
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · 奇幻
65 Chs


"My first act shall be this; I hereby dissolve the Heavenly Empire, letting the people rule independently without the shackles bound by any capital!"


Everyone had similar reactions. They cannot believe that he would say that as soon as he becomes ruler! The officials that were waiting for him since yesterday were ashen-faced. The Saintess, furious.

"What you're doing is destroying all the effort that we had done, you child!" One of the officials yelled.

"Retract your declaration, or else we will consider your rule invalid!" Another one scolded.

The Saintess, Ishtar, scoffed at the officials and spat, 'Do you think he would do so? It seems that this was his plan all along! He might even be one of the reasons why Lord Asshur is missing!"

Cainan gazed directly at the eyes of the Saintess and replied, "I have no ability to fight against uncle, and you know that very well, don't you?" He smirked at her, which made her hiss at him.

He then returned his sights at the people, and spoke with conviction, "It is final!"

"In just the span of a century, two men caused unrest in the empire all because of the power they possessed. By dissolving the empire into individual cities ruled by their own men, power would be spread, and in turn would bring true stability if all the cities minded their own businesses!" He also added, "Next, to ensure peace between the territories, any armed militaries are prohibited to be formed!"

"Foolish man!" Ishtar snarled before jumping extremely high, pouncing at Cainan hostilely. In turn, Cainan waved his hand and commanded, "Down."

Boom! As soon as the command was given, Ishtar was shocked as her body suddenly fell down. She felt as if her skin weighed countless times more, disabling her movements. "W-What have you done?!" She strained.

"I am a ruler." Cainan said frankly before issuing another, "Leave and never step your foot back in my city."

As he said that, the Saintess' body soon lifted up before being sent flying past the city walls. Seeing that, everyone soon became fearful of this new ruler of Jerusalem. After that, those who previously contradicted his decree were also banished from Jerusalem, never to step foot there again.

He then issued several more decrees before dispersing the crowd.

The next day, what Cainan had anticipated did happen. Those who were adamant on having the Heavenly Empire remain standing sent men all across the lands to suppress the news from going out. But since Cainan had already acted beforehand, everything they did would only turn out pointless.

In a last-ditch effort, Shinar declared itself as a new state that's goal is to restore the Heavenly Empire; Ashura. They then renamed the city of Shinar to Babilim— the Gate of God— claiming that they were instructed by God to restore His servant Asshur's empire.

The Saintess Ishtar, in the process, discredited Jerusalem and its new ruler, stating that he is possessed by the demon and wants humanity to divide itself. Some believed them but majority of the people who have obtained their independence doesn't seem to want it be taken away once more. Mizraim and Nubisia, who had already exerted enough influence didn't even consider responding to Ashura's call, continuing their plans below.

This was what Cainan desired. He had completed his mission. Lastly…

Weeks after the dissolution of the Empire, Jerusalem's gates were sealed shut. Outside, there was a letter saying, "Jerusalem has seen enough sins being enacted in the name of God. Until the people returns to His embrace, Jerusalem shall be isolated from all."

When the people saw that, they were shocked speechless. Jerusalem would isolate itself? The last time that was the case was when it was only a village, fighting against the entire world! Was this Cainan's way to say to everyone that the entire world is sinful?

With that thought in mind, everyone became sad, angered, and indignant. He was judging them unjustly! Still, with the power that he showed them in his inauguration, they know they can't do anything.

With that, the world was finally divided.

For now, under Cainan's influence, the world is at peace, with the cities trying to develop independently from any power. Cainan's decree of having no military formed whatsoever has deemed helpful to stop any of the Ashuran's desire to attack them. His authority as ruler, although unrecognized by them, was still recognized by the world, it seems.

Still, although there was peace between nations, it doesn't mean that it is also true for its people.

The remaining Blessed was revered as those who can lead and save them, causing the former to become arrogant and conceited.

Rulers who were incompetent without someone instructing them from behind drowned in power.

The people that once relied on the grace of Jerusalem, Shinar, and Kanesh to survive began to feel hunger. This alerted them that God's Grace really has left Earth.

Despair filled the hearts of humanity. All of them, asking for forgiveness, some feeling resentment. Still, it felt as if it their pleas and complaints fell on deaf ears. No one was answering them; Not even their creator.

In the first couple of months, the problem was still manageable. But as time goes by and years passed, famine, suffering, oppression, and death became rampant.

The one who was behind all these chaos sat in his throne with a blank face. He sees what was transpiring in the world and felt remorse. Although he had successfully made the cities independent, almost all of the cities in the Central Lands were soon integrated once more into Ashura because of poor conditions. Ashura didn't even need an army to conquer them.

"What have I done?" Cainan sighed in his throne, his complexion pale, his health worsening. The vast amount of Aether in his body had no effect on the depressed lord of Jerusalem. Knowing that his time might be nearing, he looked at the skies and peered through the stars one last time to look at his family's condition. There was a man with them. Strangely, the man looked oddly similar to his father, Arpachshad.

They were happy together, bonded like family; Like father and son. Seeing that, he smiled weakly as tears ran down his cheeks, "Good, good. That's good to know."

Suddenly, there came a man with a huge book behind his back, walking towards him with a somber stride. "Hello." He greeted the melancholic king.

The Ruler of Jerusalem, Cainan, soon died at the age of 73.

Darkness loomed over Jerusalem that day.