
First Day As Student Council Members

2-B Classroom, Yukihime High School, Elffire City.


The bell loudly reverberated all around the school announcing the ending of the last class of the day.

"Next class I'll check on your homework, you guys can leave now." The Physics Professor said before taking his things and leaving the classroom.

"Bye, teacher!"

"Bye, professor!"


The students excitedly placed their notepads, pens, and other things in their own bags as they talked to each other.

"Is it true that the entrance to the clubs will extended for another week, Vivian?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, we know that everyone is excited to participate in the festival, so this week will serve for the ones without any club to get in one." Vivian replied with a calm smile.

"Did you guys already decide when the festival will happen?" Another asked.