
I Became A Zompirewolf

Do read my new novel **Chimaera's Conquest**. It would mean a lot to me if you could read it and give your valuable review. Thanks in advance. *** In the year 3000, humanity was forced to leave the Earth when a sudden mutation caused more than 70% of the planet's population to mutate either into zombies, werewolves or vampires. The humans put up a fight but didn't have a chance against the united front of the monsters, and they were forced to leave. At least those who were rich and lucky enough to leave. A century later, the chaos on earth had calmed down, but the humans who were left behind were treated like slaves and were forced to join one of the three factions: The Undead, The Cold Ones or The Lycans when they turned 16. It was a similar story for Ashton, who was one week away from being turned into one of the monsters as it was his 16th birthday. He decided to run away from his fate and join the secret resistance to battle against the monsters. However, his plans came to a standstill when a series of misfortunes led him to be bitten by a Zombie, a Vampire and a werewolf before either of his powers could manifest. He ended up receiving all of their powers but at the cost of his humanity. Yet, he wasn't willing to let his humanity die. No matter the cost. Will he be able to live his life, or is it already too late? Which faction will he join? Will he be able to find the secret behind the mutation? There were too many questions, and only one way to find the answers: follow Ashton's journey as he fights back to retain his humanity. *** Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/bjetmPER5p Cover art: Monark Ai Please DM in discord for removal, thank you.

AkshatArpit · 奇幻
766 Chs

Ceremony (2)

"What ceremon- hmm umm!" Ashton finally found his voice back but as soon as he opened his mouth, one of the werewolves forced a piece of cloth in his mouth, before forcing him to look towards the Mistress.

"Humans are not allowed to talk in this hall, sweetie..." She said in her awfully seductive voice, "Also, that cloth will help you tolerate the pain caused during the conversion..."

The following moment she stood up and threw away her coat. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing anything underneath it and was now stark naked in front of Ashton and everyone else. However, everyone else quickly averted their eyes away from her. But our boy didn't.

It was Ashton's first time seeing a woman naked and his eyes fixated upon the beauty of the Mistress' body. But the sight only lasted for the fraction of a second before she began turning to her true self. Soon her body was covered in thick fur as the bones within her body began contorting. She grew at least by two feet in height while her torso became abnormally huge and so did her legs.

Ashton could see the bones within her body moving and shifting places. Several of them even ruptured through her skin and yet there wasn't a tinge of pain on her face. Her fingers grew abnormally large and so did her fingernails. Her crimson eyes turned yellowish as her pupils dilated and became one with the rest of the eye.

Her ears were already pointed, but they even grew even more. However, the most horrifying thing Ashton saw was the emergence of her charcoal-coloured snout. Her beautiful face was ripped in half as her jaws began elongating. Her jaws really looked terrifying but even worse was her abnormally large teeth. Just one of them was bigger than Ashton's entire skull.

With that, Ashton had witnessed one of the rarest moments any human ever had. He had seen a werewolf transforming. It felt as if hours had passed since the Mistress began transforming into her true self, but the transformation only took a couple of seconds. Although the transformation was nothing but gruesome, the end result was really beautiful. For some reason, the Mistress' white fur and muscular body looked... appealing to Ashton.

"Beautiful, aren't I?" Even though she had transformed into a werewolf, her voice was still the same.

She slowly approached him who was still helplessly kneeling in front of him. Everyone's gazes were still averted from the mistress as if looking at her was a crime. What Ashton didn't know was that the Mistress was leaking a visual pheromone that causes a chemical reaction with the body of the living upon seeing her.

It could be said that, just by looking at her, the others could become slaves to her will. That was the reason no one was looking at her, while she was exposing herself to his eyes. It was a rare skill, only the Alpha female werewolves possessed and was generally used to attract the males towards them. In this case, the male was Ashton and she was... seducing him in a way.

But there was a downside to this skill. It worked on humans only after they crossed a certain age, that age being 16. This was the reason why 16-year-olds were chosen to be converted into werewolves. It was also the age when the hormones usually go crazy in their bodies, making it easier for the female werewolves to proceed with the ceremony.

The werewolves holding Ashton down suddenly let go of him and backed up. Being too close to the mistress when she was leaking pheromones, could also activate their primal instincts. Thus it was safer to keep distance from her.

Although Ashton was now free to run if he wanted to, he didn't. Or in other words, he was too mesmerised to move on his own. All of a sudden, the mistress wrapped her claws around his face while gently caressing it.

"This will hurt a... lot!"

The next moment, she opened her gigantic jaws and bit him in the neck. The pain snapped Ashton out of the trance, however, it was too late to do anything now. He could thrash his limbs all he wanted but the mistress had her claws tightly wrapped around him. He screamed and screamed but no one came to save him as his blood spurted out everywhere as his vision slowly started to fade.

He once again felt a familiar presence around him... he saw a blinking light in front of him as everything turned black. Seeing the light brought back the memories that he had been trying to remember ever since waking up from his slumber. He once again saw similar texts that he had before.

[Transformation successful!]

[You have been turned into <Error!!! The requested class doesn't exist.>]

[Sending a petition to the administrator to resolve the issue...]

[Petition rejected... initiating protocol.]

[The system can resolve the issue itself...]

[Issue resolved!]

[You have inherited the genes from a <Class C Zombie>, a <Class A Vampire> and a <Class E Werewolf>]

[You have been turned into a Zompirewolf Hybrid.]

[Due to the complexity of your new DNA, it would take 4 more days for your powers to manifest. Till then, you are free to live as a <Class E Human Being>.]