
I am a Broken bastard with a capital B-Rebirth as Jaune Arc

ya typical everyday nerd gets burnt to death by his families stupidity and now has to save the RWBY world or get erased,,,,,,,,,,, Well fuck at most 1-3 girls since not really a fan of harem stories no Incest no Rape and god no Beastiality

0bsidi4nN0vaArc · 漫画同人
7 Chs

005 A lil bit country, Lil bit murder hobo

having finally released our game I thought I would get a little bit of rest but no, God had other ideas this very morning and wanted to screw with me as soon as I open my eyes this morning a mission appeared

================================================================[Quest alert]

[Sound of silence]

the cybertronian Soundwave has appeared near your area due to starscream destroying the space bridege from trying to weaponize it leading to him sending Soundwave crashing into an area near you before blasting the controls in an outrage stranding the decepticon on your homeworld

take him out before he creates a foothold for the Decepticon forces

Dificulty B-SSS as the longer he is on this world the more likely other forces will notice his presence leading them to your doorstep.


prevent Soundwave from coming in contact with outside forces

Rewards ???????


while excited about grabbing the tech Soundwave would have stored in his memory banks, I dread dealing with a bunch of his minicon's and hope that they did not sneak in his chest cavity, pulling out the scroll we have produced it is all almost the exact same from cannon timeline only much stronger and silver in colour, thinking over which of my relatives to call on to help deal with this bucket of bolts with a few of my newest creation to deal with invaders, Thinking about what we need when dealing with clean kills and abduction I call my fathers eldest sister Flame Arc-edge yes her Husbands last name is literally Edge, Steal Edge, Heir to the noble house of Edge Valerian nobility from the time of kings, dear god the cringe, only thing keeping me from blanching is at least his name wasn't Blood nope that is his old man's name, I dread the day she has kids and have had the foresight to store 50 mass-produced shadow soldiers from solo levelling up in each of their shadows with their permission along with several members of my clan accepting them just incase due to not wanting to be caught off guard accepting they will only awaken if they sence danger and spring into action because I refuse to risk some OC edge lord bullshit happening in MY home

[Pic] of da Bois

thanking my lucky stars for telling my clan about the forced tasks I must accomplish with or without assistance and am rather pleased this one doesn't say anything about not having assistance cuz let's face it a child of almost 5 against a giant murderous alien robot who has no problem murdering the population in mass depending on the variant we are dealing with by calling in the best sniper in the clan with her trusty weapon Guardians Grace a shield and lance that doubles as a long-ranged sniper with 50 calibre High explosive anti-tank rounds from back during the great war thanks to Ember is even more devastating to electronics thanks to metallic sand, earth and lining dust mix that produces an EMP that knocks out anything in a 15-meter radiance with a large chance of seeing off any dust near the point of impacts

Flame Arc-Edge Pov

After morning shower after a hard workout of 7 km running 1000 push-ups and then hitting our clan's new training field my Brothers kids just finished earlier last year, a 100-meter long obstacle course loaded with paintball artillery drones, with most of it just running and climbing ropes for the first 45 then you enter the high gravity area where your presence triggers the dust gravity generators that double every 5 minutes for another 25 meters then you must swim in the river before making it to the finish line while a little basic the gravity dust and the drones keep the adrenalin rush I needed, haven't felt any kind of rush lately with most of the ancient Grimm having been exterminated around us a few years back with my darling GG, don't know why we can't get more active in the world affairs and this is not the adrenalin junky part of me that everyone keeps pointing out.

but I just feel the need to fight more often true thanks to little Jaunes shadow soldiers I can actually get a good workout with them and am a wee bit pissed can't beat that damn Mortis or his second in command Igris but I will someday I cursed in my mind, I mean I know Jaune explained he put in what little sword techniques he could remember into the commanders of the Burning Legion and left them to go off to train to use them better with their bodies but what the actual hell did he see in his fucked up future timeline/world hoping to make those 2 monsters into something like that.

I dread finding out. I mean what kind of knight pulls out 3 katana made of flames and shadows and just tear a god damn nevermore into tiny pieces while it's in the god damn sky with pure air pressure.

Hacks I call hacks I start ranting to myself before noticing my scroll going off like mad seeing Little Jaunes name I think to speak of the Grimm before answering him thinking back to how only a few months ago he was so cute and innocent but now paranoid as hell and once again curse that damn Grimm bitch and those fucking traitors to hell hoping personally to gut a few of her minions but leaving it to our dear nephew as it is his right to have them to either spare, pass judgement or crush under his heels but from his recent studies with some of the more academic of the clan it is looking to lean towards the crushing of the extremely violent variety as his eyes turned from a life filled ocean blue to a dull lifeless look I would usually find on corpses as he had a sinister grin I truly hope to never see again.

Shoving all those negative thoughts to the back of my mind I answer the video call from little Jaune in the wonder of why he would call so early on a weekend, training maybe? Really early but from his face I can only feel a shiver of dread flow down my spine making its way into my stomach as I wonder what to say to break the ice in need to undo these disturbing emotions so not to risk bringing in Grimm even if one of his earliest REM as he calls them makes sure we won't have to bother with them without someone commanding them to attack our home in person for now.

"Why hello my dear little Jaune how might Aunty help you today" I spoke before flinching at my automatic reaction to baby him before he laughs bitterly making the dread in the pit of my stomach grow larger.

"I wish this was happier news aunty Flame but excuse my language this is a shit has hit the fan hard type of situation" he sighs I can feel my hands tighten around the scroll as my heartbeat increases resounding like thunder before he continues "we have our first mission and it's against a cybertronian a race of mechanical beings who can transform into almost anything if that wasn't bad enough its one who is a rather difficult foe to deal with" he frowns before explaining we are dealing with a spy from a faction of warmongers who care not for organic life and urges me to bring the experimental ammunition and my recently upgraded GG and prepare for what could possibly be a race against time if the being does not surrender to custody we will go for the kill filling me with a little more hope that the pure and kind little Jaune I knew isn't all gone, texting the elders to prepare the defences and wake the guards and trainees while keeping everyone in the city calm.

I have little doubt that we can beat the target but hearing how he has the ability to store his minions within himself we could literally have a small squad of killer robots its safer to wake the Buriel knights for extra protection since they were not mentioned better safe than sorry indeed, after a short 30-minute preparation we drive off into northeast direction since about 5 minutes ago the burning legion members caught sight of the big blue menace and have notified us that the target seems disoriented from his arrival sporting a lightly damaged left leg seeing a small hill with plenty of foliage to keep me covered I have the driver stop before disembarking and setting up my beloved GG as the blue menace finally appears from a thick forest unknowingly dooming itself to its probable destruction if it refuses to surrender as Igris appear before it as I can only hope nothing goes wrong.

Soundwave Pov

Damage to the left leg…manageable…I think to myself, hoping to build a small space bridge quick enough to watch Lord Megatron end that idiot Starscream for good and rejoin the war effort to annihilate the Autobots once and for all and kicking myself for not seeing the bumbling idiots play leader whilst I was equipped with experimental tech and only a mere 3 of my Minicons

The thought of my absence dooming our war against the Autobots hastens my wobbling to signs of life in hopes of acquiring materials to repair myself so not to integrate our latest experimental weapons made in collaboration between Shockwave the master of many of the lost cybertronian technologies and master inventor if unethical but satiated as long as we throw in a few prisoners to keep his logical mind occupied and Oil-Slick a major help with the off-world crusade to rid the universe of the Autobot infestation with them together just unlocking the secrets to creating an artificial one point percenter, a member of our species with special abilities not related to their alternative form or an artificial enhancement dubbed the power chip rectifier as its temporary name till they are ready for mass production and our armies will trample every foe till we have our lords dream made manifest a world where we rule without anyone pulling our strings like that damned council of old, after finishing my thought I am welcomed with the sight of a road excitement filling me as my mission to return to my lord is finally within reach I am stopped by a punny strange energy creature

with optics dyed in furry I, unleash my Minicons, Ravage my panther-like assassin, Laser beak my winged spy and Beast box my barbaric brawler of simian structure to tear this fool asunder for daring to stop me whilst jumping back to lay down support from a distance as my leg durability drops from 68% to 42% a loud bang resound throughout the area and all I know is darkness

Mortis Pov

fulfilling my creator's wishes I manifest myself in front of the large blue monstrosity before stating my intentions in hopes of not needing to spill the life essence of such a unique form of life.

"Holt, you are in violation of Arc clan controlled space, slowly lower your arms in signs of non-aggression and we can talk about helping you home to wherever you came from" I shout in a gentle tone without drawing my blade or shield from my back to show sincerity since from what I know from the creator this Soundwave should be able to speak the common tongue of whatever world he lands in after hearing some samples of the language, a trait rather common in many variants of his species across the multiverse, seeing it stall for a second gives me hope only to have it crushed as the large mechanoid growls before launching a black panther-like machine the size of a large dog, an avian black and red machine about as large as an eagle and a purple gorilla about 5ft in height, singing as lady Flame blast the mechanoid in the centre of his chest the 3 smaller units pause looking in rage at their commander being as the panther looking one leaps at me as its avian comrade gives it cover fire I sigh as I must now take the lives of the first alien species that has graced this world like they are just a common pest, I withdraw my sword from my shield quickly tackling the mechanical pather sending it towards in the gorilla like a bowling ball down the lane smashing them into a large tree before leaping at my airborne foe quickly beheading it as the beast tries in vain to incinerate me with its purple blasts as it gives one last squawk before its death.

I quickly dash backwards as the large metal feline has recovered from its daze rushing towards me once more in blind anger as its packmate was slain without much effort infuriating the prideful cybertronian it blasts its rear guns at me while I once more return to my shadow state confusing it as the black beast blast the surroundings in frustration at not being able to find me I appear behind the gorilla looking one and like the bird, behead it as lady Flame destroys the mechanical cat with her weapon finishing off our foes I see my trusty stead Aussenseiter, an elegant black horse in his battle mode, bringing our lord to the remains I feel my core shake in anticipation as I see our lord has as his siblings call it the look of contemplation/madness he has before he does something unexpected, seeing him concentrate as he uses one of his gifts to create a new brother of mine as he pulls out a strange blue energy using shadow like tendrils form each of our downed foes before concentrating as he pulls the 3 from the bestial ones into the storage application of his strange wrist device along with their remains, before the one from the larger mechanical menace is covered in strange metallic goo with green circuitry like patterns as he takes a deep breath before speaking quietly even I who has kneeled behind him in a sign of loyalty can barely hear in a soft gentle voice

"Arise" he spoke before the sphere in his hand rockets towards the corpse of Soundwave as a small cacoon like energy field surrounds the body as it is dragged into my lord's shadow in a similar way to how the Evolts were created, as my lord huffs I notice his cheeks are a little red, thinking he is exhausted I offer him to let me carry him, but as expected my kind little lord is too kind to allow another to carry his burden this Mortis once more swears to get stronger in an effort to help my master towards his dream

Jaune-Kuns pov [lolz]

I can't believe I gave into my weeb side, I huffed to myself, glad that this stupid mission ended so easily bit tensed as I gave in to my inner geek to try to mimic Sung Jinwoo the monarch of shadows from the solo levelling series, even now after all this time I am still pissed that the comic got a rushed ending as was rare for me to get into Korean comics but am Happy at the result as I felt my Gear respond to my feeling and change a little even if the result of his rebirth was not to how I liked as I can feel that this time whatever will hatch from the cocoon will take a week or 3 at the most but my stupid grin on my face can't be beaten right now as my theory I had early on about my Gear being extremely flexible in use and evolution with my next action being on working on a magical theory and idea to reach Balance Breaker with it and hoping I dont end up dying before unlocking it as my curent idea to build a simulation room in one of the many of our unused rooms in our damn fortress/house.

Sighing to myself I motion Mortis to take us to Aunty before she gets bored in tries to duke it out with him in the damn forest, I can practically feel she is now pouting due to preferring to brutally shank her targets over the long-range bombardment tactics, damn battle maniacs had the pleasure to know a few of them in my last life before being turned into bacon and knowing my strange luck at least 2 of them will get isekaied, I can only pray for them to get bad cheats or demerits and hope they land on some space rock in the middle of nowhere, seeing my aunt pop out o her snipping area I can practically hear her grinding her teeth at Mortis and I once more regret my choices in the Burning legion member to hitch a ride with and I know Aussenseiter is finding the whole situation hilarious, especially after Mortis and Aunty Flames last duel which ended with her tripping headfirst into the dang pavement, just glad we Arc's are ridiculously durable after being fully trained.

"I see you had a nice warm-up Morty, we are so having a rematch as soon as we get home ya hear me, this time your face is meeting the pavement" she boasts unleashing a moderate amount of bloodlust while Mortis can only chuckle before he himself boasts

"I would have it any other way, our battle shall be legendary and the feast following shalt be even more so" seeing my badass knight being a muscle brain I share a look with Aussenseiter before asking the badass black horse where did I go wrong before aunty started screaming about a race to back home, which now ended up with a tie and me feeling like throwing up as my eyes would stop spinning before the knuckleheads ran off to do battle

"This is my life now" I sighed as the badass battle horse just gave me a gentle nudge in condolences before the mission screen declared the mission fulfilled

================================================================[Contratualtions host for acomplshin your first mission]

[ Sound of silence]

Prevent Soundwave from coming in contact with outside forces complete A+

[hidden objectives 4/5]

[destroy all Minicons] A+

[Robot riot]A+

prevent Soundwave from scanning a vehicle mode

[bird's eye view] A+

destroy laser beak without damaging its video and audio storage unit

[a second chance] F

convince a deception to turn over a new leaf

[Topheavy] A+

kill a combiner component

Total evaluation S


I can only huff at not getting a 100% for my first actual task but seeing the reward notification pop up I hold my breath in excitement

[Ding ding ding]

[Loading rewards..............]

seeing the reward I got I can only laugh evilly in excitement as I felt better than I could ever remember before whispering

" Oh, Mommy Salami is so screwed"

sorry for taking so long lot of shit is happening IRL will be making profiles for Mortis and his group in a bit.

take care everyone

0bsidi4nN0vaArccreators' thoughts