
I Became a Leader of a New Nation while in Exile

It was supposed to be a new, quiet, and simple life for 15-year-old noble boy Nate Wole, who was kicked out and exiled by his family for being too weak in favor of his older brother, Hertzel, a selfish warrior who cares only about himself and his skills in magic. Desperate, he traveled to the lowlands of Wooda, where while camping, he had an unlucky encounter with one of the collection of tribes of the Undead Animals, a bunch of hostile undead animals who can wield weapons and shapeshift into humans and were despised and hunted by humans. After getting killed by one of them under an Undead lion named Sati, Nate was saved by them after they regretted their decision to kill him, and Sati eventually gave his position as tribal leader to him. Nate was shocked to here that, but he has no choice but to accept it. And now, he is a leader of Sati’s lion tribe. Soon, he united the other Undead tribes under the new country name, Wooda, while studying to be a good leader, and changed his identity to Lloyd Lewole, completely vanishing his old identity in order to forget his past. But, will he handle such a great responsibility?

Roxas0702 · 奇幻
73 Chs

Chapter 52 – A New Sword

Lloyd's POV

 My modernization for the military was getting more progressive than ever. The soldiers are getting more skillful as a result of it. And then, as I worked in my office, someone knocked on the door.

 "Come in," I responded.

The door was opened, and Zeke entered in, in his hood on his scale armor.

 "Oh, Zeke, you're back?" I said to him when I looked at him.

 "Good morning, master," greeted Zeke back as he took off his hood.

But then, I noticed something tucked in one of the pockets of Zeke's scale armor.

 "What is that on your armor?" I asked him.

Zeke then getgrabbed it and gave it to me. "This is for you."

Out of curiosity, I grabbed it and read it.

It was a letter of request for asylum in this country, and it was signed by a letter C.

 "It was written by a vanguard who was with three girls in an inn room," Zeke explained.

I put the letter down on my desk and looked at him. "A party?"

 "Yes, and apparently, they were treated less than humans by their leader."

Hearing that, I was disgusted. "What? That's it, I'm taking them in then!"

 "Yeah, master, let's do that."

 Later, we, my sister, and my subordinates had lunch in the dining room. Our food for lunch is roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, some greens, and whole wheat bread.

 "Mhm, so good!" Gretchel said to Laura. "You're a good cook."

Laura then smiled. "You're welcome. Your brother taught me how to cook most of them."

Marsa and Xerxes were happy for her, too.

Then, I said to them, "Everyone, I want to get a sword."

They then all looked at me.



Zeke and Sati were delighted to hear that because they had been training me for some time now.


 "Let's get a sword for you."

 And so, after lunch, Sati, Zeke, and I went out to buy a sword. They searched in Lewole for a store that sells weapons. After much searching, they found one that also owns a blacksmith next to it.

 "This is it, guys," Zeke said to us.

We entered in, causing a bell attached above of the front door to ring.

Then, an Undead lion as a human came and greeted us.

But, he saw me as a leader so he addressed, "Welcome, my leader."

 "It's okay, you don't to be formal," I replied back meekly. "I'm nice."

 "I see. What brings you, Sir Zeke, and sir Sati here?"

 "We're here to buy a sword for our master," Sati responded.

 "I see. Come with me."

We then went to a room behind the store, and we saw a lot of blades and daggers, as well as a few halberds and axes on display.

 "Wow…" I commented in amazement.

 "Well, pick whatever you like, sir," the owner said to me.

With that I began choosing my first sword.

The selection was diverse, and each of them are unique to each other.

After much choosing, I chose one that has a handle with intricate gold patterns. "This one, sir."

 "Ah, this one is the best of all, good choice," the owner replied back. 

I picked it up alongside its scabbard.

 "The blade is sharp to the bone, too," the owner added.

 "How much this one cost?" Zeke asked him.

 "This one cost 75 gold coins."

(At this time, monetary currency is now popular for expensive transactions, while bartering remains popular for smaller and common transactions.)

 "But, I'll give a discount of 25 gold coins for you," the owner continued with an offer.

 "No, I'll rather pay the full price, sir," I replied back strongly and seriously.


 "It's one of your best blades, right? So, it's valuable."

I get a bag of gold coins from my pocket and give it to the owner.

 "Okay, thank you, sir." the owner accepted my full payment. "I hoped you enjoy your new weapon."

 "Thank you," Sati said to him, before he, Zeke, and I left the store.

Later, at the backyard, I played with my new sword like a child, swinging it around.

 "Woah, be careful with that, master," Zeke said to me.

 "Yeah, I know," I responded back.

 "By the way, master, about the vanguard who wrote that letter, he might know you."

 "Right." I put my sword back to its scabbard and folded my arms. "I hoped he and the three girls are doing fine."

 "Yes, they will."