

Mauna Kea Mountainside Stargazing Village, Kokoro Islands.

Theo and the others were admiring the night sky filled with stars when Nanth, their concierge, walked towards them and spoke, "Everyone, we have lit up the bonfire at the village plaza, if you come with me I can guide you there."

Everyone's eyes lit up with the idea, without the sun warming up the place, the mountain chilly weather was starting to bother them even with their coats on. It was mostly the chilly wind blowing that bothered them, so it was normal that they found the idea of warming up their bodies beside the bonfire a good idea.

"We'll follow you then." Theo smiled as he stood up from his seat.

The others also nodded as they stood up as well.

Just like that Theo and the others followed Nanth through the stone streets of the mountainside village.