to walk towards the tower.

When he entered the tower, he could admire that it was quite tall, it had a lot of space, but above all a lot of books which were the grimoires.

Satoru: "I knew that in the manga and anime there were a lot of books but this is on another level" he said quite surprised by the amount of grimoires and while using the six eyes to see the mana of each book.

But when he used the six eyes he could see several threads of different colors, they had an almost transparent color, but this thread was connected with the grimoire and with the people, apparently at the moment you entered your grimoire is decided, just need to start the ceremony to receive the grimoire, so he saw the thread that had connected and began to look for his grimoire.

After a few seconds he manages to find his grimoire and sees that it is white, with some gray touches, but the curious thing is that the grimoire had no leaves of clover, so he went to see other grimoires and sees that it has but others do not.

Satoru:(I think that as it is a new grimoire there are no leaves yet, I think that when the ceremony begins it will have leaves) he says it in his mind to make sense of why his grimoire has no leaves.

Satoru was concentrated enough watching the grimoires that he didn't notice that an old man just arrived and was giving some words, it was a while and the old man was about to finish his words, Satoru who was concentrated watching the grimoires decides to stop watching them and when he lowers his head he sees an old man with a hat and a cane so he decides to listen to what he says.

Elder: "Well today is the day that everyone will have their grimoire and will be able to fulfill their dreams, some want to help their families, others want to become magical knights, but the most important thing is to use your power correctly".

Elder: "And now I start the grimoire ceremony, everyone pick up your grimoire" he says while he raises his head and with his staff hits the floor, and then all the grimoires that were there began to have color and to float around the place.

You could see different grimoires, some were very thick, others were very thin and others looked normal, each grimoire began to arrive with each person.

The young people were excited when they took their grimoire and began to open it to see what was in it, you could see the joy and excitement in the young people, and in the parents of the young people you could see the face of pride for their children, each one was celebrating for this but suddenly there was a light that illuminated the room and caused each person to turn around and look at the grimoire.

Satoru who was looking at the young and the happy parents, suddenly saw a light that covered the room so he turned around and saw a white book with some gray touches, this book was in front of Satoru.

It was Satoru's grimoire which he saw a while ago, the light that illuminated the whole room was his grimoire, but then on the cover of the grimoire began to grow a three-leaf clover, and then another clover grew and his grimoire became a 4-leaf grimoire.

Satoru was surprised that his grimoire had that style but it was also a 4-leaf grimoire, a laugh escaped from Satoru as he smiled and with his left hand went through his hair.

<Author:I decided to take the infinity style from my friend's grimoire :p>

Satoru: "Hahaha who would have thought that if I had a grimoire with 4 blades: he says while grabbing his grimoire with his right hand, Satoru was excited and began to observe his grimoire, but then he felt the looks of the other young people, so he raised his head and saw several young people amazed, others with a lot of zeal for having a grimoire of 4 leaves, because it has been a long time since he saw one, So several people began to approach Satoru to ask him if he would do business, or if he would go out with them or if they were willing to marry his daughter, Satoru began to get fed up with the laughing so he simply left the place, all the people were surprised that he disappeared and some were confused.

Satoru went out of the grimoire tower and went back to his house, or rather to his room, because at this moment there was nobody at home, his mother went out to buy the errands, his sister went with a friend from town and his father went out to work, so Satoru has the house alone for him, Satoru walks to his bed and put his grimoire, then he was going to open it to see what new spells he has, but when he was going to touch the grimoire Satoru's room changes color, everything turns black and white, Satoru realizes and moves away from the bed while he gets on the defensive and starts to circulate cursed energy, to perform the red reverse technique.

He was about to launch the technique until a yellow paper appeared floating on the bed and then fell down, Satoru hesitated to go for the paper so he used his six eyes, but he didn't see anything on the paper, which made him strange so he went closer, grabbed the paper and started to read what was written on it.

[Hello Satoru, I hope you are having fun in this life, by the way congratulations for defeating a low level demon, although it was low level but it is an achievement that a 12 year old boy defeated him, but well what I was coming and maybe you already realized or maybe, but if you did not realize let me tell you this, some characters in the story may be younger or older, also they may already be playing an important role in the society, and some events in the story may happen much earlier or may happen later hehehe, this is the first point].

Satoru: "I can teleport and everything but I haven't noticed that".

[Well now the second point, thanks to the six eyes you could see the mana and I guess you could also see the cursed energy, thanks to the battle against the demon, although I have to say I liked the battle and I hope something like that happens, especially I want to see your battle against Lucius Zogratis, but that later if, well what I came to is that by a mistake I caused a small problem in the techniques of Gojo]

Satoru: "What????"

[Satoru Gojo's techniques are supposed to use cursed energy and I wanted to make you use mana instead of cursed energy, but I set it up wrong and you could only do a few of them with mana and now that you found out about cursed energy you can do all the techniques, but I think you realized that if you use mana and cursed energy it causes damage to your body].

Satoru: "If it causes me a pain and I might spit some blood."

[Well that's my little mistake so to fix it, now you won't have those energies, I mean you won't have mana anymore and you won't have cursed energy either :D]

Satoru: "WHAT THEEEEE, SO YOU'RE TAKING AWAY MY POWER YOU SON OF A BITCH" he says screaming at the last of the card and starts to release a killer aura and a lot of mana from the card, but before he can say anything another card appears.

[Calm down, I will not take it away from you, well yes but not at the same time, what I am going to do is that I am going to function those two energies, so you could say that you will have an increase of mana or cursed energy, however you want to say it, before your body circulated the mana which is positive energy, and also began to circulate cursed energy which is negative energy, but if you wanted to use both at the same time it would cause you damage, but now that it is working, not only will your reserve increase but this new energy, it generates both positive and negative energy].

[This new energy allows you to use Gojo Satoru's techniques that require negative energy and you could use the spells in your grimoire that use positive energy, in simple words you will have a power up, just like that for free so be happy for this].

Satoru: "I'm really happy about this but at the same time I'm angry for that mistake of yours" he says with annoyance but then another paper appears.

[I know and I apologize for that, but well you will have that power up and maybe some people will also have a power up, but it won't be so noticeable, and this would be all, I hope you like my mistake and that you continue to enjoy your life].

Satoru: "Hahaha, well at least I fixed it, but wait if the cursed energy is still in the world doesn't that mean that demons can use spell casting techniques" he says with some doubt but then another paper appears.

[Nope, the demons will not be able to do techniques or spells of jujutsu, although I was thinking about it and I wanted them to be able to do it and so you will face a demon with the reverse technique, but instead I decided to add a few acquaintances of Gojo who have a hatred towards him, so you will have more enemies and they may have a slight power up or may be a fairly high power up, but that you will fix it, and this is all I say goodbye and if something else happens then I freeze time and communicate with you goodbye].

After reading the last page, Satoru simply sighed, but then the leaves that he had began to burn and left no ashes, after that the room began to take its colors, Satoru observed everything and realized that time was already flowing, he sighed in relief but then he felt a hot sensation throughout his body, Satoru sat down tired and sweating, so he took off his dark girdles and lowered his head to see his body and he was surprised by what he saw.

Before he had two sources of energy, one white and one black, but now he can see a gray one, Satoru begins to concentrate and see in detail this energy and realizes that indeed, positive and negative energy is circulating, Satoru raises his head and raises his two hands, in the right hand he freezes the red inverse technique and in the other hand the blue amplifying technique, and then they join them and freeze the purple technique and Satoru is surprised that he doesn't feel pain, because when he did this technique before it hurt him a lot but now it doesn't, he cancels the spell and gets up to lie down on his bed.

Satoru: "Now I have my power perfectly well, and I reconfirm this world is incredible, confusing and many things do not make sense but what am I complaining, argh my whole body hurts, I'm going to sleep a while while my family arrives" he says as he settles on his bed and proceeds to sleep


<Hello how are you, I hope you like the chapter, this time made it a little long, as would be battle and it, is first write one, I'm not sure if it's right, but will try to improve support story may release chapter much earlier well, work make other chapters>.