
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · 奇幻
35 Chs

Chapter 10

Jay had been hunting monsters non stop , getting more and more accustomed to what he could or couldn't do with his abilities. He wanted to get stronger fast . Daniel might not be aware , but Jay came to realize the gap that existed between Eric and himself.

The only solace he had was that Eric had lived through development of his power already, and now was more of a regaining his power than exploring it .

Jay saw a bug charging at him from the distance. These melovus had a fanatical desire to get rid of all life infront of them . Be it man dog tree or shrub.

Jay postured himself in alignment. Right leg infront left behind. Torso in slight twist perpendicular to the gap between the two feet.

He then took a breath and stretched out his right palmas though making a stop motion for incoming traffic. And when the bug got into effective range, Jay's body oscillated a bit


A smaller but more compact looking blueish corona was released out of Jay's body slamming into the bug and leaving a hole in it .

" Finally" Jay sighed . He'd been trying to control his power to only come out of one section . Before it had come out of him like a dome that he continually pushed omnidirectionally. It not only exhausted him faster, but the results weren't as magnificent as what he'd just done.

He was now comparable to a living missle weapon. A M3 Carl Gustav.

His attack now carried significant penetrative force behind it.it had only been two days , and he'd developed so quickly.

After fishing for the gem in its head , Jay heard someone come from behind him. He turned to see Eric standing behind.

Jay had a complicated feeling when looking at Eric.the similarly between him Nd Daniel was so uncanny . It felt like if Daniel lived long enough , he'd end up like him . But there were some differences. While Daniel did things that convenienced him, Eric went out of his way to inconvenience others.

" Whats up? " Jay asked .

Eric held up his right palm in it revolved two sharp stones.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked as he took a couple of steps back .

" Show me how much you've improved"

A single rock shot out with pinpoint accuracy. Though it was slower than a bullet. It was still fast.

Jay's eye couldn't follow it , but he was prepared . A pale blue dome shot out of his body with hard pressure.


The rock and the shield collided at matching speeds, but the shield remained while the rock shattered into smaller particles.

It had to do with the surface area. The shield had the opportunity to disperse the rebound effect and transfer it to the ground.

The initial manifestation of his power had a unique form that addressed many issues.

" Why are you suddenly attacking me, if you wanted a spar , you can go do that with Daniel!"

The shattered rock particles didn't settle down on the ground. They begun revolving at faster and faster speeds."You are too comfortable when inside that barrier.l, it's not as impervious to damage as you think "

It sounded like an electric saw, it looked like an electric saw, and It acted as such . Jay felt exactly when his barrier was breached. His expression couldn't keep up with his utter disbelief! This had never happened before! Granted it has barely been 3 days since getting his power.

The moment the barrier was split open Jay's subconsciously attacked .A blue dome furiously ejected out of him a bit more unstable than usual . dispersing the saw made of spinning rocks .

" Good , now more " Eric said as he gathered the particles of dispersed rock , and made it a spinning disk saw. And then his hands moved like it would in a musical composition.

Brrrrr . VaBoom .

Jay ejected a barrier attack.

" Stop it! , if you want to fight go to Daniel! Leave me alone!"

" I'm giving you valuable knowledge, just take it .

Eric seemed to enter a zone his hands waved erratically, but each movement had a purpose. More and more spinning disc saws came into being as he launched them at Jay.

If Jay erected a normal barrier he would die . He didn't need to be a genius to know that his barrier had a glaring weakness to sharp vibrational attacks . Afterall he'd just seen it happen a few seconds ago. The way the saw split the barrier like a hot knife through butter frankly scared him. It was so easy he questioned if it even existed !

Sharp spinning disc saws came at him from infront. Jay was not an active person he was healthy and all , but he wasn't the hyperactive type that bounced from place to place.

Had he had previous experience with movement for evasion it might have lightened the pressure on him.

To put into perspective, Jace and Daniel faught like warrior classes, but Jay and Daniel were having a battle of abilities like a mage class .

But even though there were no intense and heated physical exchanges and maneuvers , the danger was 10 times more exaggerated.

A spinning disk saw diverged from the first predictable route of frontal attack cornering Jay from his left , and diverting his focus from his front. A dome pushed out of his body incinerating it .

But this was a trick made by Eric .

When Jay's attack dome suddenly expands out of his body , it's damaging effect is only up to 5 meters and then it drastically weakens, then fades away before Jay releases another.

Eric studied this from the many direct attacks he'd been launching. So while Jay was focusing all his attention on destroying the bait from his left side , from the blind spot located right behind the human head Eric used a spinning saw to slice open the barrier in that gap time frame before Jay releases another destruction dome.

The barrier was breached instantly. The destruction dome had even weaker resistance angainst sharp vibrational attacks than the conventional dome when it begun to fade out of existence!

It was at that moment that Jay tripped by accident causing the spinning saw to miss it's target only managing to graze Jay's cheek ,but causing a clean cut where he felt the cold liquid ooze out of his face onto his skin.

Like always Jay's reaction time lagged behind , but when it came it was very very expressive . Bis eye bugged out his mouth /lips pulled all the way down causing his nostril holes to stretch.

His skin turned pale and the reality that he was almost going to die in that moment hit him.

Jay's expression went through a mirade of stages . Shock , fear , disbelief, apprehension, and finally murder.

His handsome face contorted into the most evil looking thing. Before, he treated this situation like a spar that went on between Jace and Daniel. His words said he wasn't interested but he internally hoped to compare Eric to himself . he removed that from his head the moment he realized he could have died in that moment.

Jay was a calm person , and like mentioned previously unlike Daniel he schemed on others to get his way . Ever since the world went to shit, and he had gained powers, he'd been bold enough to face the beasts and slay them. But they weren't human , so that didn't go against his way of being. But Eric was human . Eric was trying to kill him , and if he didn't do something he might end up dead . But . Eric . Was . Human .

That was in his mind until something broke in him . Eric in his vision blurred out and blurred back in multiple times .

He had no mind to try and figure out what his heart or mind were telling him . This happen faster and faster . Until standing before him was an abomination of flesh and tentacles.

It was then that Jay's shackles were undone. Eric .was . Not . Human.

He . Is . A. Monster!

Jay had unintentionally done something few could do .

Jay had hypnotized himself, why must reality break his way of life, he will break the reality to fit his way!.

With the pressure of fighting Eric the human off his shoulders, Jay came into his element.

His eyes gleemed with evil , his mouth twisted into a smirk. A devilishly handsome youngman now utilizing the persona that matched his handsomeness .

His hand flicked and a blueish plume shot out at bullet speed !

Finally he was actively taking control.

But it wouldn't be so easy.

Eric pulled over a boulder with his telekinesis using it to shield himself from the impact. But the stone boulder was too fragile to withstand the attack and shattered.

But with it shattering was also lost the bluish plume , and more shattered rock to make into saws .

Whistling VaBoom ,

Whistling Whistling Whistling

VaBoom VaBoom VaBoom.

Rock spinning disc saws and bluish plumes and done barriers occured again and Again.

Not only were there loud explosions , but the points of intersection of both attacks exploded due to the sheer pressure.

A new side of Jay had emerged as he constantly tried to find ways of killing Eric with each attack of his .

He even tried using the projectile bluish plume barriers like a homing missle . He barely succeeded in changing its trajectory .

He wasn't strong enough yet . He abandoned the plan for now , right now he must use all means he had at his disposal to end this abominable creature!

Augustine and Amon were searching for the sups( superhumans) . They had on their gear and everything for protection . Even though the sups had cleared most of the parameter , there could still be come lurking, especially when they were coming out of the imaginary border.

" Augustine, don't you think something is weird with the Captain'? "

" I think I know what you are talking about. Being fatally stabbed through the shoulder and falling into the rift. All that is cause for sure death". Augustine replied she stood at a whooping 6 feet tall , taller than the Average woman . While Amon stood around 5'7 feet they clutched onto each other like they wanted to meet together as they made their way to the suspected location of the sups .

" I'm more interested in what he wants to say , so let's hurry up and get back "

When they got close enough they head explosions. Continuous and unending

" What is happening? "

" I don't know..... let's move slowly"

Gradually they got closer and closer , and the more they did , the clearer the explosion

Whistling VaBoom

Whistling Whistling VaBoom VaBoom.

It didn't sound like any armament they knew of , Maybe specialized experimental weapons?

And when they were close enough to see exactly what weapons of mass destruction were causing the commotion, they were stunned into silence and a gaping mouth that decided to drool.



Where their laud thoughts that refused to make it out of their mouths.

They saw the devilishly handsome blonde hair blue eyes young man. Flicking hands and shooting out blue plumes which collided against boulder shields and spinning disc saws.

And on the opposing side was a dark haired dark eyes Caucasian young man waving hands like a composer as the element of rock bent to his will and whim.

It was the most stunning sight and most dreadful they'd witnessed in all the decades of their lives on earth.

" W—What do we do ? " Amon stummered drawing Augustine out of her stupor.

" L—ets report back to the Captain"

And with that , as silently as they came they returned, filled with fear of the future.


Back on the 16 story buildings observatory on opposing sides stood a human and a humanoid insectoid monster.

Daniel was in shock . He tried to escape only to be caught earlier than anyone else. Was this Karma for using Connor as a meat shield ?

As to how the creature before him managed to traverse miles upon miles of distance and enter the observatory through the spine glass Daniel was already heard at work trying to direct and understand the mechanism.

What prevented Daniel from fully giving up upon facing a incomparably superior opponent in every aspect apart from intelligence was that the lead had managed to embed itself into the thick shiny blue carapace. Even though the beast seemed totally fine , Daniel held onto the hope that he could last long enough to escape .

What was the probability?

1 percent.

But at least that percentage was better than total and utter death with no way out.

{Shrieked } { Shrieeek } the beast seemed to posses some form of higher intelligence compared to melovus, and was attempting conversation.

Daniel was confident in mastering the language by the end of the day , but the question was not if he could do it , but if it was even necessary!.

Daniel barely blinked and the beast was almost able to grab him!

His mind worked instantly, his body obeyed his command , and the monster blue humanoid insectoid beast grabbed the void as Daniels posture contorted into a form that was barely humanly possible.

" I guess communication is really off the table " droplets of sweat stained his form and his heart clenched tightly in his chest.

" Maybe I really dont need to hold myself back with monsters like this existing on the other side" Daniel thought as he remembered how he stopped training because he felt he was accomplishing much too quickly.

He was really starting to regret that obtuse thought process . Who cares about steady progression when they could die instantly because somewhere existed a being that could end you, and will if given the chance.

thank you to all my readers .

Actually I work a 7 to 5 full time blue collar job . so to update regularly though not too much of a struggle since I love what I'm doing and love your motivation gets hard because atimes I collapse onto my bed and wake up 12 midnight . but keep pushing me , I know myself, if I don't update , the story will continue in my head , and I'll stop.

so shout out to kpro , bro your message made me instantly get up to write the remaining 1300 words

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts