
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · 电视同人
48 Chs

The Future Has Changed


**Abandoned Warehouse - Outskirts of Central City**

Barry arrived at the warehouse, the scene already tense with police presence. He could see Joe inside, his figure outlined against the dim light filtering through broken windows. Barry's senses were on high alert as he moved closer to the entrance, taking in the sound of Joe shouting commands and the crash of thunder overhead.

Eddie lay unconscious on the ground, clearly having taken a hit during the confrontation. Joe was desperately trying to drag him to safety while keeping an eye on Clyde Mardon, who stood at the center of the warehouse, manipulating the weather with his hands.

Barry, now fully suited up as the Flash, knew he had to act fast. He took a deep breath and zoomed into the warehouse, his movements a blur of red lightning.


**Inside the Warehouse**

Joe turned, startled by the sudden appearance of the red-suited figure. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded, his voice a mix of fear and confusion.

Barry didn't have time to explain. "I'm here to help," he said simply, his voice firm and reassuring. "Get Eddie out of here."

Joe hesitated for a moment, then nodded, trusting this strange but seemingly capable ally. He grabbed Eddie under the arms and started dragging him towards the exit.

Mardon sneered, his eyes narrowing as he recognized the threat. "Another hero wannabe. Let's see how fast you can dodge this."

He raised his hands, summoning a powerful gust of wind aimed directly at Barry. But Barry was too quick, zigzagging through the warehouse and reaching Mardon in a heartbeat. As he approached, a display of Mardon's stats appeared in Barry's field of vision:

**Meta-Human Profile: Clyde Mardon**

- Abilities: Weather manipulation, including the creation of storms, lightning, and wind gusts.

- Threat Level: High

- Weakness: Concentration dependent, disrupt his focus to weaken his control.


Barry stopped just a few feet from Mardon, the tension in the air palpable. "Clyde Mardon," Barry called out, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "This ends now. You won't hurt anyone else."

Mardon laughed, his expression twisted with arrogance. "You think you can stop me? You're just a man in a red suit."

Barry's eyes narrowed. "I'm more than that. I'm the Flash."

Mardon smirked, raising his hands to summon another powerful gust of wind. "We'll see about that, Flash."


Barry dodged the initial attack with ease, his super speed allowing him to maneuver around Mardon's wind blasts. He circled Mardon at high speed, creating a vortex that disrupted Mardon's control over the weather. Mardon's concentration wavered, and the storm clouds above began to dissipate.

Barry took advantage of the opening, delivering a series of rapid punches, each one landing with precision and force. Mardon stumbled, struggling to regain control. He raised his hands, summoning a bolt of lightning aimed directly at Barry. But Barry was faster, sidestepping the attack and closing the distance between them in an instant.

With one final, powerful blow, Barry knocked Mardon to the ground. Mardon lay unconscious, the threat neutralized.


Joe had managed to get Eddie to safety and was now staring at the warehouse, anxiety etched on his face. When Barry emerged, carrying the unconscious Mardon over his shoulder, Joe's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You... you did it," Joe said, still trying to process what he was seeing.

Barry gently laid Mardon down and approached Joe. "He's secure now. Make sure he gets to a facility that can handle his abilities."

Joe nodded slowly, still in shock. "Who are you?" he asked again, his voice softer this time.

Barry gave him a reassuring smile. "Just someone who wants to help. Take care, Detective."

Before Joe could say anything more, Barry sped away, leaving a trail of red lightning in his wake.


**S.T.A.R. Labs - Later**

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry stood with Cisco and Caitlin, who were reviewing the footage of his first mission as the Flash.

"You were amazing out there, Barry," Caitlin said, her voice filled with pride.

Cisco nodded enthusiastically. "And the suit held up perfectly. Great job, man."

Barry smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I couldn't have done it without you guys."

Just then, the system pinged again, and a new message appeared before Barry:

**Mission Complete**

- Objective: Assist Joe and Eddie in confronting the meta-human Mardon at the warehouse.

- Reward: Enhanced Speed Ability and Advanced Combat Training Program.

Barry felt a surge of energy course through him as the reward activated. He could feel his speed increasing, his reflexes becoming sharper. Alongside it, an influx of knowledge on advanced combat techniques filled his mind, giving him the skills to handle future threats more effectively.

He looked at his friends. "This is just the beginning. We're going to protect this city, together."

Cisco and Caitlin exchanged glances, ready to support Barry in his journey as the Flash.

As Barry prepared for the challenges ahead, he knew that with his enhanced abilities and the unwavering support of his friends, Central City was in good hands. The Flash was here to stay.

**Time Vault - S.T.A.R. Labs**

Harrison Wells maneuvered his wheelchair through the dimly lit time vault beneath S.T.A.R. Labs, his gaze fixed on the holographic projection before him. The console displayed a newspaper from a future timeline, dated with the headline:

**Flash Defeats Cicada Once and for All**

Wells studied the image, curated meticulously by Iris Thawne West, capturing a pivotal moment in Central City's history. The hologram depicted Barry Allen in 2024, his form clad in a suit that bore a sleek, less bulky design reminiscent of Savitar's armor. The suit's matte crimson exterior gleamed subtly under the holographic lights, adorned with intricate metallic accents that spoke of advanced technology and formidable protection.

The streamlined armor hugged Barry's frame, emphasizing both agility and resilience, a stark departure from Savitar's imposing bulk. Integrated into the suit were strategic armor platings across his chest, shoulders, and forearms, providing essential protection without hindering his swift movements. The helmet, seamlessly molded into the suit's collar, offered full head coverage and featured a sophisticated visor with a heads-up display, enhancing Barry's situational awareness during combat.

As Barry pinned Cicada against the warehouse wall with unwavering resolve, the suit's subtle red lighting elements illuminated with each movement, echoing the pulsating energy coursing through his enhanced form. The lightning bolt emblem, boldly emblazoned across his chest, symbolized courage and hope for Central City, a beacon of strength in the face of adversity.

The scene encapsulated Barry's evolution as the Flash, a hero honed through countless trials and victories over formidable adversaries like Cicada. Wells contemplated the profound impact of Iris's chronicle, recognizing the indelible mark Barry's journey had left on Central City's future and the legacy of heroism he embodied.

"The future has changed," Wells murmured to himself, his gaze shifting between the holographic headline and the redesigned Flash. "Thawne, not Allen."

He traced the name "Iris Thawne West" with a contemplative finger, acknowledging the significance of her contribution to documenting these pivotal moments. The realization that Iris was now linked to the Thawne lineage, instead of the Allen lineage as previously known, added a new layer of complexity to Barry's story. It meant that Iris was not just a chronicler of history but potentially a key figure in shaping it, her ancestry intertwined with the enigmatic Thawne legacy.