What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery
["An unexpected outcome for both challengers. It seems the case will be taken to the empire's high court to be settled.. a-anyways. We will be proceeding to the next event. We apologize for the inconvenience and shock caused. Both challengers are alive, please don't worry,"] emcee resumed narrating.
"Your Highness. He'll be alright."
"Your Highness.."
Evelyn held Sequencee's hand tight and didn't let go.
The high priest watching over the two couldn't help but think that there was something going on between the two of them. Sequencee had been changed into a hospital gown. Currently he is awaiting transfer to Riestallia hospital.
["Give it up for the show of a lifetime! A battle between the two heroes!!"]
The roaring applause sounded like jeers.
'Even at this sort of time.. they're prioritizing their own enjoyment..'
Evelyn knew that it was stupid to expect them to sympathise with the fighters. After all, it was simply entertainment.
'Why didn't you tell me about this Lady Titania..? If only you told me about it earlier this could've been prevented..'
"Patient stabilized already. Yes, he's alright. Yes. We'll begin moving him now. Your Highness, it's time," the high priest said, communicating over a device.
Sequencee was moved out of the infirmary.
A dark room. Furniture thrashed about, blood splattered across the cheap paper-plastered wall, thick bloodlust permeated into the surroundings.
"Hahaha– you think.. you think that kid would survive..?" He chuckled as blood poured out of his mouth.
"Speak," Iona's cold voice boomed.
Iona heightened the intensity of the bloodlust.
"Hahaha.. cough, that doesn't work on me? It's ticklish. Want to kill me? How about I kill.. " the man grinned.
Iona sliced his head off before he could complete his sentence. The expression of delirium on his face gave her an uneasy feeling.
Iona scanned the room once more. The corpses of countless demons. Majins, incubuses and devils– low ranking demons.
'What are they planning?'
There was no way a meeting site like this would only involve weak demons like them. There had to be a leader leading the operation. There were no documents, communication devices or letters used as a method of communication between the plotters.
Scouring the corpses, Iona was thinking of quickly leaving to guard the parameter of Suntory Amphitheater when she felt a gaze.
Without a second thought, she hurled a throwing knife out of instinct. The cotton doll was stabbed into the wall behind.
Its beady eyes shone in an eerie black gleam. A scratchy voice echoed from within.
["Iona. Why are you protecting them?"]
"I don't know what you're talking about."
["Jeez. This is why it's so hard talking to you. Fine, let me specify. The human race. Why are you disturbing our plans?"]
"It's for the order of the world."
["Order of the world you say? Killing your own brethren to maintain the order of the world.. could it be that you're going against The Sovereign?"]
["Then tell me how maintaining the order of the world would aid The Sovereign? Should they be allowed to stay naive and weak? Do you not remember the incident from two centuries ago? Most recently, when The Sovereign released her, don't you remember what happened at the small farming territory of the humans? What if Schwii gets caught up in a similar calamity? She's not safe there!"]
"What farming territory? Be specific."
["Damn it Iona. I don't know what that place is called! Esta– Etia something! If we don't let them taste pain they won't be able to fight when the true calamity comes!"]
"You don't know anything," the memory of Risa's bright vistage flashed in Iona's eyes.
Iona stuck a couple more knives into the talking doll. It hit something like a voice box, a crackling sound could be heard.
The broken sound faded with static.
With her uniform left untainted, Iona turned around and left the room.
"This is abnormal. There's no way he could've gotten out of that alive unless.. he has a gift of regeneration."
"A gift of regeneration?" Evelyn questioned.
Sequencee'a wounds had all but closed up, even the recovery of his organs were perfect. His vital signs were stable, just that he remained asleep.
The high priest nodded.
"That said, this is only an assumption from me. The blood investigation results will reveal what's actually going on."
Evelyn nodded.
"Your Highness. Are you close to him?"
".. Yes..?"
The high priest had dropped a bomb. Evelyn hesitated, she didn't know how to respond.
"I harbor some doubts," The high priest walked over to Sequencee's side with a device in hand. He activated it and placed it near the pillow
Sequencee was seen groaning as the illusion magic wore off, revealing his horns.
Evelyn paled.
'They.. found out?!'
"A demon's horn is fundamentally one of the key organs that stores mana. The fact that it had been severed would imply some sort of abuse."
The device the high priest used was a mini mana sink, like the one found in Alator's Grand Magic Chamber, except much smaller in scale. It's a device typically used to treat patients whose mana control went haywire.
The high priest turned off the device. And perhaps Sequencee's body wasn't able to subconsciously reactivated the system spell, the horn remained exposed.
"What are you going to do with this information.." Evelyn asked in a grave tone.
"Your Highness. I'm saying this out of goodwill."
The high priest walked over to the patient's case note, took out a large film and passed it to Evelyn. It was an x-ray of sorts. Located close to the heart was a small white dot with rippling fields around it.
"Something was lodged inside?"
"Your Highness. That's a Philosopher's stone."
"Come again."
"It's a Philosopher's stone."
Evelyn's mind went blank.
"This student here is likely not a normal demon."
"W-Wait.. this is a Philosopher's stone t-that means.."
The high priest nodded.
"The blood test should reveal it. And if the assumption holds true, we have a big problem on our hands."
'.. a demon lord..'
In a daze, Evelyn stared at Sequencee's helpless face.
"While I may be aware that I'm blunt for telling you this, in circumstances like these, he should be killed here to nip the bud out of the soil."
"Don't.. kill him," Evelyn's voice quivered.
"Then, Your Highness. You have to take responsibility for him if you wish for him to stay in the kingdom."
Evelyn gripped the fabric of her uniform.
"I will. Don't let too many people know of the matter."
The high priest left the room. Evelyn quickly turned to the patient's case note and took out the x-ray.
'Why? How? All this time..'
Many things began to make sense. From why he was so close to Schwii to how he was so powerful despite his young age–
"It seems we were ignorant."
Aaron entered the room and looked at Sequencee.
"To think that the father to Anna's child is.."
"You don't need to tell me again Sir Aaron."
"Your Highness. This is an opportunity to pull him back into the party."
Evelyn raised her head to look at him.
"As a demon lord, your appeal is important to allow him to safely roam the empire."
"I know that.."
"And, if done right, you could prevent a continent-scale war."
"For every difficulty springs opportunity. I'll do what I can to support you, Your Highness."
The x-ray scan in her hand burned up into flames. Once everything turned into ash, Evelyn stood up and walked over to Sequencee's side.
Bending down, their fingers interlocked, she placed her forehead against his.
"I'll protect you."