

Walking back to the common room with Fred and George. Though I felt safe with them I just had the feeling of uneasiness. "Can I sleep with you two tonight?" I asked I felt scared. "Darling you don't need to ask." Fred said taking my hand. "If sleeping near us makes you feel better then its fine with us." George said taking my other hand. "Have I told you guys I love you today?" They shook their heads no. "You don't need to tell us because we know you do." Fred said before George said something about it being nice to hear. I laid cuddled between the two. I know its uncomfortable due to the bed being so small. I felt safe in their arms fell asleep even though the two sounded like chainsaws. The next few days the staff had this tension and worry about something. "Daddy can you tell me whats going on?" I ask him during my free period while helping him grade papers. "Mmmm I was hoping you wouldn't ask me this. You have a right to know so I will tell you." He said before going into detail about the founders of Hogworts. How the heir to Slytherin could unleash a beast on the school. It would go after those who didn't belong at Hogworts. "You mean muggle born but daddy thats absurd. Almost half if not more are muggle born this isn't right. That witch or wizard needs to be found and put an end to this." He took my hand in his making me look at him. He had this worried look one I don't see often. "Flower I know and the staff and I are doing what we can. I assure you it will be ok you are safe. I believe you have a class starting soon. Tred lightly and don't look into reflective surfaces." He said before pulling me into a hug. "I love you my little flower." He whisperes petting my hair. "I love you too daddy." I said before heading to Runes class. I started casting runes around a amethyst pillar. "Oh my these runes tell a story" professor Dragomear said with a thick transylvan accent. "A worried child finds courage in a dream with someone who is lost. Mmmmm Miss Snape a storm is coming but you will make it to clear water soon." He said before looking over the other students. I felt as though I am being tested but I can't worry about this now.

The raring crowd cheering for the quittage teams. Watching the boys play was something that brought me joy. While watching the bludger goes wild. Oh no its been tampered with bit who would....Damb Malfoy. I watched hopelessly unable to do anything. A few minutes my heart stopped praying to Godric to keep my brother safe. When he caught the snitch Ron, Haggrid,Hermione,and myself rush to the  field. Harry's arm was broken I was about to heal him, when Lockhart got in the way. Harry's arm was now like rubber no bones left. I pointed my wand at Lockhart anger boiling my blood. "YOU USELESS PEACOCK WHAT THE BLOOD HELL WAS THAT!" I scream making him hold up his hands. "It was a miscalculation on my part I am terribly sorry. The spell does have a hiccup every so often." He said laughing nervously. "THAT SPELL DOSE NOT EXIST YOU BLATHERING BAFOON!" I yell only to have Fred and George drag me away. I started to yell and scream for them to let me go.


Lockhart looked around at everyone "she is a ball of fire now isn't?" He has no idea how close he was to being blown up just now. She wanted to destroy him guess the rumors about her are true. I was taken to the  Infirmary everyone was around my bed. Iris sat beside me worried when Madam Pomfrey came in ranting. I took a drink of the medicine but it tasted putrid. Threw the night I started growing bones was painful. I woke to that voice again then Dobie show up and then another student was petrified. The professors all agree that Hogworts is no longer safe for and to take extra precautions to ensure the safety of the students.

The next day Ron Harmonie and I sat in the seventh floor bathroom. Harmonie was brewing the polijuice when Ron started throwing accusations at Malfoy ,and honestly I can't say he is wrong. Thats when we meet moaning  Myrtle a girl who used to be a student. "I hope we catch the person behind all this and fast." I said hoping Iris isn't to cross to help us. Though I doubt she will deny helping us after all she wants answers too.

Iris pov

We all gathered in the defense against the dark arts class room. The useless Peacock put together a dueling club.  He was rambling on more nonsense until he announced my father was to duel him. I hoped up on the table by my father. "Professor Lockhart sir my father is tired from all the paper work and protecting the school. I fear he is to tired to go against you. I ask you allow me to take his place." I said before looking up at my father. He then says he is feeling a bit tired and that it would be a good idea. Lockhart the arrogant fool agrees to the argument. I walk to the center we bow to eachother before bringing our wands to our chests. We walked ten paces until we were at the edge of the table either side. He went to cast a spell but I beat him to it.  "AMACKIOR  TORMENUM!" I yelled as a blue flame bursts from my wand sending him to the wall. He looked mad but got up saying he let me get the drop on him. That it was obvious what I was about to do. "Lets try again professor I don't want to embarrass you infront of the students." I said sarcastically. He gets ready "LETO SINTRA!" I yelled a green light burst from my wand wrapping him in vines. "You know for a legend you sure are easy to take down. I mean those are basic spells. Surely you could have deflected them with a a counter spell. I think your works are nothing more than a pack of lies from a man trying to make a quick Galleon. I mean you can't be that good if you are taken down by a girl twice. Your boring just like your pathetic excuse you call books." I said braking the spell walking away. "10,000 points taken from Gryffindor!" He yells before my father reward them back. The rest of the demonstration went smooth untill Harry spoke Snake. Oh no it can't be can it?