
I Alone The Strongest One

"I Alone The Strongest One" a story of an eight-year-old Azel Evernight learns of his father's death and his mother's betrayal, he flees his home, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Alone and haunted by grief, Azel confronts his past while navigating a dangerous world filled with monsters, demi-humans, demons, demon lords and angels also especially the primordial demon lords. With the power of Xulgrim, the feared primordial demon lord, Azel becomes the strongest rogue warrior with his step mother Elysia, the women that adopted Azel both facing powerful foe, forging his path towards strength and and true power, in the face of pain and suffering from his past, Azel must travel around world fighting and hunting demon lords, and releasing his rage and frustration from his past Suffering.

AuthorV · 奇幻
8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fruit of Betrayals

Azel, a bright-eyed 8-year-old, resides in the grand mansion nestled within the bustling city of Hanston. The city of Hanston is known for its towering spires, cobbled streets, and vibrant marketplaces bustling with merchants and travelers.

On a warm afternoon, Azel and his father, Lord Evernight, engage in a spirited game of hide and seek within the sprawling backyard garden of their estate. Amidst the lush greenery and vibrant blooms, Azel giggles with delight as he tries to conceal himself behind the towering hedges, while his father, clad in noble attire, playfully searches for him.

The garden is abuzz with activity, as maids flit about, tending to the flowers, and the male garden keeper tends to the exotic plants that line the pathways. Despite the jovial atmosphere, there is an undeniable sense of closeness between Azel and his father, their laughter echoing through the tranquil garden.

Though Azel's relationship with his mother, Lady Seraphina, is not as intimate as his bond with his father, she exudes kindness and warmth whenever they interact. Her gentle smile and soothing presence provide a sense of comfort amidst the opulent halls of the Evernight mansion.

As the game of hide and seek continues, Azel revels in the joy of spending time with his beloved father, unaware of the shadows that lurk beneath the surface of their idyllic life. Little does he know that the seeds of betrayal have already been sown, and the tranquility of their world is about to be shattered by a revelation that will change everything.

With innocence in his heart and laughter on his lips, Azel embraces the fleeting moments of childhood bliss, unaware of the trials that await him in the days to come.