
Kindness is Always Returned Tenfold

編輯: Atlas Studios

"He Mu, our principal initially disagreed. After all, we are not some lousy school, and we have to do things with principles.

"But I gave him a good scolding, saying that if the school isn't even willing to respect talents, there is no need for me to stay in this school.

"That was how, after several arguments, I finally convinced him."

As soon as Ling Hanxing entered the bar, he began to report the results of the battle before he even sat down.

"In the end, he agreed to waive your tuition and fees, and even subsidize the entire cost of accommodation and food if you perform well in school."

Hearing the subsidized amount, Li Da behind the counter was shaken.

He didn't expect Lingzhou Vocational University to give such generous terms during this first round of negotiation.

If the negotiation continued, wouldn't the terms get better…

However, before Li Da could continue to think about it, He Mu on the other side had already agreed: "Thank you, Teacher Ling and the principal, I'm willing to sign this agreement. But do tell me more about what good performances entails."

Li Da anxiously gave meaningful looks at He Mu.

After all, Ling Hanxing and He Mu hadn't even met for 10 minutes, and the agreement had already gone so far.

Noticing the change in Uncle Li's face, He Mu turned around and said with a plain smile: "Uncle Li, kindness is always returned tenfold. I think this is enough. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Li Da's expression instantly froze. He was incomparably amazed at He Mu's frankness and spontaneity.

Only after a few seconds did he realize that he had just thought too far ahead.

He Mu was heading to a completely new city like Lingzhou to investigate the matter of He Feng, and Lingzhou Vocational University for him was equivalent to a base. In the future, he might have to ask the school for help.

If he acted too snobbish now, with this relationship between him and the school that was purely a relationship of interest how could he ask for help in the future?

Li Da had to admit that He Mu saw the situation more thoroughly than he did.

Li Da's admiration grew. If He Mu didn't look only 18, he would even think that this teenager was older than him.

"Ahem, I think it's fine too."

"Then sign it!"

Upon seeing the two of them swiftly agreeing, Ling Hanxing was full of smiles.

He Mu also didn't delay any longer, and signed on the agreement. But halfway through his signature, he suddenly paused and said: "Teacher Ling, I have one thing to tell you first."

"What is it?" Ling Hanxing tensed up his calm self again.

"My brother is He Feng, the former Guardian of the Tianmen District in Lingzhou City." He Mu calmly said.

Hearing these words, Ling Hanxing's pupils instantly shrank slightly.

He hadn't paid much attention to Tianmen District, but he knew about it.

At that moment, he finally understood the reason why He Mu had to go to Lingzhou City.

After a moment of contemplation, Ling Hanxing's expression gradually became solemn.

"He Mu, before entering our school there might be some reduced-score special admission policies because of different statuses and conditions. But after entering our school, everything depends only on you, and you will not be treated differently because of whose relative you are."

He Mu's gaze didn't leave Ling Hanxing's eyes from the start to the end, and only when he saw that his eyes cleared up did he withdraw his gaze.

The meaning of his words couldn't be clearer. Whether his big brother was a great hero or villain, the school wouldn't think highly of or belittle himself because of that incident.

Getting such a promise, He Mu didn't hesitate anymore as he lowered his head to write down his name on the agreement.

This also meant that he would spend the next few years at Lingzhou Vocational University.

"Teacher Ling, when can we return to Lingzhou City?"

Delivering the agreement to Ling Hanxing's hand, He Mu asked impatiently.

Ling Hanxing put away the agreement, and at the same time took out his phone to look at the date.

"Today is August 5th; we should be leaving with the returning students and teachers on August 20th.

"Well, there is still half a month. During this half a month, you should prepare yourself. The next time you come back here, it will be at least six months later.

"This is my contact information. If you still have any questions, you can find me directly."

Saying that, Ling Hanxing typed out his phone number on his phone and placed it in front of He Mu.

He Mu took out his phone and recorded it down.

"He Mu, go back and consider which profession to apply to, I personally suggest you come to our excavator profession. On one hand, our students in the excavator profession get to roam around the country. On the other hand, the teacher-in-charge of the chef major is often forgetful. If he hadn't taken my bag by mistake, I wouldn't be so down now. I feel a little uneasy letting you follow such a teacher."

"Okay… I'll think about it."

He Mu said and at that moment, a middle-aged man's slightly indignant voice suddenly came from outside.

"Hey! Long Hair, what are you doing in my clothes?"

Ling Hanxing's face changed slightly at his words, and he immediately stood up.

"I still have important things to do, so I'll take my leave first."

With a flash, he disappeared within the Red Mist Bar.

Immediately after that, outside the bar came the sound of his increasingly distant apologies.

"I'm so, so sorry, your clothes are too similar to mine! I couldn't help but take them… My apologies to disrupt your bathroom session…"

In the bar, He Mu thanked Uncle Li again, before leaving the Red Mist Bar as well.

Since the matter of going to Lingzhou City was resolved, the heavy burden on his shoulders had been laid down.

No matter what, he finally succeeded in taking the first step in investigating the real cause of his big brother's death.

As for choosing his profession to be a chef or an excavator, he didn't really care.

Although these two professions were embarrassing professions in his previous life, in this world, they weren't judged as terribly.

Of course, even if there were judgments around them, they actually meant nothing.

After all, he would be relying on his own ability to survive. He also wasn't breaking the law, so what was so bad about these professions?

Coders nagged about their hairline all day, while writers called for help at the drop of a hat. Some female actresses also became the teachers of countless students.

That was why it didn't matter.

The same time on the other side.

In Nancheng's Guardian's residence, Wu An and the chef of the Special Operations Unit, Sun Wei, held a secret meeting.

Both of them had a calendar in front of them, and their expressions were rather grave.

On top of the calendar, the day of August 19th was circled in red.

"I have agreed with the military to set the date for August 19th. When enrollment is completely over, the students and teachers should stay at home," Wu An said while drawing a big triangle on the calendar.

The triangle represented the three major defensive systems in Nancheng, namely: Guardian, Special Operations Unit, and Red Mist Alliance.

"Most of the students and teachers live in the Guardian's residence, and under normal circumstances, this area is the most protected part of Nancheng.

"It would be too improbable for monsters to enter the city from around here, and Xinyue Alliance's members certainly won't attack here."

"What do you mean?" Sun Wei was a bit puzzled.

Wu An didn't answer in a hurry, but drew an arrow between the Red Mist Alliance and the Special Operations Unit from outside to inside.

"The military will release 500 to 1,000 monsters to enter the city between the Special Operations Unit and Red Mist Alliance."

"500 to 1,000…"

Sun Wei's eyes widened all of a sudden.

The monsters in the nests and monsters in the cities weren't even in the same class. Cannon fodders in the monster nests were stronger than the vast majority of the city monsters.

After all, monsters in the city could be swiftly eliminated, and had limited growth and terrible bloodline. On the other hand, nest monsters were completely different.

Wu An seemed to see Sun Wei's concern and calmly said.

"You can rest assured that basically they are all cannon fodders below 50 combat power. There will be minimal monsters with stronger combat power. As long as the citizens obediently hide in the safe room after hearing the city-wide warning, there will not be many casualties.

"Moreover, I will bring more people to the Special Operations Unit in advance and keep watch. As you know, important locations such as communication towers, armories, water centers, etc. are all around the Special Operations Unit. The Special Operations Unit is the most likely place for the Xinyue Alliance to attack."

Sun Wei felt even more stressed out hearing this.

These locations that the Wu An mentioned were usually hidden, and the general monsters attacking the city couldn't locate them.

But people were different. People would purposely look for these important places.

What's more, many of those people in the Xinyue Alliance were descendants of the first generation of Red Mist Fighters, and there were likely to be powerful and strong people among them.

If the Guardian didn't oversee the situation with the Special Operations Unit, and the Xinyue Alliance attacked alongside with the monsters, the Special Operations Unit formed mainly by ordinary people could really be overrun.

When those important places fell, the Xinyue Alliance was completely capable of attacking ordinary people using heavy arms, poisoning the water supply, cutting off the city's communication signals, and even broadcasting false news.

Seeing the cold sweat appearing on Sun Wei's forehead, Wu An took out a tissue and wiped it for him.

"Captain Sun, there is no value for the Red Mist Alliance to attack. This Guardian's residence is surrounded by powerful teachers and students. The only thing the Xinyue Alliance can really attack is the Special Operations Unit.

"I know you're under a lot of pressure, but don't worry, with me in the Special Operations Unit, they won't be able to make waves when they come."

Sun Wei bowed his head without speaking, and the room was completely quiet.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and raised his head, his gaze had become incomparably firm.

At that moment, everything was in the words.

Wu An smiled gratefully and pointed to himself.

"This matter within Nancheng, only you and I know."

"Elder Wu, don't worry. When the time comes, everything will be really as if the city is broken. I will notify the whole city, so that all citizens take refuge, and before that I will not conduct any drills.

"I… believe in my crew."