
First Friends' Visit

Ayia and Shizuka's Manor, Sakura City.

Everyone was admiring the girls' place as the bus drove them into the property.

There was a purple iron fence with plants growing on top of it, and this place separated the property from the street sidewalk.

They entered the property through a gate made of this same purple iron. And when they entered the property, they saw a cute three-floor villa in front of them.

The villa was purple in color and with green vines growing alongside the villa walls. It made the house look like a countryside house and not a house built in the middle of a metropole.

In the middle of the house and the fence, there was a garden filled with all types of flowers and trees.

It was noticeable to them that this house was well taken care of as everything looked beautiful and clean.

It didn't take long for the bus to park in front of the villa's entrance and for them to exit the vehicle.