
Chapter Four - Train

♦Goblin language♦


The day has finally arrived, today September 1st I'm going to Hogwarts, I'll finally be able to use my wands and learn what I need for when the war starts if it starts. This first year will be a year of observation, maybe I should learn how to be an animagus, and it would be useful at some point.

Anyway, I'll see about that later, now I want to see my family's reaction when we get to the station, although I don't think it will be like Diagon Alley.


- "Is it here?" - Said Petunia, looking at the other people passing by without paying attention to the place.

- "Yes, the Leaky Cauldron," - I said as I approached the door.

- "Well, let's go in," - Said Mum.

When we were all inside, I looked around the tavern, several people were talking, drinking, or eating. The tavern itself was dark and ragged, and a man when saw us approach, I recognized him, he is Tom, the current owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

- "You've come to buy your Hogwarts supplies," - He said, looking at us with a smile on his face.

- "That's right," - Answered Dad.

- "Well, follow me," - We followed him to the back where there was a brick wall, he touched five bricks around a hole, and that made the wall open. - "Have fun." - And as he came, he left.

When I looked down the alleyway my mouth dropped open and everything was amazing, 'It's so much better than I imagined it would be,' I looked at my parents and sister and their mouths were open, and their eyes were glittering with what I guess was amazement and excitement.

- "Let's go to Gringotts." - I said after coming to my senses. The others just nodded and started to follow me.

We walked along until we came to a large white building on one side, which was the poem/warning.

Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed, For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn, So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding more than treasure there.

Before entering, I bowed to the goblin guards and my family seeing that they mimicked me, the two somewhat surprised goblins gave a slight bow, and after that, we entered.

- "They are goblins, be polite, and I would like to talk to them if I could." - The last I said to my parents.

- "You heard Lily and yes, honey, you can talk to them." - With that, we walked over and stood in front of a goblin.

- "What do you want?" - He blurted out rudely.

'I guess I'll just have to get used to the way they treat you.'

♦Good afternoon I give you my greetings sir, may your gold flow and enemies fall on your sword.♦

'Good thing I asked Sev if he could get me a book on goblins.'

The goblin blinked in surprise that such a small child would know his language, as no wizard takes the time to learn their language. Then he stared at her, looking much more surprised now, but his surprise quickly faded.

♦And may your vaults blossom♦ - As he spoke, my family looked at us in confusion and surprise - "How can I help you?"

- "I would like to change muggle money to magical money, please."

The goblin handed me a paper to sign, then he gave me the money, before we left he introduced himself as Garrafilada, then we said goodbye and left the bank.

- "Where to now?" - Asked Petunia excitedly.

- "Let's get my wand first."

We walked to Ollivander, as we entered and approached the counter; from the back Ollivander came out.

- "Oh it's a pleasure to have you here Miss Aurora."

When I heard my old name I was shocked. - 'He shouldn't know that name.'

When I managed to come out of my state, I turned around and looked at my family.

- "This is going to take a while, how about you guys go for a walk, and when you're done we can meet in front of the pet shop?" - My parents didn't look very convinced, but Petunia insisted on going to see the other shops.

When they left, I turned around and looked at Ollivander.

- "I'm sorry to tell you my name is Lily."

- "I see, sorry for the confusion."

- "No problem."

- "How about we start looking for your wand?" - I just nodded my head.

He turned around and walked around the shelves, grabbing some boxes. Then he turned around and walked back to the counter, leaving seven boxes on top.

- "Let a little of your magic flow out as you pass your hand through the box."

I nodded my head as I raised my hand and let some of my magic flow out, as I passed it through the boxes I felt my magic cling to two, one stronger than the other, I grabbed one of the two boxes and opened it and shook it, from it, little golden lights started to come out and then surround me.

- "It is ten and a quarter inches long, elastic, and made of willow wood. A good wand for incantations."

I just nodded as I looked at the wand, then grabbed the other wand that was calling me. I waved the other wand and waved it, from this wand came a white light that illuminated the whole tent, and a sense of completeness surrounded me.

- "Twenty-eight centimeters, this one made of elder, with a phoenix feather in its center. Interesting, very interesting."

'Two wands wow'

- "Excuse me, what's so interesting?" - I said, paying attention to what he was about to say.

- "You see Miss Sayre your wand is made of elder. Elderberry is the rarest wand wood of all and is believed to be very unlucky, elder wands are harder to master than any other. They contain powerful magic, but disdain to stay with any owner who is not worthy of their company; it takes a remarkable wizard to keep an elder wand for any length of time. Only a very unusual person will find their perfect mate in the sacred age, and on the rare occasion that such a union occurs, one can be certain that the witch or wizard in question is marked for a special destiny."

- "Well, that's interesting." - 'A special destiny, does that mean I'm not just here to be?'

After asking her for a few galleons for both wands, paying and heading out to meet my family to finish shopping.

End of Flashback


And on the subject of my eyes, Severus found out that it's called magical sight, which means that the colors I see are magic and both magical sight and Metamorphomagus are rarely seen, not to say that those abilities are extinct.

When we were all ready we went straight to King's Cross train station, when we arrived I started looking for the entrance.

- "This is it." - Petunia looked at me like I was crazy - "We just have to get through that wall."

- "You mean to tell me that we have to run to that wall that looks too hard?"

- "Yes." - I said with an amused smile. - 'I guess it looks a bit weird' - "No risk, no gain." - I grabbed Petunia and pulled her to my side. - "If you're scared, close your eyes, but don't stop," - I said to Petunia.

- "Okay," - Said Petunia, grabbing my arm.

Petunia and I ran with the trolley in front of us, when we crossed it and saw the train we were amazed, then Mum and Dad passed by, and they were just like us.

- "Wow."

- "Yes, wow," - I said. - "Come on." - I left everything to the side and I approached my family.

- "You have everything you need, haven't you forgotten something, if you want to stay it's fine." - Said Mum with a doubtful look.

- "Mom, everything is fine, yes, and I want to go." - I hugged her.

- "I know, it's just that you're my little girl." - We separated, and she kissed me on the top of my head.

- "I don't want you to have a boyfriend, you're too little." - Dad hugged me.

- "I'm eleven."

- "You're a baby." - I heard Petunia laugh and I gave her a dirty look.

- "Don't be mad, Lily." - She came over and hugged me - "I'm going to miss you, sis."

- "And I'm going to miss you Tune, but I have to go."

- "Bye Lily."

- "Bye daughter." - They both replied.

- "Bye." - I turned around and headed for the train.

I went from compartment to compartment looking for Severus. I found him sitting alone in a compartment.

- "I am here, the one you were crying for." - I entered with a smile.

- "I don't see anyone crying." - He still had a straight face, but his eyes glinted with amusement in them.

- "You are evil." - I tapped him on the shoulder playfully.

A while later, the train started moving, and Severus and I started talking about the subjects.

Soon after they opened the compartment, in the door stood a boy of our age, fair complexion, brown eyes, round glasses, and his hair looked untamed.

'How cute... That hair'.

- "I'm sorry, can I sit down?" - Asked the boy respectfully.

- "Yes." - He stared at me for a while, until he realized and sat down silently, but his gaze turned to me from time to time.

I was going to speak again, but they opened the compartment, it was a boy of our age, his hair was long but not too black, his eyes were a striking gray, and his skin was white.

'How many people are going to get in?'

- "There is no more room, can I sit down?"

- "Yes." - I said without removing my smile.

- "Thank you, I'm Sirius Black." - I was surprised when he said his name, but I tried not to show it.

- "James Potter." - He said, nodding at the Black.

'WHAT? He's Harryking's father.'

Again they opened the compartment, but this time there were two boys one taller than the other, the tall one is quite skinny, has orange hair, (brown) has pale or almost pale skin, and has blue eyes. The other one is short, with dirty brown hair and small blue eyes.

- "Hi, is there room for two more," - Asked the taller of the two.

'Sure, it's not like we're almost out of room,' - I thought sarcastically.

- "Sure, come on in." - The Black smiled at them.

'And who permitted you to let more people in?'

- "I'm James Potter, and he is Sirius Black."

- "Remus Lupin and this is Peter Pettigrew."

They all turned to look at me and Sev.

- "I'm Lily Evans and this is my friend Severus Snape." - After we introduced ourselves, the compartment was silent.

- "Which house do you want to be in? I want to be in Gryffindor." - Said the Potter, no longer able to stand the silence.

- "Me too, although my family has a tradition of getting into the snake house," - Said Sirius with a twinkle in his eye.

- "Then you can be the first to enter Gryffindor and break the tradition." - He encouraged.

I leaned closer to Severus and spoke in a whisper. - "The two of them will be best friends for sure." - He nodded.

- "Where do you two want to be?" - James said, looking at Sev and me.

- "Slytherin". - Severus answered as if it was nothing, but his eyes had an almost imperceptible gleam in them.

- "With the snake crawlers," - Sirius said.

- "I'd rather go home than join Slytherin." - James said, and I just looked at him.

- "But I'm not you." - James and Severus were about to continue arguing, so I interrupted them.

- "Remus, which house do you want to get into?"

- "I'm not sure, either one would be fine." - Remus replied as he realized the situation.

- "What about you, Peter?" - I asked calmly and politely, with a smile.

- "I-I don't know." - He gave me a nervous look.

- "It's fine, Peter."

- "And you, Lily?" - Asked Potter.

- "I don't know," - I replied, unsure.

- "I don't think in Hufflepuff," - Snape answered.

- "Why do you think that, Sev?" - I looked at him.

- "I saw you hit a fat boy."

- "Don't question me, he deserved it." - I looked at the boys James and Sirius were smiling, and Remus and Peter were surprised.

After a while, the four boys started talking to each other, while Sev and I did the same.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).