
I became an Overlord in another World

A story where protagonist teleported to a fantasy world where he became an Overlord and create his own harem. (**Warning** contains lot of adult themes, Sex etc. so it may not be suitable for everyone. Basically if you read/watch hentai then this will be for you.)

NightSlash69 · 奇幻
18 Chs

Ch.10 Gennou & Sakuya

I came out of my room and noticed the day has already begun. I saw Vivian standing there. She looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked her to which she just shaked her head. Even without telling her, I knew what is she thinking. She is sad that I have done it with Haruka, a lowly human, and not with her.

"Vivan don't worry. You will always be number one for me." I spoke to which her face has become bright red. She became happy. After that I sent her to call Sakuya. Soon she came with Sakuya besides her. I entered my room with Sakuya and spoke,

"I want you to clean Haruka and also clean my bed."

She stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw Haruka laying on my bed, completely naked and fully covered in my semen.

"What have you done? You perverted old man."

She spoke angerly and tried to hit me with her hand but is stopped by Gennou who suddenly came. Infact Gennou came with Sakuya but is hiding in shadows the whole time. When he saw that Sakuya will spoil their secret mission, he came out and stopped her.

"It's enough Sakuya. Remember he is your master."

"But look what he has done with a little girl like her." She replied angerly while pointing at Haruka with her eyes.

"SHUT UP." He spoke, and Sakuya immediately shut her mouth down. Sakuya left the room immediately and Gennou bowed before me.

"I am sorry for my granddaughter. She is quite foolish girl. Please forgive her."

"No need to worry. Since this is her first mistake, I will forgive her but I won't forgive her next mistake." Vivian leaked a small murderous aura even when she is trying to control her anger but it caused Gennou to panic. He immediately spoke,

"Don't worry master, I will make sure that she won't do that again. For Haruka-sama, I will send Amber to take care of her."

He left the room, leaving me and Vivian.

"Satsuki-sama why did you let them go? I wanted to kill them right on the spot."

"I know but don't worry, I have a plan."

I used Shadow Concealment skill to blend with shadows. I have created a copy skill, which let me use any skill that I have seen once and even upgrade it to max level. I saw Gennou's presence Concealment and upgraded it. I moved to the location where Sakuya and Gennou are and start hearing their discussion.

"Grandpa why did you stop me? You know i hate nobles who misuse their power."

"I know but your this action could spoil all of our plan. Do you have any idea what would happen if that happens?"

"B-But. You saw how he treats his slave right? I say we assassinate him tonight."

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"Yes. Since you are here with me, with your help we can kill him without anyone noticing us."

"That's true but..."

Gennou closed his eyes thinking while running his beard.

"Grandpa you are one of the elder of our village and even among elders you have highest authority and skills, there is no one who is better at assassination than you. Also I am sure he is just a weak guy who make her servants do work for him."

Wow this girl sure hate me. Looks like I have to teach her a lesson. I read Gennou's mind and he is still unsure if it's the right decision to kill me. He is also thinking of the aura that Vivian had released in my room. He is unsure if that was real or if he imagined it.

He sure is indecisive. If you think like this, you will go bald. Wait you already are half bald. I laughed at my own joke. Here let me help you. I used suggestion magic that will make him easier to agree with Sakuya's plan.

"Come on Grandpa, tell me what do you think?"

Gennou sighed before speaking,

"Fine. We will assassinate him today night."

"Yeeeeh!!! I knew you would not let such a disgusting man live."

Sakuya became truly happy but on the other hand, there is no smile on Gennou's face. He still has a serious face and is thinking if he has made the right decision. His whole life's experience as a ninja is telling him that he had made a wrong choice but since he has already said to do it, he is too prideful to change his decision now.

Okay my work here is over.

I exit their room and went to where Vivian is. I asked about the Haruka and she replied that Amber has woken her up and is now helping her bath. She said Haruka is now scared of me.

Well I knew that it will happen.

I instruct Vivian to take Haruka to our castle and teach her various things and manners that are suitable for this world's nobles.

After that when I am waiting in the main hall, Gennou came to inform me that breakfast has been made. I ate the food and like always it was quite delicious. I recieved a message.

[Poison has been successfully neutralized]

It seems my food has poison in it. Good thing my Passive Skills are working as intended so I don't have to worry and eat this delicious food. But I must say, Gennou said he would kill me tonight so why would be poison my food in the morning. I first looked at Gennou and then at Sakuya and her face has shown me what I need to know. So it was Sakuya.

Vivian has already taken Haruka to the castle and hence I am eating the breakfast alone. I must say seeing Sakuya's shocking face to see nothing happening to me is quite a treat.

"Master when will you come back?"

Gennou asked me while bowing his head. I knew why is he asking it, so I replied,

"I will be back early today."

"Very well. I will prepare the food for when you all be returning."

"Ah about that, only prepare food for me."

"But what about Vivian and Haruka-sama?"

He has a puzzling look on his face.

"They had to go somewhere so they won't be staying in the manor tonight."

"Allright master."

His head is still bowing but I can feel him smiling underneath it. He was weary of Vivian and now that she is gone, it will be a perfect chance for him.

On the other hand, Sakuya is wondering why her poison food not working. After seeing her troubled face, I get up from my seat and left the manor.

In truth I came back immediately to see the preparations they are doing for my assassination. I am using my skill to blend in shadows and keeping an eye on them. There plan is something like this, when I will come back, Gennou will put sleeping powder in my food and when I am sleeping in my room, he will come to assassinate me.

"But why would the poison that I have put in his food didn't work?"

Sakuya wonders to which Gennou became irritated.

"It's because you are lacking in training. And when I said, we will be doing the assassination tonight so why did you poison his food?"

"Sorry Grandpa... I just wanted to make him disappear."

Gennou sighed and spoke,

"When we return to our village, be prepared for training like hell. "

"Yes Grandpa..."

Sakuya became sad upon hearing more intense training. Soon evening came, I got out of manor, removed my Concealment and came back inside. Gennou prepared a bath for me and after that he has arranged food for me. After eating food, a new message pops up.

[The effect of Sleeping drugs has been neutralized.]

I act like I am sleepy. I bid them good night and head back to my room. They knocked both servants out and came to my room while blended in shadow. I sat at the side of bed and forced a yawn. After that I lied down and act like I fell asleep. After about 10 minutes, they emerged from shadow.

Thank God, I thought they changed their plan.

It was really boring to just lie in my bed, doing nothing while waiting for them to act. I even made various plans in my mind for them.

Gennou and sakuya both stood at the opposite sides to each other and on the sides of bed. Gennou took out his Katana and Sakuya took her Kunai. Since I am covered in blanket completely, they attacked me at the same time without even removing the blanket to see my face. Their weapons went through the blanket and stabbed the bed.

"Wait. Where is he?"

Gennou was shocked and removed the blanket. Noone was inside it.

"Looking for me?"

I came out from behind and spoke.

"H-How are you there? I saw you laying on bed and fall asleep.

"Ohh that, there were mosquitoes so I decided to take a walk."

I replied casually.

"Don't lie."

Sakuya yelled as she moved towards me with her Kunai. I dodged all of her strikes. Gennou too came to attack but dodged both of their attack easily. They then started running all around the room to confuse me. One enter left side of walls shadow and come out from right and other enter shadow of ceiling and come out from floor and so on.

I stood still in the center of room.

Sakuya came from behind me to attack, I turned around immediately, grabbed her face and throw her on the north wall. She hit the wall with thud and dropped on the bed.

[Author's note:- Design of the room:- the room is large. Bed is placed in the center of room touching northern wall. The both sides of bed, are placed drawers, touching the same wall as bed. Even after drawers, there is still some space left on east and west side. There is space around the bed in all directions except north from where it's joined with wall. Opposite of this wall, there is a giant mirror placed. Other than that, there is nothing else present]

Immediately Gennou came from behind me and swingged his katana. I grabbed the Katana with bare hand and break it by closing my hand. Gennou is quite shocked to see this. Sakuya came Gennou and now they are standing in front of me.

I released about 10% of my original power and they both freeze In their position. Even with 10% of my original power is too much for Gennou whose level is merely 59. I released an aura for a minute and stopped.

Strength is gone from their legs as they dropped to the ground.

"Too strong. He is too strong."

"Grandpa what if we bring our whole village here, surely we can defeat him."

"YOU IDIOT, even if we bring the whole village here, we won't be able to leave a single scratch on him. He will single handedly massacre our entire army. Also do you think he will let us simply go and bring help?"

Slowly Sakuya understood the grave situation In which they are now.

"So what will you do?"

I asked them and Gennou immediately kneeled before me.

"Please forgive me. I beg you to spare our lives."

Sakuya can't believe her eyes. The man she has always looked up to from as long as she remembers. The man who never lost to anyone. The man, her entire village came to ask for guidance, is now kneeling and begging for their lives.

"Do you think I will simply forgive you after you have tried to take my life?"

"Please forgive me for that. I was overconfident in my abilites that I couldn't see your great strength. Please forgive me and i will do anything you say."

"You are from a ninja village right? The one that is based in Springwood"

"H-How do you know that?"

Gennou raised his head and looked at me.

"It's simple, I know everything."

Gennou became more scared.

"I can forgive you but only on one condition."

I spoke while raising my index finger.

"I will do anything as long as it's in my power."

"I want you and your entire village to submit to me. From this moment, you will only live for me and even die for me."

"Are you out of your mi--"

Sakuya spoke but her words are cut by Gennou.

"We will do it."

"Grandpa do you even know what you are saying?"

"SHUT UP. This is all happening because of your shallow justice that we are in this situation."

Gennou thought about this morning when he agreed to Sakuya's request. It was the first time he agreed to her request and now their entire clan is on the brink of extinction.


She spoke in a low voice.

"We will completly submit to you. We will do as you say."

"Good. Now that you have submit to me, remember if you planned to backstab me, I will come for you no matter where you are. But if you follow me willingly, I will take your clan to such heights that you have never even dreamed off."

Gennou relaxed a little but Satsuki's next words leaved him scared.

"Now it's time for Sakuya's punishment."


My words left Sakuya completely shocked.

"W-Wait but you just said you will forgive us."

Gennou spoked.

"Yes. I did say that but that was for you and your clan. For Sakuya this is her second mistake and now she will pay for it."

"Please forgive her my king. She is quite foolish."

"No. I will punish her."

I began to channel my power. Gennou and Sakuya both became scared.

"Please don't kill her. I beg you."

Suddenly Gennou remembered Haruka and get an idea.

"Oh yes. You can take her as slave and do anything to her. If you got tired of her, you can sell her but please don't kill her. She is my granddaughter."

"Grandpa what are you saying?"

"If you are begging this much, I will accept your request. I will take Sakuya as my slave."

Gennou keep himself in kneeling position and Sakuya cannot process what is happening. I took out the scroll that is used to register slaves. Yesterday, I went back to slave trader and purchased some slave scrolls. But I didn't know I will make use of one this soon. Gennou made a cut on Sakuya's finger despite her pleadings and I made a cut on my own and poured the drops on scroll. It began to burn and vanished. Sakuya is now my slave.

"Okay Gennou you can leave the room to prepare for returning to your village, I have to chat with Sakuya."


Gennou stood up and moved towards the door. Sakuya pleaded loudly, "please don't leave me here with him. Take me with you."

Gennou stopped and looked back on Sakuya. He apologized to her in his mind and left the room.