
Cloning Himself

 After Alros was done taking the three adventurers virginity, he quickly left the system space. After all, he still need to go to the Adventure Guild and take his rewards. 


 "I could go to that brothel, but let save it for now," he said to himself. While the pink-haired cat girl taste is excellent, the price is a little to steep for his supposed rank.

 So, he plan on maybe going in once a week, visiting the brothel and having sweet time with the cat-girl. As of now, he will make do with the women, though he will pay more attention the his five favourite woman.


 "That is a refreshing night," he exclaimed, watching as the five women all sleeping, lightly snoring. They are the best in term of LP farming and in term of satisfying him, despite their inexperience, the one that make him felt something other than them is the pink-haired catwoman.

 "I should see the cloning of myself," he said to himself before walking towards the Growth Tube. Inside all of his Growth Tube is a clone of himself. While he is not sure of their power level, he had bought a Skill that will help him impart certain memory he wanted them to have, or at least skills.

 "How long again do I have to wait?" he grumbled. He had been using this for 3 days to clone himself, and it still did not finish. Unfortunately, the first time will not have any set timer, only having it after the specimens had been cloned first.

 "Maybe a week or so. They better have longer lifespan than a week," he said before leaving the current lab. He planned to expend it some more, and maybe even expend the size of the system space again.

 After all, the LP farm worked really well, giving him a lot of LP daily.


 When a week pass by, he soon heard something he wanted to hear quite some time ago. A notification, detailing the clones have finished growing.

 Making his way to the lab, he saw his clone. Thankfully, using mana along with some Demonic Essence repair any defect his clones likely suffer. Though, they are still weaker than him.

< Greater Demon Clone (Incubus) - A Greater Demon Clone of the incubus lineage. As per cloned beings, it is weaker than the original, did not have any skills except for the most basic along with what given during the cloning process and possessed limited lifespan

 Weaker than a Greater Demon but stronger than a Lesser Demon

 Race: Greater Demon Clone

 Strength: D

 Speed: D

 Agility: D

 Intelligence: C

 Stamina: D

 Wisdom: C

 Attraction: B

 Charisma: B

 Mana: C 

Lifespan : 2 month

 Skill - Pheromone of Lust >

 "The clone possess the skills that truly matter for an incubus. It just a pity it did not have anymore skills, but at least if necessary, they will be a good body double," he said to himself before quickly subduing the clones.

 Considering they at a state where they seem like waking up from a very long nap, with zero memory, it make it easier for him to Braiwash them and Subdue the clones, making it so they will not betray him.

 "2 month is a long time," he said to himself before looking at the clone. Considering they are all his clones, their dick size is no slouch either, thought it still smaller than his.

 While he has no plan on rectifying that, he still need to make them able to have sex with the other captive women. And so, the skill he had bought before come to use.

< Memory Implant - Allow the user to impart memories to another person. The number of memories that can be imparted depends on the mana, how much the user remember the memory, and the resistance of the target.

Cost: 100 SP >

 With the skill, he was able to give them lesson on sex and how to do it without having to physically instruct them. However, as an added measure, he did not use any memories while doing it with his favourite women, in case they want a test as well.

 He smile in satisfaction. However, he only did one clone, as he want to do a little test to make sure the effort he put did not go to waste.

 "Let see how good they are,"


 "Ah Ah, Ah, please, give me more," the woman the clone currently doing pleaded, as the clone proceed to ravage her nonstop. This is the third women, the clone doing with the first two only once before heading towards someone else.

 This is also an order he put, namely so none of the women will feel neglected. Not to mention, the amount of LP he manage to gain from the clone. He had summarized the LP he would receive.

 For the civilian women, which is the level of the mass captive women, they will give him 10 LP from masturbation, 100 from creampie, and 500 from taking their first time. As for the special one, like Laili, Alina, and the three adventurers, they all gave him 50 LP from masturbation, 500 form creampie, and 2500 from taking their virginity. 

 However, that was only if it was him doing it. When his clone creampie the woman, he gave him 50 LP. If he had to guess, only half an LP when the one doing the fucking is not him.

 If not for him not wanting to neglect the women he caught, he would have been focusing on both Alina and Laili the most, as he would earn the most from them.

 But with him cloning themselves, all of them having the same look, they would be the one to do it with the woman, earning him a lot more than just from masturbating.

 "Let's not gave him any combat skills just yet," he said to himself. After all, if the clones decided to mutiny, then it would not effect them much as they would rather weak.

 "Be ready my clone," he said, satisfied with the first clone performance. It took the clone 5 hours before they stopped doing it, mostly because their partner unable to handle the ravaging.

 While he can do it far longer, the clones did not need to be able do his job like him. They just need to do it enough to help his situation. With 10 clones, they can take 70 woman each, for now that is. With their lifespan at 2 months, he would be able to field 80 clones or so at one time, so that every clone will get less than 10 women a day, and allow more LP to be generated.

 "They would be new LP farm, won't they?" not that he has any opposition to it. After all, it still his clones, and in a same vein, him.