
Chapter 23 Lei Emperor's Art: Lei Emperor's Finger_1

Level 97?

Meng Yiran was truly startled by Long Gong's words.

"This Titan Ape is actually so powerful?"

She said with some disbelief.

She had lived for so many years, and not only had she never seen such a person, she had not even heard of anyone being level 97.

In her view, anyone with a cultivation level of 97 was a legendary figure in the world of Soul Masters.

"There's nothing surprising about it. Although the cultivation of a hundred-thousand-year soul beast can't compare with that of a level 97 Soul Master, the Titan Ape itself is an aberration among soul beasts. Its strength cannot be assessed merely by its cultivation level,"

Long Gong's voice was filled with awe.

This was normal.

Whether it was a person or a soul beast, any powerful being deserved awe.

After pondering for a moment, he added, "However, although the Titan Ape is strong, it wouldn't be difficult for that young Douluo to leave if he wishes to."

"If even the Titan Ape couldn't keep him..."

At this time, Snake Granny admired, "Such a young Titled Douluo, his future prospects are unimaginable!"

Subconsciously, she glanced at her granddaughter.

Initially, she thought her granddaughter was also a genius.

But after seeing Qin Xiao, she felt that Meng Yiran's talent could only be regarded as average.

Too average.

The so-called genius was nothing compared to Qin Xiao.

"Roar roar roar!"

While the three were conversing, Qin Xiao had exchanged a few more blows with the Titan Ape.

At this moment, the Titan Ape was roaring excitedly.

Looking over, Long Gong quickly warned, "Old lady, Yiran, be careful. I think this Titan Ape is about to become violently furious. That young Douluo is likely to retreat soon, and we won't be able to stay here any longer."

Snake Granny nodded her head.

Meng Yiran murmured softly, "Understood."


Qin Xiao, facing the ferociously enraged Titan Ape, was not alarmed but delighted.


You should know, he was a cultivation fanatic, a battle fanatic.

Otherwise, his secluded cultivation, even if capable of refining thunder to enhance Soul Power, would not have achieved such a feat.

"It would be even better if it were fiercer. I've already gained a new understanding of my Martial Soul, just a bit more, and I'll be able to unleash part of the Martial Soul's power."

Since fighting with the Titan Ape, Qin Xiao hadn't used any soul skills. He relied purely on controlling the force of thunder with his Martial Soul for combat.

It was all to hone himself.

You should know that the Thunder Emperor was powerful not because of so-called Soul Ring Skills but because of Lei Emperor's Art!

Embarrassingly, Qin Xiao's current mastery of the Thunder Emperor Spirit could only be considered at the most basic level.

Among the Thunder Emperor's divine powers, he hadn't mastered any major techniques such as Nine Heavens Tribulation Light, Thunder Turned into Stars, or Lei Emperor's Finger.

But, today, he saw a glimmer of the path.


Right at that moment, Qin Xiao noticed that the Titan Ape's chest swelled violently as it inhaled deeply, gathering its strength.

"Is it about to unleash the Titan Cangqiong Cannon?"

Qin Xiao instantly thought of a possibility.

"Perfect, I also want to test if the path I chose is the correct one."

Thinking this, he raised his right hand, with his four fingers joining except for his index finger left out.

Then, he pointed a finger in the direction of the Titan Ape from afar.


A streak of electric light shot out from the tip of Qin Xiao's finger.

At first, it was as thin as a finger.

But in the blink of an eye, it swelled to the thickness of a bucket.


At that moment, the Titan Ape, refusing to show weakness, spewed out a formless shock wave from its mouth.


The two energy bodies collided in the void.

The shock wave was instantly annihilated by the thunder.

The thunder, undiminished in its momentum, struck the head of the Titan Ape fiercely.

Boom boom boom...

The Titan Ape staggered back several steps before steadying itself.

In the distance.

Meng Yiran was stunned, "Grandfather, did you just say that His Highness was about to retreat?"

"But why do I feel he's even fiercer than before?"

Ah, this...

Long Gong remembered his earlier analysis, which spoke reason only to be smacked by reality, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

"Well, I overlooked one point just now. Perhaps this His Highness happens to be the natural nemesis of the Titan Ape,"

Long Gong hurriedly found an excuse for himself, "Yes, that's it. The Titan Ape specializes in brute strength and powerful attacks. This kind of direct Soul Power clash is not its forte, which is why such a situation occurred just now."

"However, with the Titan Ape's defense, it's doubtful that His Highness's attack can actually penetrate its defenses. So, being struck by lightning a few times, it's nothing..."

However, before he could finish, Snake Granny grabbed his shoulder, "Old man, look quickly... something is off with the Titan Ape."

Long Gong could clearly feel Snake Granny's hand trembling as she held onto his.

What had happened?

With such doubts, he looked over.

And then, he was shocked.

He saw that the Titan Ape had steadied itself, but the fur on its head was now scorched in large patches.

What was more outrageous was that it spat out a mouthful of blood, and Long Gong even saw two huge teeth, each about a meter high, being expelled.

"Holy shit..."

"Is this for real? Is His Highness's attack so powerful? The Titan Ape just took it and had two of its teeth knocked out?"

"It's truly hard to believe."

Saying this, he even rubbed his eyes vigorously, afraid that he had seen wrong.


"Is this the weak attack you said couldn't break through the defenses? Are you perhaps mistaken about what 'weak' means?"

At that moment, unable to hold back any longer, Meng Yiran uttered her doubt.