
I am The Villain! [AU - MARVEL/DC UNIVERSE)

Starting within the hellish walls of Hells Kitchen, New York. Adrian Starhart was a victim to black market mutant-trafficking, finding himself imprisoned to be tortured for hours on end, and treated less than a beast ever would. However, at the take-over of another soul, the X-gene in his body had undergone another awakening, proving that his life truly wasn't over, and that there was something else out there in the world he was meant to be... It all depended solely on his view of human nature... Something he detested as the new soul peered through the small life time of horrific things his previous self had to deal with before he arrived. '...Fine. I get it... All my past life's skills and experience were meant for this moment right here. All that time I spent wondering if my line of work was even worth anything in the end- It seems I was wrong. There is something I can use those skills for... Correcting this dastardly world by my own hands!' This world is mix of MCU and the Comic universe. With a bit of DC mixed in here and there as well. The story isn't about structure or realistically anything to do with the Marvel timeline or DC's. Whatever I choose to happen will happen, it will be an action pact more straight forward story.

Kustomari · 漫画同人
8 Chs


Blinking, Adrian arose from his slumped position, his head on a swivel. He groaned, instinctively reaching for his head. 'Ugh…' His jaws clenched as his head pounded, the shrill gust of wind that wafted through the alleyway he resided shook him out of his daze, instantly waking him up.

Looking around, he cursed mentally: 'Damn it! How long was I out? Couldn't have been that long…'  He hummed, seeing that the streets were still rather busy for the night. 

'That's good.' A weight was lifted off of his shoulders, releasing the tension that he so subconsciously held onto during his days. 

He reached for his neck, feeling for the collar that marked his freedom obsolete. A shiver ran down his spine, an excited current shooting through his body as he mentally commanded forth his system.


NAME: Adrian Starhart


ABILITIES: Telekinesis I (0/250) Telepathy I (0/250) 

PASSIVES: Warlocks Eyes I - True Magic Affinity (0)]

'Hehe.' Smiling like a kid on Christmas, Adrian, through his new, fully realized Warlock Eyes felt for the power within him, instantly coming to an understanding of its basic capabilities and mastery. 

His telepathy, in tandem with his special eyes, could cover an area of 125-meters within his influence. Nothing could escape his senses now… The mutant grinned, this was his first step to true power. 

What he held now was nothing more than a speck of what he wishes to be capable of.

'I can't lie though… I hit the genetic lottery. Two- No, three- well technically two, overpowered abilities at my disposal. My eyes are an added bonus for my troubles, so it doesn't count, but I'm grateful all the less.'  He noted mentally, reaching his feet as he did so.

He gazed down upon himself, finding that his current attire would no doubt get him in more trouble than he needs right now.

He rubbed his cheek, looking around awkwardly… 'Well, first things first, I guess. Clothes.' Stretching his arms above his head, he groaned as he leaned side to side, getting all the angles he could.

Then, he was off.

Blasting himself skyward with a perfect usage of his telekinetic abilities, Adrian utilized his newly expanded senses to the best of his ability. Leaping from building to building, he was more so akin to a huge rabbit than a mutant.


Telekinesis + 15

Telekinesis + 15] 

As he scaled the city with haste- he did his best to avoid any unwanted attention. Though, it was hard… Being in one of the most populated places on earth definitely ruined his chances of ever finding a quiet place. 

But it infinitely increased his ability to camouflage in public.

'Shit… I hate big cities. I gotta find a place to crash…' Dropping down into an alleyway somewhere in uptown Manhattan, approaching Central Park, Adrian had a new idea.

'Well, let's put these psychic abilities to use, shall we?' His heart was beating fast, adrenaline pumping with every step. Just before breaking through and into the open public, Adrian made use of his elementary abilities of telepathy and cast a shield over his physical self- having him appear in a much better state than he is currently in.

Instead of his dirtied, ragged and impure aura, he now exuded one of confidence, strength and kindness. It was the perfect mesh of all things likable- In social standards.

Through his passive usage though... His system was busy.


Telepathy + 5

Telepathy +5 

Adrian smirked, relishing in the experience as he watched his experience totals rise. It wouldn't be long before yet another ability would be upgraded.

'The question is though… Who should I pick?' His eyes swept the crowd, his mental scanning through the dozens of meters packed psychic flames that surrounded him as they did so.

Adrian was growing rather irritated, sifting through all the memories and thoughts of all his potential choices. It was an arduous task, but it wasn't until he was about to turncoat and find a new area-

'Heh! Jackpot!' A snarl split his perfect face. Many images raced across his mind, a blind man fighting rogue criminals in a fancy get-up... The man in current question wore a simple black suit, his brown cropped hair- short in length and a little sad in the volume aspect, sat just above his red one-way glasses.

'Huh, he looks like the live action version... Strange.' It was definitely a weird thought. The actor that played that man existed in a whole different universe, a different reality and yet that very character he played was actually him.

Swallowing a bit of spit gathered in the back of his throat, Adrian pressed forth through the busy midnight streets of Manhattan. Closing the distance between him and his target quickly...

Just as the young mutant was about to reach for his arm coat, the man suddenly took a turn, narrowly causing the boy to miss and to mix in with the crowd.

'God damn it...'  Adrian smiled slightly, 'That's so cool...'  He had no doubt that the blind vigilante knew he was following him. He wasn't trying to be discreet after all.

So, Adrian decided to play the vigilante's game. Dashing through the crowd, whipping left and right, Adrian was lost in it, so distracted by this game of hide and seek that even as his telepathic and other worldly sight screamed at him that he was in a trap, he didn't care.

The blind-man glanced over his shoulder one last time, seeing that the strange teen was still on his tail, he sighed shaking his head as he dashed towards an alleyway, quickly shifting into an entirely different attire.

Adrian popped up not too long after, just mere moments later and the blind vigilante was already out of sight and out of mind. The boy frowned, 'Weird.' He still felt him nearby, he was no longer locked onto his mind, but he could definitely still sense him.

'Hmm. What're you up too...' Grinning, Adrian ventured further into the darkness of the alley, finding that even in the midst of the darkness, he could still see perfectly fine. His eyes were truly perfect.


A twitch of his ear was all he needed, Adrian had formed a smile, his heartbeat picking up as he felt, and saw his target approach from above—his feet making a loud vibration as they hit the floor.

The Daredevil leaped downward, landing just behind the mutant with scary precision, his detrimental loss of his eyes slow not even him down. In Adrians words, its mesmerizing how beautifully he moves and with such finesse.

'Bingo!' Mentally shouting, Adrian scoffed, feeling the vigilante reach for his shoulder, his stealth already long been cracked since way before the man had the chance to approach the teen.

Just as Daredevils hand was about to land on his shoulder, Adrian turned around, his pure white eyes looking directly into Daredevils red, the latter's eyes widening at the sudden movement and the strange, vibrational hum that invaded his mind...

Instantly the vigilante leaped back, his hand on his head as he frowned, glaring forwardly at the mutant before him.

"W-Who are you!?" The devil asked, his mind still tingling...

Adrian stood in place silently, just observing.

He was having fun learning how to utilize his powers, invading the minds of the people around him also boosted his experience points by a couple points—Adrian' core excitement ties with leveling up his abilities.


Telepathy + 1

Telepathy + 1

Telepathy + 1

Telepathy + 1]

At Adrians lack of acknowledgement, the Daredevil wanted to simply act out on his irritation, on his aggression and just beat the living lights out of the kid and bring him back for questioning.

Yet, the vigilante trusted his instincts more than anything in the world...

'This boy... He's dangerous!'

I might be moving slow with the chapters and story progress, shiiiiiiiiii I apologize. But every story gotta have some sort of build up.

Anyway, next week I'm going to be working on making the chapters a little longer.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kustomaricreators' thoughts