

Time flew by it was now Christmas time and I was in hogsmeade looking for my Dad, Harry, Fred and George. I made gift baskets for everyone else. I walked into the joke shop for the twins. They had gift certificates this way they can come and by what they want.  I got Harry a dragon scale note book it comes with two. I have the other one so we can always be in contact. My dad I got him some rare ingredients for Potions. The clerk asked what they were for. I told him it was a Christmas gift for my father.

I had to sneak past everyone to my dorm. Once I got there I set up the baskets and cards. I finished just in time because of my two favorite truble makers. "Iris we need your help." They said in unison. They have two phrases that will make me want to shit myself. This is one of them and I am afraid to ask. "Ok you two is it illegal?" I ask having them give me a hurt expression. "We would never." They said hands over their hearts.

"I have known you for two years I put nothing past you." I said hands on my hips. "You sound like our mum." They said making my laugh. "Well someone has to" I said winking at them. "There is this girl." Fred said coming out the gate. This low key crushed me a bit. "Go on." I said trying to contain myself.

"We know your a girl and want to know what girls like." George said I guess I was wrong maybe we are just friends. My heart in shambles I swallow my pride and smile. "Ok well girls like compliments, flowers, cute gestures, felling important, They like strong arms to fall asleep in. " I list all the things I like and have read about. They look at eachother and nod before leaving. I let the tears I have been holding in fall. "They like someone else I guess. I guess being friend zoned can't be so bad. I mean it worked out for my dad." I said to myself not knowing they stood outside the door listening. The clock chimes for dinner so I put on my best smile.

  Half way threw dinner Professor Quirrell runs in screaming about a troll. Fred and George stood close to me in an almost protective manner. They are not making this easy at all. "Shouldn't you be doing this for that girl you like so much" I said not wanting to sound bitter but I kinda was. "Don't worry about her now can't let our wing man die."

They said in unison this shocking Lee Jordan. Though he saw my  face and said nothing. I later find out Hermione was keeping the troll in the bathroom. Ron and Harry seem to be chummy with her now. That's good friends bring out the best and also the worst in you.  A few days after the event I find myself sitting in my father's office helping him organize ingredients.

"Sweetheart you have been down these past few days. It's Christmas time your usually more bubbly." He said making chuckle. "Bubbly really dad." I said look at him smiling. "Ah there it is that's the smile I was looking for." He said pinning my cheeks. "But in all  seriousness whats wrong sweetheart. I can't promise to know what to say or do. But I however can listen to you. It helps to talk honey your hurt will only do more harm bottled up inside you." I know he is speaking from experience.

"Daddy how do you continue to be friends with someone you have feelings for? They want to be with someone else and it hurts because you have to stand back and watch." My father sighs be for pulling out a photo of my mother. "Iris honey the best advice I can give you on the matter is be there for them. Yes it hurts like hell but having that friendship is more important than not at all.

You are important to them as they are to you. 

I know you will get threw this your a tough cookie." He said holding me in his arms. "Your mother is not ready gone in my eyes. I see her everyday. I see her when you smile, I see her when Harry lookes at me. Some days for me are harder than others. The mere sight of you Iris makes it better because I can feel her still being here. Lilly loved you and Harry more so than her own life."  He had more experience on this than I so I took it to heart. I also know he misses mom very much.  That day forward I was happy around everyone. It was business as usual. 

Harry pov

Iris was passing out orders by herself. It was odd where are the twins. They must be doing something maybe I should help her. "Hey Iris need a hand?" I asked walking up to her. "Oh hello Harry that would be lovely thank you. She said allowing me to help pass out the orders and collect money. "How much do you make?" I asked shocked and she smiled "this is just savings for my shop one day." She said heading to Professor McGonagall's office "Hello Professor I got the lavender and birch water body wash and the lavender shampoo and conditioner. That will come to 24 Galleons and 5 knuts." That sounds expensive but the Professor hands over the money. "Thank you professor see you for class tomorrow." She said she had this warmth to her. "Iris do we know each other?" I asked making both females stop and look at me.

"Harry what do you mean of course we do. You hang out with Ron Fred and George weasley brother. You are also in my house of Gryffindor. " She sounded like she was struggling. I can say now I kinda don't trust her. She is a Snape after all who knows what she is making people wash with. "When you are ready to tell the truth I will listen." I said walking out to find Ron and Mione.

Iris pov

"I know they don't want you to tell him. He knows deep down who you are to him Iris." She said what I could already see. I know he has been secretly looking at me. This was the first time he out right asked. "I will see you later professor." I said dropping off my money and going to the astronomy tower. "Hey Iris is everything ok?" It was Ron the adorable little Wesley said with worry. "I just know something that I can't share with someone. It's killing me on the inside every time I look at this person." I said looking out over the still lake. "Well would it help if you told me?" He asked now sitting across from me. I smile at the adorably sweet boy he is. "Ron I can't tell anyone. I know your heart is in the right place and I appreciate it. I'm under strict orders by my father and Dumbledore not to say anything. " I said  making him stand "you know Iris if this secret is killing you maybe you shouldn't keep it. If it's something that needs to be said go for it ,because at the end of the day its affecting you. " He said before leaving me to think. Why do things have to be so complicated? I thought before heading to my room.

*time skip to Christmas*

I sent out the gift baskets and set Harry's gift under the tree the tag said  'from someone who has never stopped thinking about you."

Sitting in my room quietly reading when Fred and George came in.  "We need you to come with us." They said but I  humor them. George blindfolded me so they could lead me threw the halls. I heard a door opens and the smell off seeder wood and pine fills my nose.  I take off the blindfold to see an old time cabin decorated for Christmas.  It was breathtaking and I found myself confused. I turned to see them standing by the door.

"You know the girl she has these beautiful green eyes." Fred says looking at me. It made me blush with a bit of embarrassment. "Her hair when the sun hits it right it looks like fire. This warm orange glow forms around her." George said taking a step forward. My heart began to hammer in my chest. "Her smile can brighten up any room she may dwell." Fred said now taking a step. What is this why are they saying all this. "She has a sharp tongue that she is unafraid to use. " George said taking another step. "Her favorite flowers are lavender in the spring, candy cane lilies in the winter,  Sunflowers in the fall, summer she loves roses." Fred said taking a step forward. The tears in my eyes now flowing down my cheeks. They place a hand on either of my shoulders. "This girl drives us crazy" George said  "And that girl is you." Fred said before both place a kiss on my cheek. I didn't know what to think, what to say about all this they blind sided me.  "We want you to be our girlfriend." They said making me understand now. All this time they were asking how to impress me. They didn't need to do much because they already have.