
Connected Hearts

Theo and Ayia walked down the beach holding hands, just like the night they confirmed their relationship.

They wanted to bask in the stars just the two of them, one last time before they left tomorrow.

This place would always hold a special place in their heart as it was the place they confessed their love and decided to get together.

At that moment, they didn't say anything to each other. They just listened to the soft sound of their feet as they walked. They listened to the soft sea waves. They listened to the sound that trees made as the sea breeze blew them off. And they listened to their heartbeats.

Heartbeats that seemed to connect their two hearts as they held hands.

Theo felt so happy at that moment, he never imagined that one day he would date someone as amazing as Ayia.

She was extremely beautiful, yes. 

But Theo was not that superficial, he liked Ayia for she was.