
I'm not thinking in circles, I'm thinking in layers

Caleb was understandably a bit surprised to see her back so early, but. Well. She wasn't going to just linger in the corridor to make it more convincing, and she hadn't even thought of going back to that dingy room to waste time, either.


Wasting time was the operative term.

They didn't have that time to waste. Time was of the essence.

She still didn't know what Caleb could do to deal with Caoimhe's intent to forge evidence, especially when she had no idea who the man was that planned to actually be the one doing it, but she could obviously reason that it required him to actually have the time to do it.

Especially when she had so little information to give him.

She wasn't yet certain if she should warn him about Caoimhe's plans.

After all, she wasn't convinced of them herself. Trying to convince Caleb that his own sister had killed their father, that she might be targeting him next...

That was a big ask.