
8 Travel towards the Academy


« Name: Andromeda the cat

Status: Speed: 55%

Power: 60%

Stamina: 120%

MP: 70%

HP: 170%


[Witch's protection LV4], [Gluttony LV1], [Sloth LV1], [Pride LV1], [Wrath LV1], [Lust LV 1] [Envy LV1], [Greed LV1], [Petrification Attack Nullity LV1], [Paralysis Attack Nullity LV1], [Tree-dwelling LV4], [ Insect Queen LV1]

Evolution Results:

[Cat Form], [Insect Form], [Chameleon Form], [Winged Cat Form], [Human Form], [Winged Human Form] »

« Old Skills [Consuming] and [Food cycle] evolved into [GLUTTONY], Old Skills [Poison Fangs], [Paralysis Fangs], and [Chomp] with the new skill [Claws] <allows you to attack using claws> evolved into [WRATH]. Old Skills [Meditation] and [Sleep ] evolved into [SLOTH]. The Old Skill [Terror] evolved into [PRIDE], Old Skill [Sneak], and New Skills [Steal] <allows you to steal anything from your opponent> and [Copycat] <allows you to copy your opponent's skills or power> evolved into [GREED]. Old Skills [Demonic Eyes of Paralysis], [Demonic Eyes of Petrification] and New Skill [Eyes of Covetousness] <allows you to get any protective magical or physical equipment that the opponent uses> evolved into [ENVY]. Old Skill [Camouflage] and New Skills [Charm] <the aura and appearance you emit can be used to control somebody who acknowledge them as adorable>, [Conviction] <allows you to convince someone by talking to them>, [Desire] <allows you to manipulate someone's desire>, and [Copy Transformation] <allows you to copy someone's appearance> evolved into [LUST]. Old Skills [Fly], [Multiple Eyesight], [Super Detection], [Antenna], and [Itch Bite] evolved into [INSECT QUEEN]. Due to the evolution, Transforming to [Cat Form], [Insect Form], [Chameleon Form], [Winged Cat Form], [Human Form], and [Winged Human Form] are allowed. »

«A reminder that the system always works in your favor.»

I virtually raised my eyebrows because of the last message from the system.

WOAH! I can really be able to transform into a human. I immediately tried to transform.

I looked at myself in Third Person's View using [Insect Queen < Multiple Eyesight]. I am not sure if it is due to evolution but my sight is now clearer and more precise.

My height is that of a little girl. I looked down and yes, I am really flat like a plywood. Just as I suspected of my luck. My hair is gray and reaches a length up to my butt. My face? My face is really cute with my thick eyebrows and lashes. My eyes are high and sharp, is this what they call cat-eyed? My eye color is green and my iris is that of a cat. My nose is small but pointy and pinkish. My lips are like pouting— my lower lip is thick and plump and my upper lip is thin— giving me this pouting, angry look. I am hairy, I can see it on my baby hairs. I really am cute. Like a kid.

I tried transforming into a human with cat ears and tail and it happened. I looked cuter so I might use this form. It's weird if I suddenly appear fully human. I took a blanket and covered my naked self with it and went outside. The look of surprise was plastered on their faces. The three of them almost spilled their tea.

"Andromeda?" Priscilla called after she recovered a little.

"Hi, I guess?" I said, waving my hand. My voice sounded like a middle-school kid. However, my expression didn't really chang. It's hard, ok? Even if I'm happy or nervous, my expression never change. Cats can't frown or smile.

"Andromeda, you're cute!" Priscilla exclaimed with twinkle in her eyes.

"I've never heard of a cat transforming into human," Rosh, the elf.

"With this, you can now travel to the capital, right?" Hawk said.

"I'll enroll you as a student," Rosh immediately got up and wrote a letter.

Priscilla brought me to the room so I could take a bath and so she could dressed me up. I'm wearing a simple mini gray spaghetti-strapped dress with a lace at the back, white socks, and gray doll shoes. Priscilla also combed my hair and cut it a little bit just so I will not sit on it especially when we travel.

I look like Priscilla and Hawk's child when I stand between them. I am only up to Priscilla's chest. Priscilla is up to Hawk's and Rosh's neck. So I really am small compared to Hawk and Rosh.

Rosh arranged everything needed for our travel. After a few minutes, a carriage arrived to fetch us. I found the ride nauseating so I transformed back to a cat and slept the whole ride.

I felt the carriage stop so I woke up. Priscilla and Hawk came out of it first and closed the door. I transformed into a human. I put on my clothes and fixed my hair. Transforming is a hassle, especially when I get naked after.

I might confuse the people if I have the ears and tail, they might categorize me as a demi-human so I transformed into a plain human. I do not really want to be something I know nothing of. What if they suddenly ask me about my tribe?

A middle-aged man wearing a blue and gold soldier outfit welcomed us. His face was serious but I sensed no danger from him.

"Welcome to the capital, Sir Hafoc, Miss Priscilla, and Miss Andromeda. I am Luis, I shall accompany you to the school," he introduced. "But before that.." He looked at the shirtless Hawk and the sexy-dressed Priscilla. "I must have you wear appropriate clothing and help you choose your weapons."

Weapon? I think I might choose guns. I'm quite skilled with guns due to me going to Shooting Range with my co-workers during our vacation. Huh? Was that a memory? I do not remember.

If they do not have that here, maybe bow and arrow will do, I did archery on middle school, you know. Wait, why am I getting overly serious about getting a weapon?

Luis brought us to a clothing shop. The capital is wide and busy. My eyes roamed around the different buildings around us. Compared to the town I first visited, this is way larger than that.

Hawk ended up wearing simple black clothes and Priscilla wore a pink top and black pants.

We also bought additional clothes and personal materials. The school is a dorm type and it's impossible for us to easily leave. This is what I raised as a problem to Rosh. Not being able to leave is a deal-breaker for me. I do not want to be caged for that school. But they reasoned out that it is best for the safety of Priscilla as the academy can protect her and help her develop her skills. I could not refute them, in the end, the majority won.

Regarding our weapons, they do have guns here. I picked up the smallest hand gun I saw, two of them. Hawk picked up a hand knife for me and told me to use it when it's needed. He's a knife user, alright. He believes that knives are better than any other weapons because you can easily control and hide them.

Priscilla took a wand that allows her to cast magic easier. The wand has a small white gem on top and some carvings in the handle. And also a knife as Hawk insisted.

Hawk got two small swords and a knife.

"You should name your weapons so you'll be able to make them disappear and call whenever you need them," Luis instructed us.

I named my guns Tempest and my knife Quell. And done. Disappear, my dearests. The trick here is that the weapons we bought were chanted and were made with special stones. They are excessively pricey and only a few number of people can afford them. Rosh is crazy rich. He could pass as a sugar daddy on earth.

"The Teleportation circle is ready, sir." A man with the same outfit like Luis informed us.

"Then we shall be heading," Luis answered.

Luis made us follow him towards a building that's like a church. We walked on the long hallway and entered a room. Inside it was a huge magic circle with four magic crystals around it.

"Please step inside the circle," Luis instructed us.

In an instant, we arrived in another room but in another place. We once again followed Luis heading outside.

In front of us is a long chain of buildings and an open space on the middle.

"This place sure is huge," Hawk said while looking around.

"Please follow me to the registry," Luis stated.

We talked to the acting Headmaster and gave us uniforms. Our uniform is colored blue and gold. For girls, we have blue long sleeves top with gold buttons, blue short skirt, and black knee-high boots. While boys have blue long sleeves top also with gold buttons, blue pants, and black boots.

Me and Hawk were admitted to the same class, 1-B. Meanwhile, the gloomy-looking Priscilla is in class 1-A. The selection is based on the potential the assessors see in a person. Priscilla has high potential according to them but not that I can see, Hawk has a pretty good potential too, and as for me, they were supposed to put me in the lowest class because of my height and my race--human. But Rosh already made arrangements in order for me to be put in the same class with either Priscilla or Hawk.

One representative of class 1-A and one representative of class 1-B entered the room.

This is getting exciting and terrifying at the same time. We don't know what will happen to us while we're at school, there won't be any bully, right? T^T



Andromeda is carriage sick?

rielle_aricreators' thoughts