
i am a vilian of the novel I hate the most

this is the story of a boy who died in a mission and recarnaited as a villian in a novel that he hate the most i Raghav ye King of ye family of the first class family in world but he is killed by 20 heroines and they also didn't leave his family. now he come to this world 99 times now it's 100th time what is he gonna do to save his fate and his family fate [i am a villain of the novel i hate the most] is a harem, action, urban, romance, villian Not show:NTR,rape,Yuri,gay sex Show:blood, romance, action,mafia, martial arts,magic, manipulation,hate protagonist, villian, vampire, werewolf,monster,R-18 credit of my cover page goes to ::pixelai @Mohith krishna.s.j my novel were made of different novels so this is my imagination and perception if it's different from original in the from of other novel characters come how does it look also those novel are credited to their own author not my so enjoyed also I am one those who like to read novel too join patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Fantasyandsystemnovel?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator join telegram : https://t.me/+8bcIFkQ4saNkMGRl

Devilking_Of_hell · 漫画同人
106 Chs

Ch-86 going to the spirit kingdom

Ch-86 going to the spirit kingdom

As Nafisa become scared

As i go towards her and touch her forehead and distracted the bloodline from here how much I needed and seal her bloodline

After that she fall down as she look at me"why did you do to me"

As i look at her and said "you are staying with me from now on "

As Nafisa become scared and said to me "no what about these people I can't leave them here they are my people and I have to protect them you can't do that"

As i said to her "how many people do you have tell me I will think about them if i can take them with me or not"

Nafisa said to me "is 3k to 3.5k and i don't want to leave them I work hard to create this kingdom "

As I look at her and said with a smile"okay gather all them and tell there is a announcement to tell them and it's important "

As Nafisa nodded and look at Ravi as he also nodded

After 30 minutes later

As i and Mia floral are standing beside Nafisa as she say to her people telling them that we have to change our place to liveing

As she look at me

As i stand up go there and look at them and said"hello everyone I am Raghav ye King i have to sadly tell you that your queen bloodline is dangerous for all your lives so I made an deal with her to take her bloodline and seal her bloodline and take her with me but she said that she can't leave all of you her family and people so i want you to come to my world and lived with other races and there will be no one that will hurt you or kill you so you all can your life's well but you'll have to train for the war that can happen any time and my people will teach you further knowledge, technique and technology all you have to do is supported everyone and and your general will be Nafisa who you all trust and lives there happily "

As they all accept me and my condition as i said to them again"and pls cooperate with them until you'll understand the rules and regulations "

As i open the portal as they all inside and my other general helped them and settle them

As i start going to the kingdom of spirits again as two days have passed

As i was reading a book Mia floral asked me what I am reading so i said to her"well this is a novel that I used my time magic and make it appeared to me it's novel of a heroine who have regret in her whole till she become 23 and how she become a supermodel , musician and business owner but one time her those regret come back in her lives and she will do whatever power she had on her hand "

Mia floral said to me "ok that's interesting can tell me name of the novel "

As i said to her"well it's name is 'Regrets of my life' written by devil King of hell if our viewer want to read it they have give me in my novel 'i am the villain of the novel i hate the most '10 power stone and 2 golden ticket or 15 power stone is there choice to select "