
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · 漫画同人
65 Chs

Gu Yuena!

Jasmine, who heard this looked at Xiao Xianzhi with a complex expression on her face. Before she thought he was just trying to use her like she wanted to use him to get revenge on Xing Juekong and Brahma bitch, but now hearing his words, she understood that he didn't want to use her but he was worried about her.

'Now that I think of it, the deals he had asked for could be considered to be in my favour. Yeah, the last deal about standing by their side no matter what happens could be bad if they plan to fight against the world but I don't think he wants to do this, right?'

'But why would he be worried about me? I don't think I have met him before, but considering his is Seer. Did something happen between us that caused him to be worried about me? Were we in a relationship or something?'

Jasmine blushed as she thought of this and his amazing naked body appeared in her mind, making her embarrassed.

"This Princess acceptes." Jasmine said with a red face, making Xiao Xianzhi confused and he wondered what she is thinking.

'She looks cute with a red face, and it makes me want to tease her more. Alas, she is a child and I am not a lolicon.'

"It's nothing!" Jasmine said as she calmed herself, and looked at Xiao Xianzhi. The look in her eyes became gentle as she looked at Xiao Xianzhi and she said, "I promise to not leave this world and go to the Realm of Gods without you. So, Can you help me with my body?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at the look in her eyes and wondered what story she cooked in her mind and had a feeling that she had misunderstood something.

'Though this is good and I have a feeling I should just listen for this moment.'

"Okay, Here are the things you need. I will create a formation that will make sure that your energy wouldn't leave the place." Xiao Xianzhi said, and Jasmine nodded at him while she took the materials from him.

"Alos, here have this too!" He said as he took out Six Drops of Blood and gave them to Jasmine, making her stunned as what Xiao Xianzhi had given to her was the Dragon Blood.

(If they have a relationship in future, will it be called Incest?)

"Why?" Jasmine said with a shocked expression on her face, and listening to her, Xiao Xianzhi smiled and he said, "I can generate unlimited Blood so it wouldn't matter if I gave you some. Besides, I am sure you would be able to make good use of it and consider it as me investing in you."

Jasmine looked at the Drops of Blood, and then at his face. She could feel that he was lying and she thought,

'Now I am sure that we had a relationship in future you saw, or I am sure that no one would give Dragon God's Blood as an investment.'

"Thank You. I will make sure to repay you for this favour." Jasmine with a smile on her face and Xiao Xianzhi also smiled in return. He created a formation around the place and looking at Jasmine, he asked, "How much time it will take?"

"It will take two days. You can leave if you have something to do. With my aura, no one will try to approach this place."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded, but he didn't leave. He created a defensive and offensive formation in the place which could withstand any attack below Tyrant Profound Realm, and seeing this, Jasmine smiled and she felt warmth in her cold heart.


Xiao Xianzhi floated in the air and then he opened his chat group. Between Xiao Ning'er and Gu Yuena, he decided to call Gu Yuena first as he didn't know if Xiao Ning'er was free or not. Though he did leave a message for her saying,

[Xiao Xianzhi to Xiao Ning'er: If you are free, then you can message me. I will call you.]

Messaging this, he initiated a video call with Gu Yuena. which was accepted by Gu Yuena, but as he looked at her, his expression changed and closing his eyes, he said, "Cover Yourself." in a flustered voice as his face became red and his heartbeat increased.

In front of him, he saw a beautiful woman, too beautiful to be described in words. She had long Silver hair which reached her ankles and violet eyes that would mesmerize anyone who would stare at her.

But what made Xiao Xianzhi flustered was that she wasn't wearing anything and even though her long hair hid her private parts, Xiao Xianzhi could already imagine what hid behind her hair and even though he tried, he couldn't remove the image from his mind.

On the other hand, Gu Yuena looked at Xiao Xianzhi with a stunned look on her face, as she didn't know why, but from just one look, she could feel attraction towards him, but when she saw him closing his eyes with a red face and hearing his words, her expression changed and then she looked downwards.

"Ahhh! She shouted and she hurriedly closed the AR Mode, which she had forgotten that she had made permanent because she would chat with Bibi Dong every day and drink with her.

She changed it to Video Call, and she made clothes around herself while looking at Xiao Xianzhi with a red face, she didn't why but she felt happy at the fact that Xiao Xianzhi closed his eyes instead of looking at her. After all, she knew she was beautiful and Bibi Dong did tell her that she could be considered as second most beautiful in the world after her.


"You can open your eyes now." Gu Yuena said and Xiao Xianzhi opened his eyes and he sighed in relief as he looked at her face, but that was still bad as his Dragon Heart started to beat faster as he looked at her.

Gu Yuena also had the same feeling as she looked at Xiao Xianzhi and then her eyes widened as she thought of a conjecture and she asked, "You! Are you a Dragon?"

"Eh?" Xiao Xianzhi was stunned as he heard this expression and then he understood why she asked the question and why he was feeling like this.

"Mm! Yeah, I did get Dragon God's complete Inheritance, so I can be considered a Dragon. Though it will take years for me to become a True Dragon." Xiao Xianzhi said, and he didn't know why he told her the truth and even explained why he isn't a true dragon.

'Fuck! What the hell is happening to me? It's like I am experiencing my first crush or something. Calm Down!'

Gu Yuena's eyes widened as she heard this, and she sighed in relief.

'Wait! Why did I sigh in relief?'

She shook her head and asked, "Is that the reason why you weren't available the past few days?"

"Hmm!" Xiao Xianzhi nodded, and he tried to speak as less as he can so that he wouldn't say the things he didn't want to.

Both of them became silent as they kept on looking at each other and then Xiao Xianzhi coughed and said, "So, what did you want to ask? Also, like I asked Bibi Dong before, can you tell me what you got to know from the Chat group and about recent things you did or caused?"

Gu Yuena nodded as she already knew from Bibi Dong that he will ask this, and she decided to tell him everything she did in the past years.

"A few years back, I received the information about the remains of Nine Dragon Kings, and I tasked my subordinates to look for them. The information I received was that with the remains of Nine Dragon Kings, I will be able to recover faster and have revenge against the Gods."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded as he heard about this, and he focused on what other things she is about to say.

"Then, I asked my subordinates to look for them as I didn't get the location of Dragon Kings, and I planned to order Blue Silver Emperor to look for them when she increased her cultivation and becomes a Douluo."

"But it seems fate didn't want me to rely on her as Blue Silver Emperor fell in love with that trash, whom I got to know a few days back that he planned to use her, and he didn't love her but wanted her as a trophy or a thing."

Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed as he heard this.

'Though I did read a few fics in past life about Tang Hao being a scumbag, I didn't know it was true.'

"How did you know that he planned to use Ah Yin as a trophy?"

"So you know about her, it's good. The reason I know this is because I asked Bibi Dong to investigate a bit and then with one of my beasts help that is good at Mind Control, I ordered him to listen to Bibi Dong, and she helped me with this."

"Huh? Really?" Xiao Xianzhi said as he hadn't expected them to be close enough for Bibi Dong to help her like this. After all, he did remember that Bibi Dong felt like she owed Tang Hao as he had helped her in killing Qian Xunji.

"Hmm! It was easy as I had already taken the seed of Blue Silver Emperor from the cave. Can you believe it? He stored the seeds in a cave where they wouldn't receive any sunlight and nutrients. What an imbecile and moron he is."

The more Gu Yuena spoke, the more Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed as the image of Gu Yuena he had in his mind, was quite different from how she acted.

Gu Yuena noticed his bewildered gaze and she asked, "What happened? What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing!"

"Eh? Stop Lying! I can see that you want to ask something but you are stopping yourself."

"It's really nothing. I just find it surprising at the changed cause by Chat Group in behaviour."

"Eh? How did you see me in your visions?"

"I perceived you as an introverted person who speaks less. However, you also had a sharp tongue and rudely behaves with people you dislike."

"Hmm! Like how I was before, but after talking with Bibi Dong and others, I can see that I have changed."

"Yeah, and it's a good change. In my vision, you appeared to be an Ice Queen with no emotions, but now I can see that you have gained a cheerful side, which is quite cute."

Xiao Xianzhi said, and then his expression changed and he again unconsciously said the things he didn't want to say. Hearing him, Gu Yuena smiled, while her ears became read as she heard his 'compliments'.

"Anyways, anything else you want to tell me?" Xiao Xianzhi asked and Gu Yuena shook her head. Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her and he said, "So, You want to know the locations of where you can find remains of Nine Dragon Kings?"

Gu Yuena nodded and just as Xiao Xianzhi was about to speak, his expression became blank and Gu Yuena saw his eyes shining.

"Ice and Fire in Yin-Yang Well, Mountain and Earth slumber in Sun and Moon Continent, Light and Dark reside in the smallest one while Space and Time reside in other one. Wind Dragon in wind well at the corner of Douluo Continent."


Read Extra chapters on P@treon: p@treon.com/Kaoski

Please support me on P@treon. I have read your comments about adding the conversations and I will try to add them in the future chapters. Though they would come after the 12-13 chapters I have already written. I first wanted to take everything slow, and now I think it would be better if I increased the pace a little.