
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · 电视同人
48 Chs

Eoboard Thawne 2

Deep within the confines of the time vault, Eobard Thawne, paced angrily. He had been trying to phase out for hours, using every trick and technique he knew, but to no avail. Each attempt to vibrate through the walls or force the doors open ended in failure, the barriers around him holding firm. His frustration and rage built up, each failed attempt adding to the volcanic pressure inside him.

Finally, he lost control and screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing through the sterile, unyielding walls of the vault. "NO! This can't be happening! I am the fastest man alive! I will not be caged like this!"

Thawne's fists pounded against the walls, the sound reverberating like thunder. His eyes glowed with a fierce red energy as he tried once more to phase through the walls, but the technology and safeguards Barry had implemented held strong.

Back in the control room, Cisco and Caitlin watched in a mix of shock and horror as the man they once trusted, the man who had guided them and mentored them, raged against his confinement. The realization of his true identity—Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash—left a bitter taste of betrayal and confusion in their hearts.

Cisco's voice trembled as he observed the screen. "I can't believe it. All this time... all those moments... and he was playing us. Manipulating us."

Caitlin's eyes filled with tears, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was our friend. He was... he was like a father to me. How could he do this?"

Cisco put a comforting hand on her shoulder, his own emotions raw and tumultuous. "We were all fooled, Caitlin. But now we know the truth. And we have to face it."

The two stood there, watching Thawne's frantic attempts to escape. His once calm and authoritative demeanor was replaced with desperation and fury. It was a stark contrast to the composed and caring mentor they thought they knew.

"Gideon," Caitlin finally said, her voice steadying as determination set in. "Can we connect to him? I... I need to ask him some questions."

Gideon's holographic form appeared on a nearby monitor. "Yes, Dr. Snow. I can establish a secure connection to the time vault's communication system. Be advised, however, that Thawne is in a highly agitated state."

Caitlin nodded, wiping away a stray tear. "I understand. Do it."

Within moments, the image of Thawne's enraged face filled the screen. He glared at them, his eyes burning with hatred. "What do you want? Come to gloat? To mock me?" he spat, his voice dripping with venom.

Caitlin took a deep breath, her heart aching. "I want to understand, Wells... or Thawne, or whoever you really are. Why did you do this? Why did you pretend to be someone you're not? Why did you manipulate us?"

Thawne's expression shifted slightly, a flicker of something almost like regret crossing his features before the anger returned. "You think I wanted to play this charade? To pretend to be someone else for all these years? I did what I had to do to survive. To get back to my own time."

"But you killed people," Cisco interjected, his voice filled with anger and pain. "You killed Barry's mother. You lied to us. You used us."

Thawne sneered. "You don't understand. You can't possibly comprehend what it's like to be trapped, to be so close to your goal and yet so far away. Everything I did, I did to get back home. To correct the mistakes that ruined my life which is to kill Barry Allen"

Caitlin's voice wavered, a mix of sorrow and anger. "And what about us? What about the people who trusted you? Who looked up to you?"

Thawne's face twisted into a bitter smile. "Collateral damage. Necessary sacrifices. You were all tools, means to an end. Barry Allen ruined my life, and I will stop at nothing to make him pay."

Cisco shook his head, his heart breaking for the mentor he thought he knew. "You could have been different. You could have chosen a different path."

Thawne laughed, a hollow, bitter sound. "And you could have seen through my lies. But you didn't. You were all too eager to believe in the benevolent Dr. Wells. You made it easy."

Caitlin's eyes filled with tears once more, but this time they were tears of resolve. "We're not going to let you hurt anyone else. This ends now."

Thawne's smile faded, replaced by a look of pure hatred. "You think you can stop me? You think you've won? This isn't over, not by a long shot. I will find a way out of here, and when I do, I will destroy everything you hold dear."

Cisco stepped forward, his voice firm. "No, you won't. We won't let you. And we'll be ready for you."

With that, Cisco ended the connection, the screen going dark. He turned to Caitlin, who was visibly shaken but resolute. "We did the right thing, Caitlin. We had to know. Now we have to figure out what to do next."

Caitlin nodded, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "We need to make sure Thawne stays contained. And we need to bring Barry back. Together, we can stop him."

In Metropolis, Barry Allen was in the city library, a blur of motion as he sped through every science-related book he could find. His goal was to gather as much knowledge as possible to build new equipment and devices, preparing himself for any challenge that might come his way. He absorbed the information at super-speed, his mind racing to integrate and understand it all.

He read about quantum mechanics, advanced robotics, materials science, and more. Each book he finished provided a new piece of the puzzle, sparking ideas and blueprints in his mind. Barry wanted to expand his capabilities, to innovate and create tools that could help him and his friends in ways he hadn't yet imagined.

Finally, when he felt he had enough, he took the last book and sat down, slowing his movements to normal human speed, pretending to read. The library around him was peaceful, a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts in his mind.

As he sat there, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone approaching. Barry looked up to see see someone he had not expected to see here in Metropolis, not at this time of the year standing before him, a curious smile on his face. "Reading up on something interesting?" k