
I Am A Villain At Night

Zhou Heng looked at the message in his retina. [Host has arrived at the determined age] [Integrating Villlainous Lives Management System] [Congratulations to the Host] While rubbing his eyes, even with the blurred sight, he can still read those words clearly. ''What's happening? Is this... my chance...?'' Zhou Heng soon will embark on what means to be a Villain in different worlds with different backgrounds, with the hope of changing his life for the better, not knowing that maybe his reality is more fantastic than those lives he can simulate with the system. *** - The MC lives in another world, that may have similarities with our own. - There may have different power systems for each life, including the 'real' one of the MC. - I don't know if it will be a harem, so, at your risk. - It's my first time writing a novel, so any help you can give is appreciated. - The cover is not mine, found it on Pinterest, very probably its also not from the one I take it, but any claimer can communicate with me. - The rhythm of chapters will be varied, as is my first novel and is something like a 'test'. - As for 18+ chapters... I don't know, maybe there will be, or maybe not.

ThatOneFella · 奇幻
29 Chs

Four Instructors.

Harding was sitting on his usual couch drinking his usual cold juice. But the room that always seemed spacious was now a bit crowded.

Around the couch, while standing, there were five individuals, with clear differences between them.

At the left extreme, with the wall supporting the back, there was a woman with short dark hair. She was dressed in a little dirty white shirt, a brown-gray vest, and short pants but with long socks that covered her entire legs.

Carrying a leather bag at her side, her expression was between curious and arrogant, without paying attention to her manners or the fact that the wall looked pretty clean compared to her clothes.

Near her was another woman that looked completely different, carrying a noble bearing with an expensive dress, a black corset, and a fan. The woman had dark green hair until her shoulders and a gentle expression.

She stood up just a few steps between the wall and the couch Harding was sitting on, where, right at the back of Harding, was standing the corpulent man that was the 'tutor' of Zhou Heng in the first month.

His torturer, the man that was completely indifferent when torturing a child as young as Heng to the point of breaking his mind. He was called Frank by the old man Harding.

He had copper skin and was wearing gray attire with a jacket and a shirt inside, but his sleeves were rolled up, showing strong muscles.

As usual, he was with an indifferent face but if one were to see more closely, one would find that he looked more vigilant, wary of the new guests in the room. Near the old man to protect him if needed.

On the other side of the room, there were two male guests next to each other.

The closest to Frank was another burly man, he was a southerner like Zhou Heng, with black hair and dark eyes. He wasn't as big as Grandpa Zhou but he wasn't small either, the feeling was also different from him. If Grandpa Zhou was a human bear, then this man was a tiger, savage and aggressive but with the habits of a hunter that waits until the best moment to attack and ravage his prey.

He looked at Zhou Heng for a few moments but lost interest quickly and looked at Frank that was seemingly ignoring him. These two were the main origin of the tension within the room.

As for the last person he was a child, as young as Zhou Heng with dim silver hair approaching to gray but maintaining a bit of shine. He was a local and the moment Heng entered the room he never moved his gaze from him.

He was wearing comfortable clothes, a pair of shorts and a close-fitting shirt, his shoes were also a bit worn out. Overall he looked ready for exercise.

After taking his moment to observe everyone in the room. Zhou Heng with a calm expression looked at Harding and finally answered his question.

''Thought, I would like to maintain part of my current training.'' With a calm tone, he said. He didn't want to offend anyone by the misunderstanding that he wasn't ready for other training and that they wasted time coming here. But he really wanted to keep with the poison... After all, he hadn't arrived at half of the progress in acquiring the poison resistance.

He wasn't fond of the bad effects on his body during the process, but the thought of the reward filled his heart with expectation. The curiosity of how it would come and be was an unexpected pleasure for Zhou Heng.

This was the first direct benefit he will receive from the system just by the fact that it has a name. He also suspected that the phrase 'It feels better when you put your blood and sweat for the reward' was true... Though... he fervently tried to ignore that more than sweat and blood was vomit and... other not-so-heroic secretions.

Harding snickered, and reassured him, ''Don't worry, that was just an introduction. The path of learning never ends. It's just that the time will decrease a bit as your focus will be on more material in the future.''

He was looking with emotion at Zhou Heng, the boy was truly a treasure in a different way than Helena was.

''These gentlemen and lady will be your future instructors. What you learn from them, how much and when; it's decided entirely between you and them... As for this little friend here, he is going to accompany you, do take care of each other.'' Harding declared, after that, he just relaxed in his seat and looked like a spectator, without intentions of participating more than that.

He wanted Zhou Heng to seize the initiative and learn from the process. The boy's part was to take all advantage of the recourses he provided. While for him, this period was just to accompany Helena in watching him come back from training, with whatever physical or psychological state it leaves him.

As for the knowledge test he told the boy before, it was only useful for encouragement. After observing the boy this past month he confirmed the boy's talent for memorizing... As for understanding, he tested it during the moments he was most physically drained.

He wasn't disappointed with the results so he left it be, and proceeded with stage two.

Zhou Heng nodded and turned to look at the people in the room once again. His eyes stayed a bit more on his peer, seeing him nodding with a curious and friendly expression, he also nodded as a greet.

Then he looked at the remaining three guests and at Frank, who he already considered an instructor, and greeted them.

''Nice to meet you, my name is Heng. I don't know what kind of benefit or favor the old man gave for any of you to come here and meet with me... But that means that you have a minimum of acceptance to teach me...'' He said while alternating his eyes from the four of them, including Frank.

The woman in the wall smirked, and the noble lady covered her mouth with her hands that were covered with silk gloves but for the movements of her eyes, she was smiling. Frank raised an eyebrow and the Tiger-like man finally looked at Zhou Heng.

Using a slight pause, Zhou Heng analyzed their reactions and continued with his speech, ''All, I can ask is for the where and when I can meet with any of you. If I'm worth the time, you can confirm it at that time.''

For a moment there was a bit of silence until the woman in the wall giggled and answered him, ''Nice to meet you, Lil' boy. I'm Rose, I will find you when it's time.'' after that she watched with interest at the rest.

The next one was the southerner, ''Lang. In the pit. Look for me.'' Then he gave a last glance to Frank and walked out of the room, passing by the side of Heng without giving him a second look.

Harding nodded with satisfaction, indicating silently that at least he managed to start with the man.

After Lang went out, Frank didn't relax but he nodded at Zhou Heng, ''Here.'' At this moment Zhou Heng noticed that he was also vigilant to the noble lady that has been silent since the start.

Zhou Heng looked at her and waited for a bit. When he started feeling strange he proved, ''This lady...?''

At this moment Rose started laughing and she looked at the 'noble lady' and smiled, ''Shit never gets old. Hurry up.'' Then she looked at Zhou Heng as if waiting for something.

Zhou Heng frowned a little and at that moment he heard it... A deep hoarse voice. A mainly voice, coming from the 'noble lady', ''Nice to meet you, my name is Daniel, though, at this moment you should call me Danielle.'' In the middle of his... it's speech the voice changed from deep hoarse to gentle and feminine.

Zhou Heng was dumbstruck, and his face couldn't help but change.

Rose burst into laughing even harder and Daniel... Danielle revealed her mouth showing her bright white teeth in a big smile, ''Guess what I will teach you, hehe''


''My name is John... You don't have to worry, I reacted the same way as you did when I discovered it. In fact, you are way better than me.'' The silverish-haired boy, John introduced himself to Heng with a bitter smile.

At this moment they already left the bookstore. Rose enjoyed the reaction she was after and left without saying goodbye.

Harding stayed with Frank, so now they were only the three of them. Daniel had already changed his clothes to a similar attire to Frank and was smiling at the two boys.

Heng could finally see his true appearance and marveled at the fact that his entire existence changed; from color skin, height, weight, bearing... If he didn't see him changing clothes and washing his body with a bucket of water and a strange liquid contained in a bottle he carried, Heng would have believed that it was two people messing with him.

Daniel had a handsome face, with darker skin and black hair, he was also taller and his hands that were covered now showed a more rustic look with tiny scars in some places.

Zhou Heng was sitting on the sidewalk of the street a bit far from the bookstore. The shock from before was gone and was replaced by full curiosity. In his mind, he was looking for an explanation for the strange liquid and the change of voice Daniel showed.

''Haha, how was it? I'ma capable or what?'' Daniel smiled proudly at Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng nodded and asked, ''If I approached you...?''

''Avoid it. You are a kid so I would have shown disgust or made it clear that I don't want you near. If it's an adult then be shy and reserved maintaining distance, if it doesn't work then distract you with something else than me. If nothing works then run away and try another way.''

Zhou Heng gained respect for this person that admitted his imperfection, ''If the distractions work, isn't suspicious in the long term?''

''Danielle is short term, not for long runs. She can make you fall in love, but I can't expect her to even trick someone in bed... Well... Maybe with some beers, HAHA!'' Daniel laughed, he looked very active in comparison with earlier when he was Danielle.

Zhou Heng's lips twitched a bit, and even John had his smile breaking a little.

Daniel then stopped and nodded at them, ''Well, let's go, for today the sooner the better, trust me.''

The three of them started walking being led by Daniel toward another street. he refused to answer the 'where' with a strange smile.

Shortly after they arrived at an Inn, they entered and sat at one of the vacant tables, the place was a bit deserted and even the waiters gave a strange look to the newcomers. Daniel didn't pay attention and ordered the waiter a few dishes. After that in low voice, he said, ''Hope it gives us time to eat before it happens.''

The two boys were confused, seeing this Daniel smiled and asked, ''Knowing what I do... What do you think I will teach you today?''

The boys looked at each other and John took the lead, ''Look for a way to get out without paying? By acting...?''

Seeing Daniel shaking his head, Zhou Heng frowned a little and tried, ''Watching the customers and staff and learn something from their behavior?''

Daniel thought for a bit, and answered, ''Well, you can watch them as you will be with them the rest of the day, but not here, hehe.'' He laughed with a malicious smile.

Just when the two were confused, they heard a loud shout from outside.

''Everyone to the floor! This is the Ariethis Metropolitan Corps! We are here for suspicions of smuggling! All civilians in the building shall be transferred to our headquarters and be severely interrogated!'' Ten black-uniformed officers entered with swords in hand and grave expressions.

Just when the two boys were regaining themselves they heard Daniel murmur, ''We didn't even have the chance to eat... Well, fuck it. Kids, first lesson, trip to the police office.''