
Pitiful Hydra's Struggle 2

A gigantic azure orb of light covered in a countless number of eyes throbbed. It contracted and expanded like a heart every now and then. The eyes seemed to be alive.

Some of them were closed,some were open,some were lifeless,some were dazed,some of them were squinting…

There was a single eye in the very middle larger than its counterparts. It's pupil coloured in pure gold appeared to be faintly trembling.

It was contracting and relaxing again and again. Every time it contracted or relaxed a purple holographic cube seemed to be flashing in its pupil.

The cube would change its position after every interval of contraction or relaxation.

'I...I….I a-.....am….'

It was losing itself slowly...but surely.




The Hydra concentrated on his physical body. It was truly an impressive sight with an unimaginable amount of vitality and Qi. If any other cultivator at his stage had Qi similar to a pond then the Hydra was an entire ocean except for the Sons of Heaven. He most likely couldn't be compared to them. Their 'blessings' would make them nearly invincible.

Using his mental will the Hydra didn't access his spatial item or his physical body or his demonic cores.

Instead,he delved into his sea of consciousness. What met him was a light green sea with an unreachable length extending beyond the illusionary horizon. It possessed a rich and dense amount of Qi.

The sea of consciousness was unattainable even for Rank Nine's instead,a Rank Seven beast possessed it but that wasn't the only astonishing fact. There was life in it:Elementals.

Yes,actual living elementals. They'd disappeared from the face of the world for millennia and yet,there they were living elementals. Their habitats had long been destroyed or rather,pillaged beyond repair for a long,long time. Nobody even knew what they looked like. They left the face of the continent for such a long time that only legends remained of their peculiarity.

If this was actually revealed than every single Rank Nine cultivator out there would hunt the Hydra. Perhaps,even the Heavenly Guardians would be alerted.

The Hydra couldn't even attempt to view the elementals directly using his mental will. All of them with various shapes and sizes were enshrouded in a grey fog.

He had tried to probe them with his mental will a very very long time ago. His curiosity had left him at death's door,literally and figuratively.

The Hydra ignored them and kept on diving deeper and deeper and deeper with his mental will until he reached the very depths of that unreal sea.

The Hydra eventually reached the very bottom and he saw 'it'. 'It' was a green coloured book as thin as five millimeters. It had various dark green coloured 'veins' with faint flashes of golden from time to time.

The veins seemed to be throbbing and beating as if they were alive. From time to time a very rich aura of life would be released.

The 'Hydra' had received an unimaginable amount of benefits from it allowing him to purify his bloodline from a lowly animal 'Tem' Snake to the Ancient 'Hydra' bloodline.

Actually, he had an inkling of an idea that his bloodline was perhaps even stronger than an Ancient Hydra's or maybe it wasn't the Ancient Hydra's bloodline at all. Maybe something even more archaic.

The Hydra slowly concentrated on the 'book' ignoring the black 'light' he started to focus on the 'book'. He was trying to completely devote his mental will to the 'book'.

As he concentrated his mental will on it he felt like he was listening to countless heartbeats. Almost as if they were calling out to him.

There seemed to be a faint sense of rhythm to it. It seemed as if the Mother of Nature was whispering. You could sense it,you knew it was there but just weren't able to listen to it.

The Hydra was trying to concentrate on it hoping that he could somehow form a connection with it but there was just too much information. He wasn't even able to identify it much less process it.

The Hydra still persisted with his objective adamantly. His body was being devoured readily and he wasn't ready to give up everything. He didn't have that kind of resolve or strength to just let go of centuries of hard work and effort.

The Hydra kept on concentrating. The seven separate orbs of light had reached his 'cores' and they were being devoured slowly.

'No!' He thought. He panicked but calmed himself down. Panic was only going to get him killed faster.

After a long long time. Time which felt like an eternity the Hydra felt something. His seven hearts skipped a beat. They stopped for a moment.

The Hydra had imitated a fraction of a fraction of its aura. For a single moment he had been resonating with the sea of consciousness and the book.

Suddenly,the main circular orb of pitch black light delving in the pit's of his stomach reacted. All this time it had been steadily devouring everything around it but now sensing that aura it had reacted.

It started to revolve at an unimaginable speed becoming smaller and smaller until it was the size of a speck of dirt.

No cultivator out there would be able to sense perhaps,except for the Sons of Heaven with particular blessings and the Heavenly Guardians.

It didn't recall the seven other orbs of 'light'. Instead,it directly appeared in the sea of consciousness.

The 'book' sensing this incarnation of evil recalled all of the elementals,absorbing them.

It was trying to protect them like a mother would. It even recalled the Hydra who had unknowingly caused a disaster of unimaginable proportions to it.

The 'book' was trying to recall everything including the green ocean but the orb of light the size of a speck of dust started to greedily absorb everything. A whirlpool seemed to have formed devouring even the Qi in the illusionary atmosphere.

The 'book' trembled as it sensed everything being devoured.A dense aura of life erupted from it colouring everything in a cyan glow...

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