
I Am Roboute Guilliman! (Warhammer 40K Self-Insert)

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. An ordinary soul, within the physique of a demi-god. A mortal, yet not. In his hands, he holds a unique system, a collection of advanced and unheard-of inventions and tools, able to reshape the very basis of the Imperium, pushing it beyond its current, crippling standstill. Can he, Roboute Guilliman, wrest the fate of the Imperium from the claws of extinction? (SI reborn as Roboute Guilliman, but with a tech system. He has all the memories of Roboute Guilliman, and acts like Roboute Guilliman, but has the knowledge of the plot of Warhammer 40k) From: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45175.htm

FFAddict · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 9

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Those who could converse took part in the meeting convened by Guilliman.

The Battle-Captain Calgar, and all the leaders of the various legions, the Saint, the Mechanicus, and many others gathered in the council hall of the Hera fortress where Guilliman was located.

This fortress has a very ancient history. It existed ten thousand years ago and has witnessed many extraordinary histories.

Recalling the Horus Heresy and the raging warp storms, the communication between the various star domains was severed, the Emperor was trapped on Terra, and many loyal armies were leaderless.

The original bodies of the three legions gathered here, discussing the future fate of mankind.

Suddenly, those years had passed for ten thousand years.

Everything has changed.

The long ten thousand years took away many things, but also brought many things.

You can still faintly see the traces left by many invaders on the Hera fortress.

The Tyranids, Orks, and forces of Chaos have all invaded this place before.

As an essential defensive point for Macragge, the Hera Fortress was always a priority target for the enemies.

Not long ago, the forces of Chaos deemed this place a must-destroy target, sending hordes of cultists, Chaos warriors, and daemons to invade.

When Guilliman woke up, the Chaos forces had already infiltrated the fortress; it was filled with rubble and corpses.

Now, it has almost been restored; the bodies have been cleared out.

The broken marble pillars and floors have been replaced, and the damaged streets have been repaired.

The cogitator, a computer used for tactical projection and data storage, had several of its wetware components replaced, restoring its normal operation.

Guilliman looked around at the many heroes of the Imperium. If not for his status as a Primarch, the Emperor's own son, likely no one else could have gathered such an assembly of high-ranking individuals.

Every person here had the authority to control and command the Imperial Fleet.

Their word could decide the future of millions of humans, eradicating planets and individuals they deemed a threat to human survival.

Every person here combined courage, strategy, and global awareness. They had an endless love for humanity and infinite loyalty to the Imperium, ready to sacrifice others and themselves for the continuation of the Imperium and the survival of humanity.

The central part of the council hall held an oval table. As everyone took their seats, the internal machinery emitted a soft humming. Tactical projections appeared one after another in the air, displaying the current threats the Ultima Segmentum faced.

The collapse of Cadia and the opening of the Great Rift had already affected this place.

Daemons and xenos were running rampant on human planets.

The Imperial citizens living in fear desperately needed salvation.

Near everyone, Tech-Priests and servitors clad in grimy red robes were walking around, maintaining the cogitators and various machinery in the hall.

Worth mentioning, cogitators were computers that used human brains as their core components.

The rebellion of AI during the golden age of humanity led the Imperium to strictly prohibit robots and computers devoid of human flesh. This was one of the Imperium's red lines.

Anyone crossing this line would be declared a human traitor, and the Imperial forces would exterminate them at all costs.

The human brains used in cogitators, or rather the wetware, came from unforgiven Imperial criminals or cloned brains of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

These brains, after special programming, were put into hardened glass jars. A myriad of data cables connected the brain to the machine, forming a cogitator.

Once everyone had taken their seats, Guilliman moved to his own place of honor.

Everyone was watching him, their eyes revealing unhidden fervor and excitement.

Their gazes followed Guilliman as he moved.

Being in the company of a Primarch was, for the faithful, a monumental honor that would be remembered for life.

Guilliman could feel their gazes, and he felt some pressure.

Everyone was waiting for him to lead the Imperium, to save humanity. Anyone would feel uneasy in such a situation. After all, they were up against gods. Losing meant game over.

"The current situation of the Imperium remains dire," he began, "In addition to the invasion of Chaos, the scourge of alien races such as the Tyranids and the Necrons has left us fighting on all fronts. Feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions, regardless of your rank or position."

Guilliman's voice was soft but penetrating.

His voice echoed throughout the council hall, ensuring everyone could hear him clearly.

"Regent, you must go to Terra, the heart of the Imperium and where the elite of humanity reside. There, you will gain the power and resources needed to rebuild the Imperium," said the first speaker, the Chapter Master of the Black Templars, High Marshal Amalrich.

His reasoning was sound. Terra was the most important capital of the Imperium, where every elite of the Imperium would go if they could.

Wealth, status, everything there was so appealing.

As a Primarch, a member of the mythical Adeptus Astartes, Guilliman had every right to return to the origin of humanity, Terra (once known as Earth).

He had the right to take over the highest authority of the Imperium, the Terra Council, and restore the powers of the Regent.

In response to the High Marshal's words, Guilliman said, "Now is not the best time to return to Terra. We can't save the Imperium all at once, we need preparation, we need a stable rear. Who knows what the situation on Terra is like after the Great Rift? Hastily returning would only make us more passive. The Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar need to be saved; this is where the situation is the best in the entire Imperium, and can provide us with enough warships and warriors."

Return to Terra??

Would that not give the Emperor a reason to burn him??

Guilliman was dubious. How long could he hide the secret of having a transmigrated soul in his body from the Chaos Gods and the Emperor?

Before his identity was exposed, Guilliman decided to gather as many of his loyalists as possible, build his own base, and enhance his self-protection.

More importantly, Terra and the entire Solar System were the territories of the High Lords of Terra, the Inquisition, the Ecclesiarchy, and the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Certainly, there were many loyalists, but there were also many who were keen on power. These people would not willingly relinquish their power for the sake of loyalty.

Hadn't Horus, too, been discontented when the Emperor created the Council of Terra and excluded the Primarchs and Astartes, which led to his betrayal and the massive Horus Heresy after being seduced by Chaos?

Power was too captivating.

If Guilliman went to Terra, he would need to consolidate power, rectify the state of affairs, and reunite the Imperium. The resistance would be formidable, and any misstep could lead to upheaval and instability.

The time was not right to go there. Rather than wasting time on political balance, it would be better to first build a strong army and confront the issue head-on.

Guilliman's words sparked some discussion, but there was little objection to his plan to consolidate Ultramar as a rear area first.

Ultramar was the collective term for the Five Hundred Worlds, and compared to the other worlds of the Imperium, every world here could be considered a paradise.

Each world had a complete industrial system, medical facilities, and self-sufficient food supplies, which was unimaginable in other parts of the Imperium.

Restoring order and production in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar was extremely crucial in saving the Imperium and humanity.

Guilliman proposed several war initiatives, preparing to cleanse the entire Ultramar and maintain stability in this sub-sector.

The direction of the meeting then shifted to how to pacify the region within Ultramar.

After discussion, everyone agreed to launch a comprehensive counter-offensive centered on Macragge.

Guilliman named this counter-offensive the War of Defiance, signifying that humanity would not submit to the dark fate dictated by the Chaos Gods and would resist with all their might.

When the meeting ended, Guilliman asked the Archmagos Belisarius Cawl, to stay behind.

He had some important matters to convey privately. These issues were related to the future of the Imperium and humanity.

Don't forget to bookmark the book. Those who don't will be offered to the Machine Cult, and join the glorious ranks of the Mechanicum.