
Scary nightmare..

Even though Zane and Lena are separated physically their souls are connected emotionally.Zane Feels Lena through his nightmare every night.

Both Lena and Zane remember each other when they suffer by skin burning..

Time passed.Zane and Lena were Joined in kinder garden by their parents.

In kinder garden,Bubble who is send by Wizardry School to protect Lena were become a close friend.

whereas Booba also become close friend of Zane.

Time passed away,Lena was kind and sweet to everyone.she helps everyone without hesitation.she was loved by everyone around her.

As Zane who has both evil and good spirit shows both character time to time.he shows the character based on the situation.Zane is strong and powerful.His killer blue eyes really scare the person who try to oppose him.he lived his life as a king.

On the 18th birthday of Lena,she feels like something is disturbing her.after celebrating her birthday,she went to her room to sleep.She turned the light off,She closed her eyelid.she start to sleep.

suddenly she feels like she was running.Her golden eyes were filled with tears,her eyes were blood shot,she looks very pale,her heart beats very fast she was running towards a fort someone is chasing her,she was afraid of getting caught.

Someone shouted" Lena come into the fort,come fast, I protect you,Lena Run fast run fast Lena run fast"the man was shouting with bold voice.

The person chasing her shouted,"Let me get you,stop at the place or you will die."his voice was scary as he is going to eat her completely.

She heard the voice" Lena run fast i protect you,Lena let me get you orelse you will die" Again and again the voice becomes near, her heart beats fast,she was scared,she was sweating a lot.

she heard it again, " Lena run fast run fast

" let me get you orelse you die" " Lena run fast run fast" " Let me get you or else you die".

Nooooo she scared and shouted, Suddenly She heared her father and mother voice, " Lena baby what happened ? don't be scare Mommy daddy is here".

She wakes up,She was still in state of scared.She look at her mom and dad with blood shot golden eyes filled with tears.Her body was trembling,She was sweating hard.She hold his father and Weep.

"Daddy don't leave me daddy don't go,Mommy be with me someone is chasing me someone is going to kill me"she shouted and weep.

Her mother and father console her,they sat near her and her mother caress her head.Lena sleeped in her mother lap.

When Lena woke up she look at her mother caring her all the Night in her lap.She sit straight and look her mother and father tired face.she left the room without disturbing them.But Scary nightmare still makes her scared.she was thinking about it and watching the tv.

Her mother woke up,with a coffe in a cup,she sat near her and said," baby don't scare it's just a nightmare."

her words make Lena little comfort.

In Zane house, he was sleeping in the bed,He dreamt of Lena as usual,he was smiling in her bed,his strong Face is blushing.

His mother Miranda look at him with smile face," baby boy wake up,fast wake up."Her voice was very soft and gentle.

Zane woke up and sit without any expression and he even didn't utter a word.

Miranda with smiling face," Did you ask your childhood sweetheart name atleast today.Did she kissed you again." she laughed and make fun of him.

He stared at her with a blush," Mommy Darling,how do you know I was thinking about her." he asked with his soft tune.

Miranda laugh hard, "ha ha ha ha ha, you are asking me how did I know, do you know I have been watching you for 13years,you still blush and smile in your bed by thinking about her."she teased him with her hand.

He look at her with Shyness," Mom do you know her ? do you know where she come from ?." He asked her with eyes full of excitement.

Miranda glared him and said,"You stay with her one day but you don't know her name but I just saw her for 10min how should I know her name.is it possible."

He said with disappointment," you baby Mommy, I was small boy how can I think about asking all these things to her.you are older than me why didn't you ask her.You bad Mommy you just spoiled my romance at that time." he said with smirk in the corner of his lip

His mother Look innocently,"dear I was actually scared by your missing,also I was mesmerized by her look so I can't think about asking these things to her." she said gently.

Zane asked with excitement," Mommy will I have another chance to meet her ?" his mother smile and said," only God knows."

She left the place and ask him to get ready for school.

Zane was thinking about her and started to do his work.Both Zane and Booba accompanied to school.

Here Lena and Bubble also accompanied to school,Lena was telling her nightmare to bubble and bubble console her with her words.