
I Became an SSS-Ranked Chef in a VR Game

Truck-kun had a grudge against Liu Lixin. So much so that it even teamed up with a bus to kill him. Making his death like his life: horrible, painful, and quite brutal. Unfortunately, this wasn't like the anime he watched. Instead of being sent to another world, he was thrown back in time. Welp. Beggars can't be choosers. At least he was given a second chance. Given how fortunate he was to receive one, he must have been a Koi in his previous life. Lixin laughed at the thought. With what he had been through there was no way that could be true. However, once he started playing Watashinojinsei-dan Online he began to second-guess himself. Because his in-game Persona was exactly that. A Koi. Now that he was bursting with luck he would make a name for himself as the greatest chef in the game. While he is at it he might as well get revenge on the people who ruined his first life.

Momocatt · 游戏
91 Chs

Stage 13: The Transformation

Lixin's eyes widened in shock as he looked down at his body. Not only had he shrunk but there were many scales spattered across his body. They were shimmering black and gold, almost like glitter had been sprinkled on his silvery body.

His breath caught in his throat when he realized what had happened - he had transformed into a fish! Well, not really a fish he still had human attributes, but he was most definitely a fish.

Zeyu had told him that this game would find the perfect story for a player, but he doubted. However, after seeing his transformation any disbelief he had was dispelled.

With a wide smile, he ran his fingers across his scales wondering what type of fish he was. Maybe a Molly fish or a Black Moor, but he ruled those two out because of his silver skin.

Suddenly he noticed a long tail growing from his lower half. As he twisted himself around to get a better look, he gasped in delight at what he saw.

The tail was similar to that of a mermaid, but it was much more beautiful in his opinion. However, it also helped him realize that he had transformed into a Koi. With a grin on his face, Lixin marveled at how cool this game was.

'Was this what Morpheus meant when he said I had completely assimilated with my persona?' He wondered.

Even though that was the most logical answer, Lixin still felt something was off. Because, during the cutscene, although he was limited to only seeing the world through his persona's eyes, he did see his persona's arms and hands from time to time.

He could say with certainty that he never saw any scales covering his persona's skin.

'So... what could have changed to make my persona look like this?' All of a sudden Lixin recalled what had happened at the end of the cut scene when his persona touched the gem. 'That's right, my persona's powers were released. The appearance I have right now must be the result of that.'

Convinced that his assumption was correct, Lixin continued to examine the scales on his body. However, because he was so distracted, he barely noticed Morpheus' fascinated stare.

Barely being the keyword.

Feeling the intense sensation of someone watching him, Lixin removed his gaze from his skin and turned to look at Morpheus. Only to see that the beautiful man was looking intensely at him.

It was strange to see an NPC looking at him like that. It caused weird thoughts to run rampant in his head.

Was his transformation into a fish person something out of the ordinary? Could it be a bug? Would he have to redo his character?

However, as soon as those thoughts crossed his mind, he realized he had been mistaken.

"What a rare persona you have gained. I bet the story you will create with it will be wonderful," Morpheus said, staring at the book in Lixin's hand with eyes filled with desire.

Knowing he overthought things, he agreed awkwardly. "I will try."

"However, before I can send you off to start your journey, I first need to guide you on how to use a Cora."

"What is a Cora?" Lixin asked. This was the first time he heard about something like that, and he researched the game beforehand.

"A Cora is something that sets otherworlders such as yourself and the regular citizens of Watashinojinsei-dan apart," Morpheus replied, as a small diamond appeared out of nowhere in the palm of his hand. "You see, otherworlders are different from them. Otherworlders can grow, learn, and get stronger at a faster pace than them. So the creator made a system for otherworlders that will help control their growth. However, I was told the Coras have more uses besides that, so make sure to explore it thoroughly."

"How will it control it?"

As soon as that question left his mouth, Morpheus smiled. The diamond in his hand levitated before zipping towards him, embedding itself underneath his left eye. Surprised by this sudden action, Lixin unconsciously moved a hand to touch it, but a familiar voice stopped him in mid-motion.

[Cora:] Syncing to Fortuitous Fish...96...98...100%]

[Cora: [Cora is now available.]

"The Cora should be synced and ready to use," Morpheus said after seeing the diamond glow. "To use it all you have to say is 'Open Status'. Go on, give it a try."

Already very curious about the Cora, Lixin didn't even hesitate before saying, "Open Status."

Once those words left his lips, a large transparent screen appeared in front of him. Just looking at it, Lixin could tell what it was. It was a game interface.

'What a clever way to incorporate it into the game.'

Deciding to study the interface more later, Lixin looked at his character profile.

Name: Fortuitous Fish Race: Koi

Title: N/A

Level: 1 Exp: 0/100 Skill Points: 0

HP: 100/100 MP: 100/100 SP: 100/100 ←- (+10 each Lvl)

Char: 5 Str: 5 Int: 5 Dex: 5 Men: 5

Fullness: 100%


Luck: 10

Coins: 0 Gold 0 Silver 0 Bronze 0

Looking at the stats he received, Lixin was surprised to see that he gained a special one. Based on the research he did on the game, he was only aware of the eight basic ones.

Health, which determines a player's ability to absorb damage. Magic Power, which is necessary to cast magical skills. Then there is Stamina. This stat is needed when doing activities and using physical skills.

Aside from those three, there is Strength. The more Strength a player has, the stronger their physical attacks will become. Intelligence, on the other hand, affects attack power and bonuses from intelligence-dependent skills.

There is also Charisma. This stat affects persuasion, performance, and leadership skills. Following that there is Dexterity. The more Dexterity players have, the more agile they become. This stat affects most ranged combat skills and many production skills. And lastly, Mental. This stat increases fear resistance and protects against confusion.

However, Lixin never once read about luck being a stat. "Morpheus...?"

"Yes? Do you have a question about your status?" Morpheus asked curiously.

"Yes, I do. I seem to have a special stat called luck. Can you explain what it does to me?"

"Well, don't you get more and more interesting?" Morpheus replied, his eyes sparkling. "Luck is a rare stat. But with you being a koi it isn't surprising that you would have it."

"I see, but what does it do?"

"It does what it wants. Luck is mysterious and unexplainable. However, I do know that the more luck someone has, the more favorable things will happen to them. For example, critical hits, evasiveness, success rates, or even running across mysterious happenings."

After hearing Morpheus's explanation, Lixin realized that his luck stat was very good to have. However, he came to the conclusion that he shouldn't tell anyone about it besides Zeyu.

"Thank you for explaining," Lixin told the handsome man.

"That's what I'm here to do. I'm your guide after all," Morpheus smiled. "Do you have any other questions?"

"No, I don't."

"Okay, then allow me to send you on your way into the world of Watashinojinsei-dan." Walking over to Lixin, Morpheus gestured to the book he was holding, and once it was given to him he asked, "Are you ready to leave?"

Nodding his head, Lixin felt more than ready to start his adventure. "Yes, I am."

Smiling brightly, Morpheus opened the book in his hands to a blank page. After saying a small incantation, the blank page suddenly turned into a vortex that sucked Lixin inside.

He could only let out a surprised cry before the book slammed close with him inside it. Once Lixin disappeared, Morpheus returned to the tower of books he was sitting on.

After placing Lixin's book on top of an adjacent small heap of books that he was waiting to read, he hopped back up onto the pile of books and resumed what he was previously doing.

However, before he started reading, his eyes strayed to the golden cover of Lixin's book. "Hurry up and fill your book with entertaining stories. I can't wait to read it."


Author Says:

MomoCatt: It looks like you have become your favorite thing.

Lixin: I know it's wonderful.

MomoCatt: Let's keep this happiness going. Here, have some Masala ChaiTea.

Lixin: Pass it over.