
Chapter 6 Orphanage

The kids are playing and running around while chasing each other. I didn't notice I was smiling the whole time while looking at them. They seem to have fun.

"It's the first time you join me here."

I turn around and saw my father smiling as well while looking at the children.

We are in an orphanage. He visits her once a month. I saw him early this morning packing boxes of toys and school supplies into his truck. He told me about the orphanage and the children and I got interested in coming. He was shocked when I told him I want to come.

"They look so happy," I said.

"Each of them has stories of how they got here. I love this child and I wish I could help them more. Thank you for coming here with me Georgina." He said to me sincerely.

"I'm so glad I'm here," I said. I smiled at him.

He taps my shoulder.

"After here we are going to visit your grandma's house."

Grandma? They haven't told me about her.

"I have a grandma?" I asked excitedly.

"She's been gone for years now."


That's sad.

We went to an old ancestral house. It is situated in a wide green field where you can play golf.

At the back of the house is a vegetable garden of different kinds. Ahead of the garden are multiple mango trees. The mango fruits are everywhere. It's fruitful.

"It's grandma's garden?" I asked.

"Yes. Planting is her hobby and Mango is her favorite fruit."

"Wow. She must have a green thumb. I wish I could remember her." I said.

Father said we were close. I'm her favorite.

My father looks sad while looking at the garden. He must have remembered his memories with her.

"We must take some and bring them to the house. Your mother likes fresh vegetables to cook." He uttered.

We took a squash and string beans and a few tomatoes.

"Dad, it's a lot of veggies. What will happen to the rest of them? We can't eat all of this."

"It'll get ripe and the caretaker will clean it up and make it fertilizers to the garden."

"It's such a waste. Why not give it to the orphanage? And those mangoes, it must be around ten or more baskets if you harvest. We can sell it and give the money to the orphanage." I uttered while picking some tomatoes.

My father didn't answer so I turn around. He's looking at me smiling like he's thinking of something.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"It's a great idea! why I haven't thought of that? We can harvest and sell it to the market. Leo, my assistant can contact some buyers." Be said enthusiastically.

He's laughing now. He seem so excited.

"How about we harvest it tomorrow. I have nothing else to do. And Simon can help." I offered.

"That's great. I'll call some people to volunteer as well. And we can do this every harvest season."

"Dad, that's amazing."

"You're amazing!" He said while laughing. He looks so happy.

The next morning, Dad and Simon went back to my grandma's garden. I saw a few people waiting for us there. Dad invited some friends.

"Dad, me, and Simon will start ahead," I said.

My father nodded and went back to talk to his friends.

"Okay, Simon. Dad's friends are bitted oldies so it will be hard for them to climb the trees and pick fruit so we have to do it." I said.

"Yes, miss."

He grinned. He found humor in what I said.

"You go north and I'll go south. Okay?"

"Yes, miss." He said while smiling.

I reach the south portion but realize I don't have a ladder with me. I only brought the basket. But trees are climbable so I tried. I was able to reach the top. It's amazing. The air is fresh and all I can see are leaves and mangoes.

I pick the fruits one by one and throws them into the basket. It's starting to get hot and I'm sweating.

I was about to throw another one when I saw Gin below looking around.

He's wearing formal long sleeves and black pants. He must have come from work. He looks good. His eyes searched around.

I think I know why I got obsessed with him. He's gorgeous. How can a man look this good? But he hates me.

Anyway, what is he doing here? I'm supposed to avoid him. I might get banned from my grandma's house too. I smiled at my thoughts.