
I'm not chilly, I'm freezing!

Isabelle von Nevremia yawned slightly as she rolled over into bed that night. She stretched her arms over her head and groaned, rolling her head side-to-side slightly to try and loosen up some of the tension that had built up there from a long day spent trying to sort out various matters around the city.

It wasn't particularly difficult work, but it certainly was tiresome, especially when she did it for the better part of an entire day.

It was more mentally tiring than physical, she had to admit, but in the cold and snow it wasn't exactly light duty, either.

Unfortunately, with all that work, and with all her stretching and rolling around, she still wasn't asleep.

"Ugh..." She complained half-heartedly and rolled onto her back, looking up at the tapestry of the fabric over her bed. She snuggled under her piles of blankets. "Cold..."