
[Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [17] Amael Falkrona VS Adrian Dolphis

Adrian groaned audibly as he rose from his prone position, his movements sluggish with the weight of pain that engulfed him. The metallic tang of blood flooded his senses, triggering a cough that expelled a crimson tide from his lips.

The intensity of his agony was unprecedented, its origin obscured in the haze of his battered consciousness. Even his watery companion lay defeated, completely overwhelmed by Amael's strength.

"I underestimated him," Adrian conceded to himself. From the outset, he had dismissed Amael as a mere outsider, swayed by the misguided belief in their own superiority, their divine connection to the revered Holy Tree of Eden.

Yet now, as the harsh reality unfolded before him, Adrian could no longer deny the truth. Amael was no ordinary adversary; his strength was a force to be reckoned with.