
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · 奇幻
17 Chs

Learning the basics


Kayden closed the book and pondered over the information he has learned about his kind, they can go days without eating, they have heightened senses, strength and agility, along with regeneration.

They can drink the blood of animals to survive which was good for him and they also appear to be able to use magic just like other races but he would need to test which of the elements he could control.

The last thing he read was about their inheritance... unfortunetly he had not recieved a memony inheritance so he would have to start this life from scratch.

After reading the book, Kayden placed it back onto the shelf. Walking past the basics of magic book he paused and took it from the shelf and walked out of the hunters inn.

Kayden decided to train himself in basic magic, if he was to become make money he needed to be prepared for what he would be facing in the future.

He sat down on the grass in the middle of the field and concentrated on using the basic incantations, he would start by testing the basic elementals first.

They were pretty straightforward it was just saying the element with creation after it. Holding his hand forward he began.

''Earth creation''


''Water creation''


Gemini watched in silence.

''..Fire creation''


At this point he was thinking the worst if he held no magic.

''..Air creation''

This time it was slightly different, it felt like a light breeze went across his hand.

'Is this really happening?' Kayden thought to himself. 'Am I really doing magic or is it just the outside wind?'

He repeated the incantation again and the same slight sensation was felt.

''I felt magic coming from you when using air'' Gemini interjected looking at him.

Kayden took the book and looked at the pages.

''It says, Air magic allows a user to manipulate and create winds around them, manipulating these winds can be used to attack or defend. Air magic is also known as an agility boosting magic and can be used for levitation and even flight when mastered.''

Kayden smiled, he couldn't believe it, he could do magic! He could use at least one which was a relief .

''Alright, alright lets try the rest''


''Not bad,... not bad at all..'' Kayden looked at his skill set

Name: Kayden

Titles: Soul from another plane, Multimagic user

Level: 1

Rank: F

Race: Vampire (Newborn)

Age: 2 day(s)

Skills: Swipe(Claws), Air(Magic), Darkness(Magic), Mental(Magic)

Weapon(s): Claws

MP: 500

HP: 1500

''Alright I think I have the basics down.. what could i grind on now based on my current level?'' Kayden held his chin

''I think I have a suggestion'' Gemini said.

''What is it?"

''Well, I don't know how much you have learned now about the world here but there are many monsters roaming the land that could kill you if you are not careful. We should go to the local lake, it is relatively close to where humans live and go there and hunt for food. The creatures you will face will be more herbivorous and non hostile but will give you some experience.''

''Alright then, let's do it.''

They arrived at Ampis Lake shortly after, it wasnt too far away from the main city of Irella and had several farms situated around, it was the ideal location and many wildlife gathered, it happened to be on the edge of Dreadwood Vale so some lower level monsters will gather around the waters edge.

''Let's start with something easy, we will look at the Common Scopilo's.'' Gemini said

The Common Scopilo was a type of reptile which were found around inland bodies of water, their head to their back is covered in scales, while the rest of its body is covered in fluffy feathers. They were tan colour if female and males had vivid green sections and forest green highlights, while the scales were a darker blue. They appear pretty small only reaching about 17 inches as adults.

The first one they came across was a female which was sitting on the shoreline.

He focused and conjured up a gust of air around him, making a sharp whip of air he blasted out towards the female, the wind hit her and she flapped her wings quickly but failed to escape. Kayden then pulled back with his hand.

''Let's keep going'' Kayden said, they moved on to the next creature, he went full into grinding mode.

''Here comes one,'' Gemini said, pointing out a male scopilo.

Kayden focused his mind and summoned a gust of wind at the male, he flew away from the dead female and flew towards Kayden and Gemini, Kayden then sliced his claws through the oncoming scopilo and watched as the scopilo's body fell lifelessly to the ground, it attracted the surrounding Scopilos at the lake.

''Now that wasn't so bad, I am getting the hang of this already'' Kayden said, he felt his MP replenish itself and an adrenaline rush he hasnt felt before.

Kayden had not realised the fact that his thinking had already changed and a more bloodthirsty nature was being released, taking a life seemed all too simple.