
I Am A Hero Long Time Ago: Now, How to live like a Normal Person?

Wang Lei got reincarnated as a young master of a weak clan who got murdered by the Demon Lord. Wang Lei with the hatred and thirst for revenge that he got inherited from the former owner of the body decided to start a journey towards the top and in the end killed the Demon Lord. Now that the demon lord was dead and the revenge was finished, he finally wanted to settle down... But now what should he do now? He was now a hero who defeated the enemy and now the story should be finished... But it seemed to be just the start... Then I'll just live like a normal! But can I?

Seniority_Y · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 4

When he was still weak, 11 years ago. To start his revenge, Wang Lei didn't enter any school or any faction. But he decided to build his own path and started his title as a lone wolf cultivator.

Lone Wolf Cultivators were those who have to cultivate on their own, with no faction and no help from others. If they needed something, they need to find it themselves and collect everything they needed themselves. It was difficult yet also cool because no one could restrict you. If you wanted to do something, you could do it because no one will restrict you like a Masters's or whatever.




Now after 11 years, someone gave him the idea of entering a cultivation school, although he doesn't need it, he also started to feel confused about how does it felt studying.

We don't need to think too much, it also an opportunity to open himself to normal exercises and learn how to live like a normal person.

After all, with his power at his age, it wasn't normal at all. He was a monster of a monster and everyone was scared of him. Thankfully, he deleted all the memories of anyone who knew something from him.

He could also find a companion that could help him act more normal and maybe he could hide his monstrous identity if he has a normal identity.

'Quite a good plan...It's settled then... I'll enroll tomorrow ' Wang Lei thought to himself. With a slight smile on his face, he continued to eat.

Beside him, Zhifang who saw the smile can't help but felt confused. It was so rare to see Wang Lei smile, and he even thought that Wang Lei can't smile at all. It's the first time he saw him smile although just slightly.

'Don't tell me he's turning into an idiot?! ' But Zhifang shook his head the next second he thought about it. How dare he thought something bad to the people who helped him?

"Why are you shaking your head? " Wang Lei came back to his being indifferent and asked.

"Haha! " Zhifang laughed awkwardly and said, "It's nothing, nothing at all! " After that, without batting an eye to Wang Lei, he came back to his food and started to eat once again. He even brought his feet at his hair while eating.

Wang Lei just nodded his head and doesn't ask more. Surely this idiot was thinking bad things about him, but he also doesn't care.




The times passed like wind, Wang Lei after eating came back to his seat, closed his eyes not to sleep but to meditate.

Zhifang on the other hand opened the shop and came back to his work...




8:30 PM.

The time for work passed so fast. Now, the sky was dark, the moon was here, the wind was cold, and the small insects started to make sounds.

Zhifang closed the restaurant and started to clean the whole place...

Wang Lei after a while also opened his eyes and found out that it was already night.

He looked around and stopped his eyes at the chubby man who was cleaning.

Wang Lei can clean this place in just a blink of an eye, but he didn't make any move but just watched.




After another hour, Zhifang also finished his work, he washed his hand and brushed the dirt in his body. He didn't go to his room but picked up a wooden chair and went beside Wang Lei, "Something? ". He wasn't an idiot and felt Wang Lei ago when he was looking at him. He knew that he has something to say.

" I just wanted to ask about the enrollment. Tell me what you know about this. " Wang Lei said. It's not a request nor a command, it just depends on how you want to take it.

"Okay" As always, Zhifang also didn't care, he nodded his head and explained, "Well, where should I start? "


"Okay! The enrollment was decided to start tomorrow~ " But before he continued, Wang Lei sign him to stop.

"I know about that. Tomorrow at the Seven Dragon Academy, right? " Wang Lei said, asking for confirmation.

"Yeah" Zhifang nodded.

"Then just tell me those further information... And just choose those important " - Wang Lei

"Okay, give me a second " - Zhifang said as he started to analyze all the information he got and thought all those important only.

After a while, he came back to his senses and looked at Wang Lei, he took a deep breath before he started narrating.

From Zhifang, the Seven Dragon was the first cultivation school here in the Dragon City and Second in the continent. Because of its popularity, it was difficult to enter or pass the test they will give you.

First of all, you needed to reach the age of 16 and not higher than 30 years old to pass the first test, easy right?

Second, you just needed to touch a stone of enlightenment to test if you were as old as what you said. If you lied and found out that you were older or younger, or even what age you gave was one year older or younger, like you were 18 but you said 17, even though you pass the age, you were still going to fail because you lied.

After your age was tested, the second test was about your aptitude. The aptitude was what they wanted to know and not your current cultivation level. Base on the score you will get, you will be sent to a certain class.

The Ten normal Class...

Class 1, the strongest normal classroom...

And Class 10, the worst normal classroom...

The Eagle Class...

The Lion Class...

And the most powerful was the Dragon God Class... The most monster of the generation...

The higher your aptitude points, the higher your class will be. It all depends on you after all.

"Well, we are just normal people, no need to think too much. As long as we can enter, it's already enough! " Zhifang added, but it wasn't for anyone but for himself.