
Batman's distrust

There he stood, nearly as tall as him but he didn't wear blue and red, only a black suit that anyone could see that it was designed with the intention to send fear into the hearts of the onlookers or at least, it tells a bit about the wearer's mind, he was batman, a super hero with no powers but skilled in martial arts and got lots of gadgets although fans agree that his super powers were his untrusting personality, cunning mind and money…

"Batman!" superman said surprised

"Hm" batman didn't say a word and only squinted his eyes, one could tell he might be suspecting something.

A lot if not most or all fans agree that batman was untrusting and wary of others, add that to his sharp mind he was nicknamed detective by many…

It was something that could be seen as irrelevant, some people's reaction would be something like "You look like you saw a ghost or something" and then they would brush it off but not someone like batman. The current superman being a fan of DC could tell that he might have done something that might spell a bit of trouble, although he couldn't see his expression but he could tell that when he said batman he sounded surprised and almost shocked therefore his expression might have been that of shock or surprise as well, if he were with someone else that might have been normal but if it is batman then that might catch his attention and not in a good way at that, for fans, reading or watching batman is something of great importance in a sense, but actually living in the same world as him and being suspected by him isn't a good thing, not at all, the current superman suddenly felt like he might have just stepped on a landmine.

"Batman what is going on here?" superman asked trying to look more normal or at least he tried to sound like what superman does.

Batman however didn't say a word and kept silent for sometime looking at a superman.

"Batman? Is something wrong?" superman asked trying to sound like superman or at least how what the superman in those comics, cartoons and movie that he saw.

"You are late" batman said

"I kind of overslept" superman said trying to sound apologetic

"Overslept?" batman said somewhat sounding more serious than usual "Boom tubes appearing around the world, parademons been kidnapping people since yesterday, justice league members been fighting nonstop and you have been ignoring all calls since then as well, Lex Luthor is obviously involved in this, and we got no answer as to is going on! And you know why? It is because the man supposed to have the answers to this is clearly acting like he knows nothing!" batman glared at superman

"Who? You mean me? But I know nothing" superman said calmly trying to sound innocent, after all the current him didn't even know that a world like a DC world is real, or in fact, it might actually be a DC world.

Batman frowned, he clearly didn't like that answer, his hand under his cape moved to his belt pulling a green shining crystal-like object and he quickly moved that object towards superman's face.

"I want answers, speak! What do you know? Who are you?" batman asked

"ARRRGH" the current superman being so close to that green object felt grave pain all over his body, he felt heavy, and weak, he could barely muster any strength and only scream in pain, the current superman finally felt what being near Kryptonite feels like to superman.

Superman continued to feel pain as he fell down.

"Tell me! Who are you?" batman again asked

"You crazy lunatic, stop it, it is me" superman tried to talk his way out of the matter, after all what was he supposed to say? That he is not superman and that he is somebody else possessing his body? Well, something like that would be believable in a world like that of DC, but the current superman didn't think that saying the truth would be the best thing to do, especially not to someone like batman, after all, despite how he conduct himself with strong beliefs, morals and own rules, but it is a gamble to try an think how batman might act, and he wasn't sure of what kind of world he was brought to, it might be one like of those where batman became or will become evil for all he knows.

"Tell me who you are? What do you know? Answer me!" batman didn't give up

Superman felt annoyed, wasn't it enough that his life was in danger, noises keep bothering him and now the pain from the Kryptonite and batman's ruthless interrogation.

"This is enough!" superman said as he gathered all the power still left in his left arm and suddenly waved his arm, batman was always vigilant so he jumped back in an attempt to dodge after all his opponent was the man of steel or someone who looks like him for all he knew, unfortunately, the wind generated by that arm swing was too much that it sent batman flying in the air but he didn't let go of the small piece of Kryptonite he was holding, superman staggered to stand up a bit, but he was careful as he knew batman might attack even like that, so he looked around and moved to where the battle is, perhaps he can make batman and anyone else suspecting him, believe him and in the meantime perhaps look for a chance to escape.

Superman didn't think of running away immediately because he knew that he would raise more suspiciousness like that, not to mention aside from batman who was watching the world with satellites, there was also the rest of the justice league and they could easily find him if he tries to run away in that weakened state and not able to fly made thinks even harder.

Superman shot a quick glance at batman that was a distance away from him, he was worried what he might throw at him, after all, he was always carrying a piece of Kryptonite with him, who knows what else he could be hiding in that utility belt of his? superman was wary, however, seeing that batman seemed to be looking at him just observing, he decided to carry on with his plan for the time being but that didn't mean he dropped his guard.

Seeing that batman was just observing him, superman tried to defend himself again or at least attempt to convince batman that he is the actual superman

"Batman! I don't know what happened, but I understand your worry, however, now that I'm here, there is nothing to worry about" saying so sounding confident, superman hurried to where the battle with the parademons are, the bat glare put lots of pressure on him…