
Sleepover at Aurora's House

Aurora's Study Room, Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

07:12 PM.

Through the crystalline door-to-ceiling windows it was possible to see the stunning night view from the whole city. And it was before this view that the four friends excitedly discussed something very important to them.

"Aurora-chan, do you already know what you're going to say tomorrow?" Carolla asked from the couch.

"I have a few ideas, but I haven't decided on everything yet." Aurora replied from her desk where she was browsing through the web on her last-generation computer.

Theo designed this room specifically for Aurora to have everything that she might need in her studies and work.

The place was spacious enough to have some couches, tables, bookshelves, and a big TV on the side. Plus, Aurora's desktop was mounted with a supercomputer that she could use to game and study.

The room was beautifully decorated with pink colors and pink neons on the walls.