
Chapter 112 Ghosts

"She was supposed to be killed by Jie Jia, wasn't she?!" Chen Mu exclaimed in frustration.

"They couldn't be planning to double charge by intentionally holding something back, could they?!" Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat.

In his previous life, when he'd get his scooter's tires patched, he had encountered such swindlers.

They would fix the inner tube but leave the steel wire that punctured the outer tire. A few days later, it would be punctured again, and he would have to go back to them!

The possibility made Chen Mu's forehead almost explode with rage!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he tried to remain calm and watched the long-haired woman closely, saying cautiously and quietly, "We have no past grievances nor recent enmities, you have no need to target me."

"How about I go my way, and you cross your bridge—what do you think..."

A gush of foul and frigid air suddenly assaulted Chen Mu.

The little paper man on his forehead fluttered loudly.