
you just keep on surprising me...

<<you can evolve into the [red devil]! do you want to evolve?>>

<< YES / NO >>


Rose body twitched for a second but she managed to stay silent thanks for the previous bloodlines [werecat] & [demon] her stat's were raised and one of those stat's were endurance so she can now take more pain than before so the pain of having your bloodline upgraded was not as painful as the first time she did it

after it was done nothing changed in her appearance but her magic was another story

<hey rose look at this>

[magic hell core XXL (density- high)]

[devil mode unlocked]- this mode is the better version of the [demon mode] as it will boost not only your strength and defense but also your magic power!

Rose: heh this is nice

Adelar: emm...

oh sh*t Adelar! i completely forgot he stood there! he must have so many questions now, well it's not like i can blame him i would have some questions too if i saw what Rose did after all it's not every day you see a kid change the color of a gem then eat it and start to glow right after

Rose: i got an upgrade in my bloodline

Adelar: okay...but that still does not answer all my question Ms.Rose

Rose: well to bad because i dont want to answer them! anyway we can go back and have some sleep

Adelar *sigh* (well if she dont want to talk about it i should not force her) yea i could use some sleep

and just like that they headed to the portal while having a nice talk about food that somehow changed into a talk about how hard it would be to eat a chicken with a short sword

<so i guess the next destination is marvel world right?>

'yup we will go tomorrow'

<you are taking Adelar?>

'i dont see why not to take him'

when they reached home Adelar slept in the living room on a sofa and it was a large sofa so it was more than comfortable however it was still nothing compared to Rose double king size bed in her bedroom

<okay so are we going to watch something or do you want to sleep tonight?>

'i dont feel like sleeping but i also dont want to watch anything so how about we play something'

<sure what do you want to play?>

'you mentioned a game that you like called "warframe" how about that one?'

<ok i will wait for you to complete the first mission and help you unlock some planet's after this>

since Rose does not need to sleep she usually spend's her night's making an movie marathon or watching an anime but we also discovered that we can play games

and when i say "we" i meant me and her...well if the game she is playing has multiplayer option of course...

the process is simple in front of rose a list of many games appear's she then pick one and a controller is materialized for her to use and if i want to play with her she first need's to give me permission, she usually agrees as there is no reason for her to refuse

and so i began to play with Rose until the morning came i must say she was quite good at this and with me as help she got some good weapons for a newbie...well good weapons for her rank to be exact plus i have to admit i gave her some high quality mods (upgrades that you put in your weapon) for a beginner so yea...but hey everything for a friend am i right?

at 6:00 A.M Rose got up and walked into the kitchen she then made egg's and bacon for Adelir while she herself eat a sandwich and drink 3 bottles of cow milk

oh yea i think i forgot to mention after Rose remembered that her cow's are still in her Old house she went back and pick them up (A/N: that happened off scene when the chapter 55 and 56 took place) well anyway the cows were now in her back yard as happy as a cow can be and they were guarded by the "bark squad" the dog elite that was under Rose command

<hey rose i got something for ya>

'what is it?'

<<system mission: the more the better! marvel universe has magic in it! learn their way of magic and get stronger!>>

<<reward: 50% off price for any magic artifact in the marvel universe>>

<<penalty: banned from using magic for 3 months>>

<<system mission: a true hero! help a hero from the marvel universe in one of their mission! it does not matter if it means catching a bad guy or help save the world as long as you help>>

<<reward: a copy of a superpower from the superhero you will help>>

<<penalty: you will not be able to buy any superpower from the marvel universe>>

<<system mission: i'm smart! learn about the marvel world technology! build something and made Tony stark impressed!>>

<<reward: the arc reactor>>

<<penalty: you are officially banned from any science lab in the marvel universe>>

'well i will have some work in the new world it seems'

just then Adelar showed up by entering the kitchen with his morning hair he looked at Rose startled by her being up so early

Adelar: oh Ms.Rose i didn't though you wake up so early

Rose: yea i'm a morning bird anyway i made you a breakfast it's simple egg's with bacon i hope you like it

Adelar: it's more than enough and you really dint needed to make breakfast for me

Rose: nah you are the guest so i should be good host anyway do you want something to drink? i can offer only some fruit juice, coffe or tea

Adelar: i would like some tea (she is a good kid i'm thankfully i could start my journey with her)

after Rose made tea for Adelar she exited her house and told him that she will come back in an hour

Rose exited the village and searched for large open area when she found one that she deemed large enough she told Death to change from the bracelet into a katana form...huh i guess that she got bored of the trident form

<so what are you planing to do?>

'you will see...if i succeed i mean'

<okay...should i be concerned?>


Rose then breathe in a large amount of air and started to exhale it trough her teeth she tried to do it a couple of times and me being a lv 100 weeb i already know what she tried to do

[skill has been created]-> [breathing (lv1)] - the more you concentrate the better you can control how the air enter's and leave your body-

i highly doubt that it will work even with her new skill that she got but i dint have the courage to tell her that so i just watched her try and perform the attack however i could have never be more wrong in my life

after almost an hour a lonely slime started to approach Rose and she did the unpredictable she got into a stance with Death in his katana form and breathed out all the air in her lung's trough her teeth and the next thing i knew in one second she dashed at an amazing speed toward the slime! it was not light speed and it was WAY slower than her full speed but considering that she managed to go so fast by only by doing one tiny gentle step was just amazing!

welp the slime was death and Rose stopped her dash a couple of step's behind of the now dead monster while on her silhouette dancing were little sparkles

Rose: thunder breathing technique first style: Thunderclap and Flash

[you have learned a new offensive skill!] ->[thunder breathing technique first style: Thunderclap and Flash] (lv 1) - pathetically week train more and dont you dare call this attack a thunder breathing technique until it will not become somewhat decent-

[since the system holder known as "Rose" learned a power from the anime "demon slayer" she will now have access to the item's and power of that world in the shop! WARNING: the shop is 90% blocked since the system that the organic life form know as Rose is not an "anime system" however the "demon slayer shop" can be unlocked by paying 100 energy stones or by doing system mission's]

<Rose you just keep on surprising me...>


hey author here!

i just want to tell you that next chapter is going to be in marvel universe (my god how long we had o wait didnt we?)