
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · 漫画同人
65 Chs

Welcome to Primal Chaos!

Leaving the Xia Manor, Xiao Xianzhi, Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue went to Frozen Cloud Sect to look for Mu Bingyun.

Reaching the gates, Xiao Xianzhi looked around and a thought appeared in his mind.

'I think it's better if I don't tell them.'

Xiao Xianzhi thought and then looked at Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue, who had a curious and confused looks on their faces.

Just as he was about to speak, someone appeared in the place and they heard, "Did something happen?"

Mu Bingyun, who had sensed them arriving, appeared at the place and asked them. Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi thought of something and said, "In an hour, Master will be arriving in the world with a few more people. I wanted to tell you this and then look for a place for them."

Xiao Xianzhi said while he glanced at the chat group screen. Hearing his words, everyone's expression changed, and Mu Bingyun asked first, "How do you know about this?"

"I just know, as for how, well it's complicated." Xiao Xianzhi said and then he closed his eyes. For a moment, no one said anything and then Xiao Xianzhi disappeared from the place.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyue looked in the direction he went with her eyes narrowed and she looked at Mu Bingyun and asked, "Do you know if communication Talismans that one could use to talk between Two Realms exist in Realm of Gods?"

"No, if things like that existed, my sister would have already given to him." Mu Bingyun said while shaking her head.

"Then how does he know about this?"

"Meh! Is there any point in talking about this? An hour later, we will know everything." Xiao Ling said with a shrug, and they nodded at her words.

In a different Universe, Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena looked at each other and then nodded.

"You done?" Gu Yuena asked, and Bibi Dong nodded at her.

"Yeah, What about you?"

"Hmm! I have prepared the things I use. Still, aren't you excited about travelling to a new world?" Gu Yuena asked, and Bibi Dong chuckled as she heard this.

"Haha! Excited? Yeah, I am. But you seem to be more excited than me, is this because you are going to meet another Dragon?"

Gu Yuena shook her head as she heard and said, "Maybe! The Dragon blood in my body is excited at the fact that I am going to meet another Dragon and fight. It wants to show off the supremacy and tame the other Dragon."

"Heh! Just don't get lost in the feeling, after all, it won't be easy with others and even if you won, you would only win because you are older than him." Bibi Dong remarked, and Gu Yuena snorted at her.

In another Universe, Yang Xin and Xiao Ning'er sat together while looking at the chat group.

"Have you prepared everything?" Xiao Ning'er asked and Yang Xin smiled as she heard this.

"Yeah, all the materials, pills, equipment, beast spirits and everything. What about you?"

"I don't need anything, after all, you have already prepared everything." Xiao Ning'er said and Yang Xin chuckled at her.

"Really? Then what about the three Space rings you have in your hand and the materials you asked for before."

"Those are for different things," Xiao Ning'er said with a distant look in her eyes and seeing this, Yang Xin asked, "Are you still thinking about that matter?"

"Yeah, I am. But now, it doesn't matter anymore." Xiao Ning'er and seeing her, Yang Xin sighed.

An hour passed and now, Xiao Xianzhi looked at the chat group and saw seven out of eight people had accepted the mission.

Seeing this, a smile broke out on his face and he wrote.

[Xiao Xianzhi: I am going to accept the mission.]

As he accepted the mission, he heard a 'Ding' sound in his mind and read the notifications on the screen.

[Mission accepted by everyone, Starting the World Travel.]

[3...2..1. The World travel connection is successful, Good Luck with the Mission.]

As Xiao Xianzhi read this, he saw seven portals appearing in the place and seven women walked out of the portals.

Seeing them, Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed, and a smile broke out on his face.

"Everyone, Welcome to Primal Chaos."

As he said, everyone looked at him and all of them had a look of astonishment and amazement in their eyes.

Just as one was about to speak, six of them fell on the ground while Mu Xuanyin held her head.

"Ugh! Why is my head hurting?" Mu Xuanyin said and Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed as he looked at them and put everyone on the seats.

"What happened, Master?" He asked as he appeared beside her and checked her body. He didn't find anything and because of this, he looked at Mu Xuanyin, whose expression changed, and a 'different' look appeared on her face.

"Hehe! What a smooth face and handsome face you have! Finally, I can meet you and talk with you, even if it is indirectly but it's better than asking her everything."

'Mu Xuanyin' said as she rubbed Xiao Xianzhi's face, and his expression changed, and he separated himself from her.

"Chi Wuyao, what are doing? What happened to Master?" He asked with his eyes narrowed and Chi Wuyao chuckled as she heard this and said, "Haha! You are breaking my heart now, you know! As for Xuanyin, she is suffering from the side effects of world travel or I should, Dimension Travelling, even if we are in the same world."

"So, for some time, it's only you and me and I would like it if you forgot everyone for the moment." Chi Wuyao said in a seductive voice and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed, and he ignored her.

After all, even if he knew that it was Chi Wuyao, the fact and voice was of Mu Xuanyin and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi didn't know what to say.

He put his head on Mu Xuanyin's forehead and used Healing Intent to see if it would work. Now that he knew that it was because of Dimension Travel, he understood that it was their Spirit that was recovering from the fatigue caused by travelling.

"Hmm? What are you doing?" Chi Wuyao asked as she saw Xiao Xianzhi putting his hand on 'her' forehead and she felt a warm and soothing sensation.

"Eh?" Her expression changed as she sensed the fatigue decreasing and she looked at him and asked, "How? How are you doing this?"

"Uh! Let me concentrate, I can't use Light Profound Energy, so the effect is less, and energy consumption is a lot more." Xiao Xianzhi said and then minutes later, he separated from her as he sensed her aura changing and asked, "Are you back now?"

"Hmm!" Mu Xuanyin just nodded and then looked around.

"You should help them too." She said as she disappeared from the place and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi shrugged and looked at six sleeping beauties.

Disappearing from the place, Mu Xuanyin appeared a few km away from the castle and her expression changed.

"Yao, what are you planning to do?"

"Hmm? I wonder what you mean."

"Yao, I am telling you, next time if you do something like this, I won't let you watch everything."

"Hahaha! I am sorry! I am sorry! But I would have been scared if you didn't have a red face and a sweet smile on her face."

As Chi Wuyao said, Mu Xuanyin's face was beet red with a sweet smile on her face. After all, among all of them, he helped her first and it made her feel sweet.

Seeing her like this, Chi Wuyao chuckled and said, "I wonder how others would feel if they knew that Realm King Mu Xuanyin, the Ice Goddess could act like a little girl in love."

Hearing her, Mu Xuanyin snorted and said, "I couldn't care less about what others think, but I have another score to settle with you, and what did you mean at that time? Forget everyone and focus on me, aren't you taking these things too lightly and early."

"Haha! Yeah, I am, but...Do I have any choice in this matter? After all, I feel everything you feel, and I have also been influenced by your emotions just like you have been. So, if I chose someone here, you would kill yourself and cut off your soul as you will also feel what I feel here."

"Our Souls, have already melded too much because of what happened before, and I am sure that if you cut off your soul, you will be in a coma and even I will suffer because of you."

"So, Like I said before, do I have any choice in this matter? Though it's good that you met someone like him who doesn't think ill of Devils and accepts everyone or like you could do, I can also cut off the soul connection and kill ourselves."

Mu Xuanyin nodded as she heard this as she already knew about this. Both of them sighed at the same time and then Mu Xuanyin said, "Don't go overboard."

"Hahaahah!" Chi Wuyao laughed as she heard this Mu Xuanyin shook her head and smiled. She looked in the direction of the castle and then disappeared from the place.

In the room, Xiao Xianzhi used Healing Intent on everyone and now their complexion had become lighter. He also sensed that their body was changing, and he understood that it must be because of the chat group, and it was helping them adapt to the world.

Xiao Xianzhi also sensed Profound Energy seeping into their body, and it sped up with his Healing Intent as their body was getting broken and repaired at the same time, and if they were unconscious, they would be shouting in pain.

'Now that I think, should I create wide-scale healing intent, like how clerics? Hmm! It is a good idea but instead of fighting path, I want Runes and Language path to be my style. Bending reality with words, like 'Dragon Language' could.'

Xiao Xianzhi thought while looking at the six women sleeping and then Mu Xuanyin appeared in the room.

"Now that I remember, what did you use to heal me? Also, what did you mean when you said you didn't have Light Profound Energy." Mu Xuanyin asked as she sat beside him and looked at them. She noticed Profound Energy getting absorbed by them and attributed it to the Chat Group.

"Well, I used Water Profound Energy to create Healing Intent and calm your spirits. If I had Light Profound Energy, the effect would have been at least 10x better." Xiao Xianzhi said as he raised his hand and blue energy covered his hand.

Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin narrowed her eyes and she also tried to do the same but instead of being warm, her hand was covered with ice and the temperature in the room dropped.

"Hmm? Just like I thought, you aren't just using Water Laws but Life Laws in it too." Mu Xuanyin said as the ice disappeared in her hand and looked at Xiao Xianzhi.

Hearing her, Xiao Xianzhi raised his brows and asked, "Life Laws? If I knew Life Laws, wouldn't I be able to Light Profound Energy?"

"Nah! It's not that! Light Profound Energy isn't necessary for Life laws, but those who have Light Profound Energy, have a better affinity with Life Laws. It's like how Yin laws have Death, Darkness, and even Water in it."

"Except for you and her, I haven't heard anyone using Life laws."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded as he heard this and then he looked at Blue Energy in his hand. Then, a few people entered the room and their expressions changed as they saw Xiao Xianzhi and Mu Xuanyin, and six more women lying on their seat's unconscious.


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