

"You can't do it." They all said, glaring down at her. "Why? I want to write a book." She said, wilting under their cold stares. "Just look at how you've fallen. How are you even going to write a book? This is all your fault." they chorused. Indeed, Seanae was sprawled on the icy cobblestones. Her scraped knees were bleeding waves of crimson. "B-but you're the ones who pushed me." She whimpered. Suddenly, they all went dead quiet. Seanae looked down, embarrassed. "You can't do it." They repeated. "You can't even pick yourself up." But she did. Slowly, she dusted off her knees and limped into a standing position. "You're wrong. I can do it, and I will," she told them. And with that, "English Rose" was published. ~~~~ Pls help dis rando author ;-; I have dirt bank account and dirt writing skills but gold imagination ~~~~ Please give me viewssssss art release every 5k *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* - EVERY WEEKDAY (daily updates monday-friday and maybe on the weekends too?) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw NOT MY ART I USE DIS GENERATOR --> https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator ART RELEASE : (I got 5k views so here it is) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gb2oLOrgMFH0WBXGh6GGutvv6uSdddlS-bMXpV-Wmpg/edit

PilinyTheYounger · 奇幻言情
75 Chs



I whistled as I headed down to the dungeon. The keys were cold in my hand, and the dungeon itself was crawling with all sorts of cockroaches. sheesh. Do they even have bug spray here? But, then again, it occurred to me that no one in their right mind would spray a dungeon. Hmmmmmmm. 

Finally, I reached where the "Rats" were. That is Lisa, Phil, and a bunch of other priests. That was the good news, but the bad news was that they looked half-dead. Skunken eyes, bruises and cuts, bones sticking out everywhere. The ideal cast for a zombie crew - but I shoved that thought out of my mind. "Uh, here. everyone out. We're getting you out of here. Can you walk?" I said, and a few eyes blinked open. Heads lifted just a bit. Good. everyone was alive at least. 

"Alright, listen. I'm with Cordelia. She's alive and well. Kind of. Anyway, we're getting you out of here since Dad's a nincompoop." I explained, reaching out my hands to help a few people stagger to their feet. "Everyone who can walk, help out those that can't. Also, here. This stuff should fetch a hefty price." I said, taking off all my jewelry and handing it to the priests. A few of them were still blinking, and, as they stepped out of the now-unlocked cell, I noticed there was someone standing near the doorway who wasn't one of the prisoners. 

Levi. And he was looking at me with wide eyes.