
I'm not ignoring medical advice, I'm just being a good cat-mom

As if her worries weren't enough, Snowball woke her and mewed, hungry. He was on the edge of the bed and began to pat her insistently on the shoulder with his little paw, stirring her from her sleep.

"All right, all right..." she mumbled, rubbing her eye with one hand and dragged herself from bed with the other.

Tieya, who was gathering up her soiled clothes, looked at her and raised a brow, looking worried. "Empress! Are you all right? What are you doing getting up at this hour?"

"Fine...I'm fine..." Isabelle assured, waving a dismissive, tired hand at Tieya. "Just need to get Snowball's bottle. My kitten...mmh. He needs food..."

He was perfectly capable of eating meat now, they were back at home so there was no concern about upsetting his little belly, but she was groggy and all she thought of was his milk.

Tieya sighed, but didn't intervene, continuing on with her business and giving Lyov a significant look as she left the room.