
Connor Olphean

"Why do I have to go to the Academy today when the entrance day is tomorrow?" I questioned my mom while slipping on the white blazer of my uniform.

The attire was composed of a pristine white shirt, trousers, and the blazer, with the only color variation being my silver tie.

"Today, the new freshmen are given the chance to explore the campus and gain a better understanding of the place," Christina chimed in, appearing in her own elegant white uniform. She winked at me. "Don't worry, seniors like me will be there to show you around."

"Wait a second... freshmen? But I'm not a first-year student. I've already completed my first year in Celesta," I said, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

[<Barely, though.>]

I did pass, though!

"True, you're a sophomore, but since you're new to this academy, you still need to get acquainted with it," Mom explained, joining us in a skirt-like uniform.