

One look at him and all you can see is a stoic leader, however no one ever took a second glance to see that underneath that mask was misery and a broken heart.

As he leans back in his widely empty office, he stares out an the night sky with the stars sparkling reminding him of the way her eyes sparkled as she laughed at him while he stumbled to keep up.

Just like the wind, the memory came and went as his secretary came in to say goodbye for the night. He glanced at the time to find it was half past midnight.

He had no real reason to head home as there was no one home to welcome him.

But he still got up with no haste, ready to go back to the place that is filled with memories of her.

If only he knew what he knows today. Maybe then she would have stayed with him.

But alas, he can't change the past. 'Cause if he could, he would have already done just that.

Another day passed, another day without her. Yet he can do nothing to get her back. He cannot fix what is not there.