

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · 奇幻
28 Chs


Santaliel continued to stroll along the path in search of Leo.

He got to the end of the forest, where he came across a twisted procession of dead trees, their branches like skeletal fingers, stretched across the boundary, casting a chilling presence that seemed to seep into the very air.

"I guess it's a dead end" Santaliel muttered to himself as he continued to stare deeply at the other side of the forest where the dead trees stood

" I should head back, I just hope Leo is at the sanctuary " Santaliel said to himself as she turned around and headed back to the sanctuary.

Santaliel arrived at the sanctuary and was welcomed by Orly 

"Welcome back, Master Santaliel! I'm relieved you're safe," Orly said, her voice filled with concern.

" What of Leo " Santaliel asks

" Master Cael found Leo and brought him back" Orly responded 

Santaliel let out a sigh of relief " I'm so glad" 

As he walked towards the field where Leo was waiting, Orly flew alongside him. Upon spotting Santaliel, Leo sprang to his life, racing towards him with an eager gait.

Leo's tail wagged excitedly, and Santaliel couldn't help but smile as he opened his arms to receive the enthusiastic reunion.

"Don't run off like that again Leo, you scared me " Santaliel smiled as he rubbed Leo's fur

Leo sniffed Santaliel, recognizing the familiar scent on him.

Santaliel looked at Leo, surprised " I guess you're scenting someone else's scent on me, I met a pretty young goddess and helped her escape from some demonic beasts that attacked her" Santaliel said with a smile, Leo growled sadly as he licked Santaliel and Santaliel chuckled

" Don't worry Leo, I'll take you to see her in 4 days, I'm sure you'll like her" Santaliel assured as he continued to rub Leo's fur 

" Stop treating a demonic beast like it's a pet" Cael scoffed as he approached from behind 

" Demonic beasts or not, I'll treat them however I want to" Santaliel said

" Is that anyway to talk to your master " Cael ask

" Forgive me dear master " Santaliel said sarcastically 

" Take it easy on him big Brother " Lyrx's calm voice was heard from behind turning the Cael and santaliel's attention to her

 Lyrx's ravishing beauty commanded attention. Her flowing blue hair that was well designed and decorated with unique ornaments cascaded down her back, and her fitted white corset gown accentuated her slender physique. Her ethereal presence radiated elegance.

" Lyrx it's good to see you, what are you doing....wait did you just say brother" Santaliel asked in realization 

Lyrx giggled, her eyes sparkling. "Yes, Cael's my elder brother." 

" He's nothing like you at all" Santaliel teased making Lyrx giggle

" Greetings Lady Lyrx" Orly greeted

"Hello, Orly," Lyrx replied, her smile radiant.

" Ly what are you doing here, it's dangerous" Cael said

" You always come here since you were little and I always came looking for you, so you don't have to worry big brother, beside I can protect myself " Lyrx assured with a smile

" Still, inform me before your arrival so I can make preparations and ensure you arrive unharmed" Cael said concern etched on his face 

" Yes brother" Lyrx smiled

" I'm going to the Earthly realm and I thought you would like to join me Santaliel " Lyrx added

" You're so kind and thoughtful Lyrx " Santaliel complimented making Lyrx blush

Lyrx's cheeks flushed, and Cael's gaze narrowed, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of surprise ' is Santaliel the one Ly spoke of..' 

" But how did you know I'll be with your brother" Santaliel's curiosity piqued 

" Well he talked about his new student and said alot about how weak and powerless you are but strong and promising so I knew it was you instantly" Lyrx smiled

" Don't tell him that Ly" Cael intervened 

" I didn't know you thought so highly of me master" Santaliel teased " Anyways Lyrx I would love to go with you, when are we leaving " 

"Are you forgetting something?" Cael asked, his brow furrowed.

Santaliel's face fell. "My training... I haven't completed the first task."

" Exactly, I can't allow you to slack off" Cael said

Lyrx intervened, her voice soothing. "Big brother, please give him a break."

Cael ran a hand through his soft hair letting out a sigh " Fine , I'll allow him go on the Condition he will keep his promise and won't have anything to eat till he learns to use celestial energy " Cael said

" Ofcourse Master " Santaliel said, joy emanating from him .

" Let's head off then" Lyrx smiled

Santaliel hesitated. "Hold on."

Lyrx's expression turned curious. "What is it?"

" I know Leo and Orly can't be seen by humans but it still bothers me not being able to talk to Orly without looking crazy, so is there a way Orly can taken on a form that can allow her to be seen by humans" Santaliel said

" What a silly reason but I can cast a spell on Orly and Leo, giving them Earthly form so they can be seen by humans" Cael offered

" Thank you Master " Santaliel smiled 

Cael waved his hands towards Orly, a shimmering blue light gathered around her and faded, her wings disappeared making her look like a normal cat without whiskers and two horns

Next he waved his hand at Leo and he got smaller and took the form of a puppy

Santaliel bent down and picked them both up " you both looks so adorable " he chuckled 

" Please don't say that Master " Orly said her expression stoic

" Now that's done, let's go" Lyrx smiles 

" Ofcourse " Santaliel said 

Lyrx waved her hand, the air became filled with her strong celestial aura, making the atmosphere chill, then, a grand blue door with intricate designs materialized and it opened revealing a white light,

" Alright, see you later big brother" Lyrx said as he walked into the light emitting from the door 

" Take care of her" Cael said to Santaliel sternly 

Santaliel nodded, following Lyrx into the light with Leo and Orly.

The door vanished, leaving Cael alone.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anni_Senpaicreators' thoughts