
Meeting Rasa

One clone sat meditating, gathering chakra while sensing the area, while the other stood casually, watching Kankuro.

"Gaara?" Kankuro finally said, his voice uncertain.

Gaara's eyes opened. "I was wondering how to convince you, but it's good that you recognized me."

Kankuro remained still, his head bowed. Gaara couldn't tell if it was out of shame or anger, but he didn't particularly care.

"Another clone?" Kankuro asked, glancing between the two figures.

Gaara didn't bother clarifying. Whether Kankuro was asking about the meditating clone or the one standing, it didn't matter. "Does it?" he replied nonchalantly.

To Kankuro, it did matter, but he chose not to push. If his younger brother wanted to act distant, so be it. "I understand," Kankuro said. "Why are you here? You should know you have no place in the Kazekage lineage anymore."

"I'm here for information about the village and the world," Gaara replied evenly.

"Rasa is no longer your father," Kankuro said sharply. "You're a traitor to the Sand. You're not welcome and should be apprehended on sight."

"Then why aren't you doing so?" Gaara asked, his voice calm.

"Because you're stronger than me, obviously."

Gaara didn't argue—it was true. Still, if Kankuro wasn't acting against him, there had to be a reason. Causing a commotion would only draw attention, so why wasn't he doing it?

Gaara's eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail. His meditating clone hadn't reported anything unusual, yet something felt off.

"How long have I been away?" Gaara asked.

"Four years."

At that, Gaara's eyes widened slightly. Before he could process the revelation, his meditating clone reported an incoming hostile intent, fast approaching.

Gaara observed Kankuro carefully, wondering if he had tipped off the guards. But Kankuro remained still, his head bowed. Behind him, the tanuki puppet was shifting, rapidly dissolving and reforming into new shapes.

It was then that Gaara noticed something peculiar: the puppet was made from a type of iron sand. Not much, but enough for him to sense it clearly. If he could detect it at this range, surely Rasa could too.

Rasa is the one approaching.

Kankuro spoke, his voice soft but urgent. "Before you go, you should see your sister. She's spent every waking moment since your disappearance hoping…" He trailed off, unable to finish.

"I will," Gaara said quietly, understanding the unspoken words. "When I have the chance. For now, say hi to her for me."

Both clones stood, reverting to their original appearances. The natural energy clone still retained its slightly altered physique, but the transformation was subtle.

As they stepped out of the building, Kankuro slumped over, unconscious. Outside, the scene was all too familiar—surrounded by shinobi, including the one who had questioned them earlier. The talkative guard had evidently let slip about his encounter with two redheads.

Kankuro was now suspended behind them, held aloft by a sand hand.

Rasa appeared, his presence commanding as he issued a single order. The space around them was immediately sealed with barriers.

"You'll need to eliminate everyone here just to weaken this seal," Rasa said coldly. "The original of both of you should surrender now."

"And if both of us are clones?" the natural energy Gaara asked.

"Then it's a good thing we have sensory-type shinobi here," Rasa replied with a smirk. "We'll trace the remnants of your chakra to the ends of the earth. Let's see how far you can run."