
I Am The Eternal God?!

He who stands beyond space and time. He who bestowed wisdom and life. He who started the beginning. In the relentless waves of time, history turned into epics, epics evolve into myths and until those myths lie buried beneath the sands of time. He who alone stand above the sands. The Immortal prisoner of time, the Eternal Star whispered. "I shall descend to this universe, I have plenty of time."

LonelyChili · 奇幻
7 Chs


Chapter 3 - Valerusian

Emilio stood at the helm of the colossal creature he had affectionately named Lala. Alongside the trilobite humanoid, the centipede moved gracefully across the desert, moving as swiftly as a truck, the winds roaring in Emilio's ears.

The sight of the vast desert left Emilio mesmerized. Though peaceful and empty, he knew that much of the continent was still unsuitable for living beings, whereas the sea teemed with life. He moved only a straight line.

While traveling, he delved deeper into reason for his transmigration and his purpose, Emilio made a startling discovery: only his anchors, the trilobite and the centipede, were able to perceive his presence. He realized that his body was incompatible with this universe, preventing him from touching or interfering with anything else in this world. He couldn't help but speculate that he is truly an entity from another universe, wandering through the cracks of space and time to observe this new reality.

Studying his two anchors closely, Emilio noticed that they had gained something from perceiving him. The trilobite had developed an organ similar to a brain, with a glowing gem deep within its core, imbuing it with wisdom. On the other hand, the centipede had absorbed something from Emilio, his blood, granting it the ability to devour anything and assimilate its powers. With the ability to change forms at will and even manipulate the evolutionary path of organisms, the centipede had evolved into an awe-inspiring creature that Emilio dubbed the Hybrid Leviathan.

Despite its intimidating size and abilities, Emilio found the Hybrid Leviathan endearing, particularly its huge gem-like eyes that seemed to look at him with innocence. However, he realized that the monster lacked true sentience and merely followed his commands.

Emilio then shifted his attention to the trilobite, which exhibited a different kind of sentience compared to the centipede. It had referred to him as "God," but hadn't communicated further. Nonetheless, Emilio felt no urgency to unravel the mysteries just yet, as he sensed an eternity ahead of him in this vast world. Emilio realized he cannot interfere with the directly and only through his anchors.

As they continued their journey, Emilio spotted a green in the distance, unlike the barren wasteland of the continent. The lush greenery, covered with trees, lichen, bushes and moss, gave it a vibrant and lively atmosphere. Without hesitation, he directed Lala to head towards this verdant haven.

Deciding to settle on that place, Emilio, Trilobite, and Lala, the ever-evolving Hybrid Leviathan, will stay there.

Upon reaching the trees and vegetation, Emilio decided to stay there. It has a lake and pits.

Leaving Lala and the trilobite to their own devices, Emilio wandered around, observing the desert, gazing at the dusk, lost in his past memories and thoughts. He blankly stared into the setting sun, indifferent to the ever-changing environment around him.

Meanwhile, Lala began collecting stones and building them into a massive pyramid at the center. The trilobite coordinated with Lala, working together to create this monumental structure.

The pyramid they constructed was so massive that it surpassed even the Pyramids of Giza or the Pyramids of the Sun. It stood at an impressive height of 500 meters with a base of around 700 meters. Emilio marveled at the sheer magnitude of the pyramid, realizing that such a structure couldn't have been built by human hands alone. It appeared to be a work worthy of the gods.

With Lala's incredible strength and abilities, combined with the wisdom of the trilobite, they accomplished this monumental task. The pyramid's stairs seemed to reach the heavens, dwarfing both the trilobite and the Hybrid Leviathan with its size.

Lost in his thoughts for what felt like days or even months, Emilio eventually snapped back to reality, only to find the trilobite kneeling before him, with Lala in tow. He looked at the pyramid they had built and realized it was dedicated to him.

Emilio also noticed that the trilobite could now command the Hybrid Leviathan, perhaps due to the wisdom it had inherited from him. The trilobite had glimpsed parts of Emilio's memory and experiences, shaping it as a sentient being. It displayed gratitude, devotion, and even faith.

Seeing Valentina's face reflected in the trilobite's expression, Emilio couldn't help but be reminded of a certain eccentric writer friend of his.

"God," the trilobite continued to call him, but Emilio decided to correct this.

"I am Emilio, I am not God." he introduced himself.

"Thank you," Emilio realized the trilobite still hadn't found a name for itself.

After pondering for a while, Emilio named it "Valrick," drawing inspiration from one of Valentina's favorite characters—an extraordinary protagonist with an unbending will.

Valrick tried to say Emilio's name but struggled due to unknown mystical reasons that affected its vocal cords. Instead, it managed to utter "Elion," a name somewhat similar to Emilio's.

Emilio speculated that this inability to pronounce his name might be due to his existence being incompatible with this universe, and he simply smiled, accepting the name "Elion" in this realm.

He then turned his attention to the majestic pyramid, observing it in great detail. The pyramid was made of a black yet shiny material, similar to Lala's body. Shining gems adorned its surface, resembling stars in motion, creating a cosmic spectacle of birth and death of galaxies.

Slowly, Emilio ascended the stairs leading to the top of the pyramid, feeling as if he was walking through the universe with every step. The symbolism of each step being a birth and death of a star or galaxy fascinated him, leaving him lost in wonder as he reached the pinnacle of the pyramid..

Reaching the end of the stairs after a while, he looked at the platform adorned with an intricate pattern of a 4 pointed star symbol.

Emilio looked downwards as he saw how small everything was at this height and yet he didn't feel any emotional fluctuation at this point.

The moment he set foot at the top of the pyramid. He pondered many questions, and the meaning of his existence and slowly grew apathetic.

Perhaps nothing really matters, in the vast cosmic universe, everything is just an insignificant dust.

And he looked towards the pattern again, observing the star pattern.

"I am not God, I am just a prisoner stuck in an abyss looking at the gaps of my cage. To see the light that will eventually fade away." Emilio felt numb, he has grown to accept, and at the same time the futility of action against the vastness and cruel cold cosmos.

His love? His memories? His past? His ambitions? It mattered little.

"Elion!" Valrick called out, breaking Emilio's thoughts

Emilio didn't notice but Valrick did walk just behind Emilio. Emilio saw Valrick kneeling before him once again.

Elion looked at him with curiosity.

"This Palace... do.... like.... it?" Valrick asked with fear and with difficulty. Valrick thought such a place can only be home to God. And Elion's silence made him unable to determine if God liked this palace or not.

Valrick tried to decipher his emotions and thoughts but was unable to do so and that's why he asked.

He created this Palace as a way to show worship, and his belief.

Elion didn't really feel happy or grateful. He can't feel cold, and he doesn't even need a house, he doesn't have a physical body to interact or feel this world. And he didn't really need or want anyone's worship. All of this is meaningless to him but it doesn't mean it's meaningless to Valrick.

He nodded and said.

"It's good and beautiful." Elion looked at Valrick.

"You will be rewarded." Elion said. Elion can see through Valrick's emotions and thoughts.

Which is ironic that he doesn't call himself a god and yet he will do things similar to what a god will do.

Emilio saw Valrick's loneliness deep beneath his soul, Emilio saw some of Valrick's memories and he realized that Valrick had worked for 7 years to create this Palace, and he noticed he keeps talking with Lala, and yet Lala is unable to respond to his questions.

He realized Valrick at the end of the day. a person who wanted company.

No man is an island. Someone to fill the loneliness of his heart.

Valrick practically prostrated his whole body and thanked Emilio for his praise and generosity. Valrick denied for a reward and said he did it all not because of a reward but to him, and nothing else.

Emilio noticed Valrick did say the truth, it is sincere and full of conviction. Perhaps Valrick didn't notice deep within his subconscious that he was lonely. And Emilio didn't intend to make Valrick lonely just like himself, so Emilio said while he waved his hand.

"I know, but you deserve a reward."

He then touched the head of the kneeling Valrick.

And used Lala's ability to create a species using his tail.

Lala cut Valrick's tail but he didn't notice it because Valrick's consciousness was sent into a vast unknown, directly looking at the Eternal star, the manifestation of Emilio's soul.

Valrick saw what Emilio had seen, he then felt the heaviness of time, and slowly eroded his will, making him lose his mind, because no sentient life form can withstand such length of time, The sands of time slowly buried him until it stopped just right in his eyes. He withstood it, and directly saw Emilio, his form, his silhouette. The indomitable human spirit.

He saw a human shaped silhouette and Valrick thought that was God's image.

The God he believes in. The star that saw the birth and death of billions of galaxies, The being who saw the beginning and who will see the end.

The Eternal God who stands above the sands of time. Elion!

And then Emilio withdrew his hand from Valrick's head.

"You shall have your people." Emilio pointed below.

And Valrick saw hundreds of people, looking curiously atop the pyramid.

"The Valerusian." Emilio smiled.

Valrick can't help but shed a tear. He cannot even speak a single word.

Such a generous god, Valrick thought.

Thank you for inspiring me to write, sir Blowing the Wind (author of low dimensional Game) I know this story's genre is niche and only a few people will like this certain kind of story.

Thank you everyone, if you managed to reach this far.

LonelyChilicreators' thoughts