
I am Kyuubi

Same as Before, NO SYNOPSIS FROM ME BABY Don't click this!!:https://bit.ly/3d0pIkH I SAID DON'T CLICK IT here is the original novel if you want to read it: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/144728/ I just got a review by a reader on how this novel isn't even translated so as not to receive anymore of these type of reviews I'll will say that, I don't know Chinese or some shit, I'm just a guy with good grammar, I am a god tier editor

ANiceGlock · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 5 - War time

"Don't worry about the other party's readiness now!" The third Hokage exclaimed, feeling his head tingle with pain.

"The next thing we need to do is prepare for the Hidden Cloud Village attack."

They claim that we do not want an armistice agreement, since the members of the mission sent that our way were killed in Konoha.

The Hidden Cloud Village people had long been shameless, it was a really regular occurrence for them.

Neither the 3rd Hokage nor Danzo had any solutions for Konoha's present situation or the shameless style of the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja today, despite their feelings.

The other party was indeed killed because they attempted to kidnap Hinata, however, the real problem is that Hidden Cloud Village will not acknowledge that and Konoha has no way to prove their claim.

Sieg on the other hand went to bed comfortably, after brushing his teeth and washing his face, Sieg, who returned home, didn't worry at all.

He isn't a ninja of Konoha, nor is he the Hokage of Konoha. He should not have to worry about these things.

After Hinata's birthday, Konoha had a tense atmosphere. The news of the armistice agreement had been circulated in the streets and alleyways, Sieg was also surprised to see his surroundings had many chakra signatures.

Regarding the extra surveillance personnel, Sieg did not feel any concern, after all, he isn't a normal restaurant owner.

A letter of condemnation from Hidden Cloud Village was sent to Hiruzen soon after the incident, proving the fact that Hiruzan and Danzo's concerns were not baseless.

In the letter, the 4th Raikage first expressed Konoha's anger at killing members of the Peace Corps, and accused Konoha of wanting to destroy the peace, and then threatened Hiruzen, indicating that Konoha must give Enough compensation, otherwise Hidden Cloud Village will immediately go to war with Konoha.

Hidden Cloud Village also included the compensation requests in a letter sent to the Third Hokage. When they saw the last compensation request, the 3rd Hokage was so angry he almost lifted the table.

These people in Hidden Cloud Village actually us to give them an undamaged corpse of a hyuga.

The 3rd Hokage was very mad, but Danzo was naturally even angrier. The Hidden Cloud Village's behavior is basically throwing dirt to Konoha's face.

Konoha will not be able to show their face in the ninja world if they really give away a Hyuga corpse just because of a threat from another village

"In a war, there must be bloodshed, does this group of shameless people really think that we will not fight them?"

Clearly angry, Danzo was pacing back and forth across the Hokage's office while chanting the word "War" in his mouth.

"Danzo, calm down!"

A third Hokage sighed helplessly, he too wanted to teach the other side a lesson by fighting but...

"Konoha can't stand another war!"

the older Powerhouses have lost all hope. The Younger Generation like Kakashi and others have not yet grown up. Even the trump card kyuubi's Jinchuuriki is still a kid, he's useless as of now.

Konoha is lacking in vitality and high end combat power.

The village lacks the resources to fight against the cloud village. What's more, if they attack, the other villages will most certainly take advantage of the situation and bite Konoha in the rear.

When that time comes, Konoha will not be able to withstand the war, however, accepting the demands of the hidden cloud village may save them, but that doesn't mean that all is forgiven, there will always enmity.

Danzo's eyes glowed brightly once he rubbed the crutches with the palm of his hand.

"Sarutobi, I think we overlooked something. The people of Hidden Cloud Village were indeed killed in Konoha, but they weren't killed by our own ninja."

A/N: bruhhhhh that's ruthless, using a scapegoat, REALLY NIGGA!?

In his sinister smile, Danzo says, "We can tell Hidden Cloud Village that Sieg is the murderer. Anyway, sieg is not a ninja of Konoha.

"I think it's a good scheme, but will the Cloud village believe it?" Hiruzen questioned

He shook his head. It was clear that they wanted the corpse of a Hyuga. There is no use lying about it.

Danzo's words caused a stir in the 3rd Hokage's mind.

"Lord Hokage Is there something you want me to do?"

While approaching the Hokage office, Sieg glanced at the 3rd Hokage whose face seemed to sink. As he raised his eyebrows, he remained silent, he already had some guesses in his mind.

This is probably because Hidden Cloud Village made a threat against the village, right? They should have made a request, otherwise, his expression wouldn't sink so low.

Now Hidden Cloud Village is going to condemn you! Do you remember how you killed four ninjas from the hidden cloud village? "

A letter paper was handed to Sieg by the 3rd Hokage, and he was instructed to examine it.

" How would you suggest we proceed now? "

Taking a moment to think about the analysis report that Anbu had handed over to the 3rd Hokage, they couldn't help but squint their eyes in wonderment: one was a jonin, while the others were chunin.

Sieg killed them instantly, he only sustained one injury to his body.

As a result of the act, Konoha became a scapegoat for the other side's actions. How could he let the other side go free?

Konoha just happens to be lacking talents right now, so it's better to enlist him and get him to work for Konoha.

Thus, Konoha will be able to somewhat offset some of its losses.

Sieg is not clear about the thoughts of the 3rd Hokage. He is now intently looking at the letter paper in his hand.

"Lord Hokage, if you really want to hear my opinion, 4 words..."

Putting the letter paperback in front of the 3rd Hokage, Sieg's mouth curled up slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"If you want to fight, you will fight!"

Editor's Note

my bruddas I have returned with another chapter

rejoice my bruddas for I have provided 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Guys I hate doing something and not being payed for my hard work, join my discord server, that is all the payment I need

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AYYYYYYY, ITs me a again, back at it again with another chapter


anyways If I am feeling cheritable, I might upload again today

ANiceGlockcreators' thoughts